Hello, new Snuser with a question =o)

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  • KarlvB
    • Feb 2008
    • 681

    Datrowl, I would second the recommendation of Gotlands Yellow and maybe adding Gotlands Grey to the next order....also RL and some Metropol....

    Something else occured to me and I would like to know if anyone agrees with me...

    You mentioned that you started with Onyx.

    The fact that Onyx has significantly more nicotine than regular General portions could also have played a role in you disliking it....

    ..According to the SM website it has 11mg vs. 8mg for regular portions....that is the same as N&J......

    IMHO I think the nicotine levels in snus plays a role in the initial experience...I gave a friend three cans to help him quit (Skruf Stark, General and Granit) and even though he smoked a pack and a half a day Skruf Stark made him feel so ill he didn't use it again...

    He eventually settled on General but still only for short periods until he went cold turkey....

    This and my personal experience has led me to conclude that the nicotine levels in snus affects people differently no matter how much they smoked ....

    So here is my suggestion....don't feel you need to keep the portion in longer than you feel comfortable with it....even if that is only 10-15 minutes....

    That should give you plenty of nicotine

    "They found that the nicotine uptake from Swedish snus was initially quite fast, since the nicotine concentration in the blood increased by ca 10 ng/ml during the first 10 minutes."


    Then just pop in another one whenever you feel like it.....

    One thing that I can say is that having gone five months without a cigarette thanks to snus I cannot recommend that you stick with it enough....

    And before you know it you will be singing the praises of Grov and Gellivare...


    • anweis
      • Aug 2006
      • 70

      Originally posted by sagedil
      Try all the Wise varieties, or so I am told.

      Certainly, all the Mocca products are sweet, without being too sweet. But they a are mini's without much of a nicotine hit. Goat Rape isn't bitter at all. Lastly, try some of the white versions. White comes with a much more muted flavor, why some folks around here don't care for them that much. But that might be just what you are looking for.
      Spot on Sagedil. You are right.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        LOL, well I realized that I went over the 100 post a couple of days ago, glad I'm not always posting drivel. 8)


        • Premium Parrots
          Super Moderators
          • Feb 2008
          • 9759

          Oh!! So you think you are so ****ing smart?
          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077


            Abstract Nicotine has recently been shown to enhance measures of information processing speed including the decision time (DT) component of simple and choice reaction time and the string length measure of evoked potential waveform complexity. Both (DT and string length) have been previously demonstrated to correlate with performance on standard intelligence tests (IQ). We therefore hypothesised that nicotine is acting to improve intellectual performance on the elementary information processing correlates of IQ. In the current experiment we tested this hypothesis using the Raven Advanced Progressive Matrices (APM) test. APM scores were significantly higher in the smoking session compared to the non-smoking session, suggesting that nicotine acts to enhance physiological processes underlying performance on intellectual tasks.

            Key words Intelligence - APM - Nicotine - Smoking Cholinergic system


            • bondzai
              • Apr 2008
              • 362

              the snuses I have tried for the most part do not taste like tobacco. The only one that did was Lucky Strike. I think Goteborgs Rape does not taste like tobacco for instance. I myself even find that American Snuff doesn't all taste like tobacco for example Skoal Straight and all of its flavors.

              One of the first swedish snuses I tried was LD Black Salmiak Mini Portions. That one is a winner. Its an awesome licorice flavor.

              Another one I love which is more like chewing tobacco but is the best in stealthy use is Oliver Twist Tropical. This one is like having an anisette raisin in your cheek. It keeps its taste for a couple hours. If you want a bigger hit, you can bite it. You can move it all over your mouth. Its way smaller even than a mini portion. You can probably find them in one of the tobacco shops in your town as they are imported into the USA via a company in TN. I am not so crazy about the mint, ... the original is very smokey tasting, the wintergreen after a few tries is ok for me. I like the tropical best but sunberry is cool if you like a rasberry taste.


              • bondzai
                • Apr 2008
                • 362

                Stonewall Hard Dissolvable Snuff

                Oh yes, for something with very nice taste, go for stonewall hard snuff. Its bone dry as it is in a bubble packet like chicklets or something. It doesn't expire. It is like candy. It sits between your cheek and gum and melts. The Java is great. It tastes like one of those iced coffees at mcdonalds. The natural to me does not taste like tobacco either but more like chocolate. The wintergreen well, I will have to try that again. It was a bit too sweet. But this is way more discrete than snus because you can put it in your lower jaw. Of course you can put a big ole snus portion there too. The Hard Dissolveable Snuff does not leave a sock in your mouth. It leaves a sweet paste. Also it is about zero on the TSNA's and it is cheap at 2.69 for a twenty pack here in TN. Don't know what it costs where you are at.

                This stuff is quite potent at 4mg/portion so if its too strong, you can get its little brother which is called Ariva. Stonewall is for dippers and is three times as strong as Ariva which is for smokers. 4mg vs 1.5mg... but the pills look the same.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9759

                  Ok then............so ALL snusers are all that ****ing smart.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • Datrowl
                    • May 2008
                    • 22

                    The next chapter in the book

                    Today my new Snus came in the post, Wise Citrus Menthol FTW...

                    not sweet, but somehow does well without it, bit light at 6mg per, and i seem to go thru them FAST, like every 15 minutes or so, not too impressed with the portion bag again, alas its something i can easily overlook i believe.

                    the wine and chef " kocksnus " ..... fairly tastless other than the tast of Nic, which is a bit pithy .....makes me wonder, was it the nic tast i didn't like, or the tobacco tast?!?!? so i went back and revisited an Onyx for grins, cool, straight from the fridge, for the first time i was able to separate the tast of the salt, nic, tobacco, AND FINALLY the lemon.... i tast it all, and ....it isnt half bad.....

                    sense of tast almost back to full function, will revisit the Ettan and others now as well... i'm....excited, LOL like a kid at christmas,

                    just a side thought, those of you with experience with the Wise product line, did you notice too that they didnt seem to last near as long as other brands? i assume its due to the lack of actual tobacco to tast .... thoughts?


                    • PrisMaster
                      • May 2007
                      • 208

                      Some of my favorite flavored portions are LD (Blue) Juniper Berry, Goteborg Rape No. 2, and Mocca Pomegranate(I wish they still made Mocca Mandarin as it was amazingly good flavor). I recommend looking at all the Mocca flavors and I think you will really like the LD Juniper Berry and Goteborg Rape No. 2. The flavors are great and not overpowering. Only downside with Mocca is it only comes in mini portions. Also just read some of the descriptions at buysnus.com and northerner.com to see if there is something that interests you. Good Luck


                      • Tux
                        New Member
                        • May 2008
                        • 1

                        I'm reviving this topic to some degree, but I also, am looking for something.

                        I've tried the Camel Snus (See a pattern here?), and was looking for something more "proper". I would, of course, be looking for something that was like the following:

                        Skoal Apple
                        Skoal Peach
                        Grizzly Mint
                        Kodiak Wintergreen
                        Kodiak Mint

                        Any suggestions? Also, feel free to relay your tips here and there. Thanks.


                        • RPatrick
                          • May 2008
                          • 48

                          It seems there should be a good market developing for flavors like that. OFF ROAD makes an attempt at some of them but from what I've tasted and heard, they don't come very close at all. Their products could be very successful if they put some quality into them.

                          General Wintergreen and Catch Dry Peppermint are the closest you will find from what I've tried, and they are indeed sweet like you would expect them to be. You can buy individual cans here : http://www.iwanries.com/Swedish_Snus...4031a7$5F$C6$2


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