Swedish Match should buy Star Scientific!!

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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    Swedish Match should buy Star Scientific!!

    Star has some exciting stuff coming our way guys and gals and believe it or not it's the good old USA that might just take the lead in ultra low TSNA Tobak!! We all love snus right? right!! We all would really love snus if it were even safer to use right? right!! Well that might just be around the corner..

    Here is what I worry about.. I don't trust PM and RJR!! I would hate to see them just buy this curing technology and never implement it or even worse, just use it for weak camel and mal snus..

    Soooo.. I want some reputable Swedish company to license this technology and put it to good use with some good high nic snus... I put the report below for good reading...

    Star Scientific, Inc. (Nasdaq: CIGX) reports that it has successfully developed a moist snuff tobacco product that has extremely low levels of carcinogens — much lower than any snuff products currently in the marketplace. This new product has levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) — recognized by scientists worldwide as one of the most powerful cancer-causing agents in tobacco leaf and smoke — below 20 parts per billion (nanograms-per-gram moist weight, as used) in initial testing. This is 99% lower than the levels found in conventional American moist snuffs such as Copenhagen or Skoal, and 90% less than the level found in current “snus” products. Moist snuff products account for the largest portion of the smokeless tobacco market (73%) and this has been the fastest growing segment of the tobacco marketplace in the United States in recent years.
  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Is that not waiting for FDA approval? and it is probably going to be packed in portion material also.


    • ABW
      • May 2011
      • 793

      It's coming.. Not sure how it's packed and I like portions so....

      They could get over to Sweden and License it to say GN who still does not use steam.. I would be all over their snus.. I love the "healthy" part about snus and It would only help sweden in their fight with the EU...



      • Lcarvone
        • May 2011
        • 425

        Originally posted by ABW View Post
        , and 90% less than the level found in current “snus” products.
        "Current" as in the Camel, Marlboro, and Skoal varieties of snus or actual Swedish manufacturers? If this is the case and since I don't believe it is posted anywhere how PM and RJR manufacture their snus, this may be an inaccurate statement...


        • ABW
          • May 2011
          • 793

          Originally posted by Lcarvone
          "Current" as in the Camel, Marlboro, and Skoal varieties of snus or actual Swedish manufacturers? If this is the case and since I don't believe it is posted anywhere how PM and RJR manufacture their snus, this may be an inaccurate statement...

          I think its right on.. From what I understand it not that American Snus is high in TSNA's, it's not... It's just that American snus sucks and is not available in the quality and nic quanity that we deserve.. The Evil brains at PM just don't want us to quit smoking but the snus they do produce if fairly safe but it just blows..

          That being said, safer is always better in my book so I for one welcome it...


          • Darwin
            • Mar 2010
            • 1372

            That 99% lower TSNA level compared to current product is a bit silly. It's like saying something is 99% lower than nearly nothing. The levels in current product, Scandinavian product, are so low as to be entirely inconsequential so moving technological mountains to drastically lower it further seems fairly pointless except as a public relations sop to the anti-tobacco crowd. Far more important is whether or not the SF product is "real" snus, tastes good, and delivers a decent level of Vitamin N.


            • ABW
              • May 2011
              • 793

              I agree but stopping them is important.. Just look at our friends overseas... It also can't hurt to make it even safer.. Right?


              • Darwin
                • Mar 2010
                • 1372

                ABW it certainly can't hurt but at this point if it was discovered that snus was an outright cure for lung cancer, impotence, and the national debt it would likely make no difference to the raging blind hatred of any tobacco product by the grubby legions of anti-tobacco jihadists.


                • ABW
                  • May 2011
                  • 793

                  Never stop.. That's what they want.. I love technology and nothing gets better unless it continually gets better.. Just saying..

                  But I hear ya...


                  • chainsnuser
                    Senior Member
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 1388

                    ABW, you seem to overestimate the dangers of snusing by far.

                    Keep in mind that snus is mainly an air-dried vegetable, sprinkled with water, salt and soda, and nitrosamines are in our general diet anyway, not only in tobacco. The worst-case health studies put the risks of snusing in line with the risks of coffee-drinking. It's only the habit of smoking with it's harmful combustion-byproducts that is dangerous.

                    There is much misinformation and brainwashing around, when it comes to smokeless tobacco, and yes, it's only to keep people smoking, which ensures the profits of the cigarette industry AND a big part of the medical industry. Not to forget that smoking cuts the costs for the social insurance. A smoker dies 8 years earlier on average than a nonsmoker, that's 8 years of pension payments that don't have to be paid and probably 8 years of geriatric care that don't have to be financed. There's much incentive for many people to fool us about smokeless tobacco and the (in my eyes) exagerrated TSNA-talk is part of the brainwashing.



                    • ABW
                      • May 2011
                      • 793

                      Originally posted by chainsnuser
                      ABW, you seem to overestimate the dangers of snusing by far.

                      Keep in mind that snus is mainly an air-dried vegetable, sprinkled with water, salt and soda, and nitrosamines are in our general diet anyway, not only in tobacco. The worst-case health studies put the risks of snusing in line with the risks of coffee-drinking. It's only the habit of smoking with it's harmful combustion-byproducts that is dangerous.

