So I am in the lobby of the hotel about to check out fly back to London. So to kill some time thought I would post something. Here is an observation. Many of the 7-11s carry only the most popular brands of Snus. However we found that the convenience stores down in the subways carried the biggest selection. We even found a little Odens extreme fridge on the counter. I will have pictures and video from the trip later.
Snus in Stockholm
Wouldn't mind enough of Oden's Extreme to fill up any size fridge. I'm just coming up into nicotine bliss from it as I type...ahhhhh. It doesn't surprise me that this is the case with the smaller shops in the subways. I think it's all about the business of it though. The 7-11 is a monster chain of stores and they provide the managers with "support" on how to run their stores. Are the 7-11s there predominantly owned by middle easterners? I bet the snus at the smaller shops doesn't really cost much more either, if anything. Everyone is happy that way I guess and that's cool.