FINALLY a snus that is available locally. [near chicago] I found the Tourney snus at a local speedway gas station. Tourney SUCKS BIGTIME. What an utterly waste of $. This snus will surely completely turn potential new snusers off to snus. Its the weakest in nic kick, flavor, and staying power. Save your $. You will see my tourney snus [and a few others] in the snus exchange before too long. I need to go gargle with gasoline now to get that Tourney taste out of my mouth. yuck
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
FINALLY a snus that is available locally. [near chicago] I found the Tourney snus at a local speedway gas station. Tourney SUCKS BIGTIME. What an utterly waste of $. This snus will surely completely turn potential new snusers off to snus. Its the weakest in nic kick, flavor, and staying power. Save your $. You will see my tourney snus [and a few others] in the snus exchange before too long. I need to go gargle with gasoline now to get that Tourney taste out of my mouth. yuck sucks...i'd rather dip a pinch of cope to cope with being in a pinch between snus orders....damn i'm witty
I had to resort back to the Tourney that inspired this thread in the first place, as I got lazy and spaced out on keeping up on my shipments.
I found that it wasn't that bad. Not bad at all. It is good to know that I have an alternate less than a mile away at the 24 hour Speedway when I run out of my regular stuff (doubt I'll let that happen again).
I'm just waiting for better availability of the "real" thing locally. Other than just General and Catch, which I have to drive forty some odd miles one way to Ann Arbor to buy. Factor in the gas and the tobacco taxes, and the Internet method is still much cheaper.
All in all, I'd give the Tourney a 6.25/10, up to a seven for the convenience factor. Ugly packaging and shortcomings aside, I believe it is at least closer to genuine snus than the Camel and Marlboro versions, although I haven't had a chance to try either of those. I am only going by what I have read on this forum. all said Tourney wasn't THAT bad so I tried the 3 flavors again. Now I can't get that AWFUL taste out of my mouth again. cough gag choke
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning. all said Tourney wasn't THAT bad so I tried the 3 flavors again. Now I can't get that AWFUL taste out of my mouth again. cough gag choke
Since you seem to be so impressionable, I have a bridge that I could sell you, real cheap, interested? I promise it is a killer deal. I also have some fabulous land in Florida.
No thanks. I'm broke from supporting all the kids that are said to be mine by all the gals I ever dated. :roll:
Since our tastes change I just thought I would try it again before I get rid of these tins. I had to try them again anyways.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I saw an ad today for Grand Prix snus available at a local mom and pop tobacco shop in Gresham Oregon, I was on company time today so I wasn't able to pick any up....but I will soon and post results. the tagline : "Freedom to Snus"
Maybe I should have listened to Mr. Parrots. While waiting for my shipment from I have gone through two containers of Tourney and don't feel too well today. My throat feels like I have gone though a carton of Lucky Strike non-filters. I can't seem to clear it and have been coughing all morning. I've noticed that when the Tourney starts to run it seems like the sort of really thick spit you get from Cope or Grizzly. Thankfully I found a misplaced can of Kronan in the bottom of my freezer this morning.
There comes a time in just about everyone’s life when they feel the urge to eat some red meat. Sure, a supermarket steak cooked in a frying pan might...
I blog like a madman, and Airwoodstock started a snus blog, Mr. Unloadingzone's blog was a great source of info when I started Swedish snus. I was looking...