When snusing, I get a gum soreness which is annoying. I think it is partially from the salt. I am experimenting with having a portion in for say merely 1/2 hour with the hope that by taking it out before only the salt is left, that maybe my gum/cheek or whatever you call it won't be so irritated. Curious how others have dealt with this. It could me because I may just be overly sensitive. I have found that drinking black or green tea causes my mouth to burn at night. Seems that tobacco is similar.
time in related to burn
When I first started, the snus would burned my gums terribly. It wasn't so bad on the first day, but by the second day, my gums were very tender and sore. It hurt, but I didn't mind too much and figured I'd get used to it or something. Anyway, the burning sensation has lessened dramatically; it's more pleasant than anything else now. So buck up, like I did! YOU'LL LEARN TO LIKE IT :twisted:
Satan had hold of my gums for like a week when I first started. However, it sounds like you've been snusing for a lot longer than that. Occasionally I'll get sore gums, but it really seems to be brand specific. It could be nicotine or salt content not sure. I can't say it's ever really bad, but it can be fairly painful. Usually then I switch to some other snus.