                      There is much misinformation and brainwashing around, when it comes to smokeless tobacco, and yes, it's only to keep people smoking, which ensures the profits of the cigarette industry AND a big part of the medical industry. Not to forget that smoking cuts the costs for the social insurance. A smoker dies 8 years earlier on average than a nonsmoker, that's 8 years of pension payments that don't have to be paid and probably 8 years of geriatric care that don't have to be financed. There's much incentive for many people to fool us about smokeless tobacco and the (in my eyes) exagerrated TSNA-talk is part of the brainwashing.

                      Chainsnuser.. I get it, trust me.. All I am saying is that advances of any type are not only good for the public’s health but for the people in the EU putting up the good fight ... I work in a hospital and I will assure you that the lower the TSNA's... the better..(at least for me) I want the absolute lowest risk possible, that’s all...

                      I think somewhere in every snuser there is a part of them that was stoked that snus was shown to be better for them than cig's. Agree? How did Sweden get there? Advances in tech.. Every year they shoot for lower levels.. Now, to follow the same line of thinking, what"s the harm in even trying to make it better? I see none..It's not costing us anything and we stand to benefit from it..



                      • Darwin
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1372

                        ABW the current situation is that of what math guys call an asymptotic relationship which is just a fancy way of saying a point of diminishing returns. Lowering current levels of TSNAs will have essentially zero effect on the already vanishingly minor health consequences of snus so Star Scientific's claims are basically pure public relations. To be sure you are correct that we need all the public relations help we can get, both here and abroad, but we should not therefore kid ourselves that that further advances in the realm of lowering TSNAs will have any real health reduction effects.

                        Even if you are correct in stating that it isn't costing us anything the pursuit of vanishingly low levels of carcinogens could rhetorically ricochet if it inadvertently abets a perception that there is something amiss in current snus products that demands the pursuit of much lower TSNA levels. This is of course simply not true but I can see how this effort could be twisted and distorted by the intractable forces arrayed against our most excellent harm reduction strategy.


                        • ABW
                          • May 2011
                          • 793

                          Originally posted by Darwin View Post
                          ABW the current situation is that of what math guys call an asymptotic relationship which is just a fancy way of saying a point of diminishing returns. Lowering current levels of TSNAs will have essentially zero effect on the already vanishingly minor health consequences of snus so Star Scientific's claims are basically pure public relations. To be sure you are correct that we need all the public relations help we can get, both here and abroad, but we should not therefore kid ourselves that that further advances in the realm of lowering TSNAs will have any real health reduction effects.

                          Even if you are correct in stating that it isn't costing us anything the pursuit of vanishingly low levels of carcinogens could rhetorically ricochet if it inadvertently abets a perception that there is something amiss in current snus products that demands the pursuit of much lower TSNA levels. This is of course is simply not true but I can see how this effort could be twisted and distorted by the intractable forces arrayed against our most excellent harm reduction strategy.
                          I get it... I really do.. But I will always be one who thinks everything can be imporved..

                          I am standing at a counter.. I see two brands of snus. 1 gen and 1 odens.. TSNA's in gen are 2.9 per whatever and the TSNA's in the "Fake" Odens are undetectiable. There is no flavor loss between the two... I'm buying the odens...Thats all I am saying..


                          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 7035

                            Originally posted by ABW View Post
                            Star has some exciting stuff coming our way guys and gals and believe it or not it's the good old USA that might just take the lead in ultra low TSNA Tobak!! We all love snus right? right!! We all would really love snus if it were even safer to use right? right!! Well that might just be around the corner..

                            Here is what I worry about.. I don't trust PM and RJR!! I would hate to see them just buy this curing technology and never implement it or even worse, just use it for weak camel and mal snus..

                            Soooo.. I want some reputable Swedish company to license this technology and put it to good use with some good high nic snus... I put the report below for good reading...

                            Star Scientific, Inc. (Nasdaq: CIGX) reports that it has successfully developed a moist snuff tobacco product that has extremely low levels of carcinogens — much lower than any snuff products currently in the marketplace. This new product has levels of tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNAs) — recognized by scientists worldwide as one of the most powerful cancer-causing agents in tobacco leaf and smoke — below 20 parts per billion (nanograms-per-gram moist weight, as used) in initial testing. This is 99% lower than the levels found in conventional American moist snuffs such as Copenhagen or Skoal, and 90% less than the level found in current “snus” products. Moist snuff products account for the largest portion of the smokeless tobacco market (73%) and this has been the fastest growing segment of the tobacco marketplace in the United States in recent years.
                            Brother can you with to words in childe level explain what you saying sorry can not understand))


                            • ABW
                              • May 2011
                              • 793

                              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View Post
                              Brother can you with to words in childe level explain what you saying sorry can not understand))
                              Hi GN...

                              This is a process for lowering TSNA levels in moist Tobak.. Star Scientific Inc(USA) has a process that reduces Carcinogens to Non detectible levels. It might be something that would be helpful to a company looking for an advantage in the market place. It has the added benefit of being a "healthier" snus.

                              Not that you need anything like this but it is interesting..


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