Help my girlfriend to quit smoking

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  • extr66
    • May 2008
    • 23

    I snus AND smoke, I smoke when I'm having drinks.

    First, did many of you ex-smoker had that problem when you moved to snus? is it that irreplaceable?

    -I have quit smoking completely with Skoal Berry Blend, I just haven't found a snus that can deliver a kick like that while I'm drinking. But for quitting smoking, you have to WANT to quit because it is pleasurable to smoke.

    Second, are there any people here who started using Snus without ever smoking or consuming tobacco?

    -I smoked, dipped, and now snus.


    • Asquar
      • Mar 2008
      • 256

      Originally posted by extr66
      First, did many of you ex-smoker had that problem when you moved to snus? is it that irreplaceable?
      When I first quit smoking, I had nicotine patches, snus, Copenhagen Long Cut, and Skoal Bandits. Even with all that NRT, it took me about 15 days or so to get over terrible cravings to smoke. First I let go of the patches, then the American dip...

      ,,, but once the cravings were gone, they were truly gone, and I am completely free of any desire to smoke whatsoever. Everyone's different. I don't drink, (I'm an ex-drinker in so-called recovery) so I don't have that potential complication, but here's two things I've done that I think helped me quit smoking successfully:

      1) I picked a date (along with a friend) a full 6 weeks in advance. So for 6 weeks I hyped myself up, constantly affirming that as of Feb. 14, I will no longer smoke. I actually smoked heavily on the night of the 13th until precisely midnight, as I was out with friends, and then I stopped.

      2) I haven't had a single cigarette since; no exceptions. For me this is important, because were I to have even one, then I'm no longer a non-smoker but a smoker, because non-smokers don't smoke. And then I would no doubt begin to think again in terms of smoking vs. smoke-free situations, of when and how much to smoke. I want to be free of all of that, and since I don't smoke at all, I am.

      Snus WILL replace the nicotine component of cigarette smoking. There is absolutely no doubt about that. But it's not, of course, exactly the same experience as smoking, and if there are other psychological dependencies at work, they need to be looked at and addressed. For me, I learned after a couple of weeks that my attachment to the action of lighting up and inhaling was largely Pavlovian; I associated smoke with nicotine satisfaction. Once I got used to the snus, this association completely vanished.

      But- as with any acquired taste- there's an adjustment period. Snus doesn't dose you hard within 7 seconds like smoke does, and it doesn't burn like dip. Since I've stopped comparing it to other delivery systems and learned to appreciate it for what it is, I've found that I prefer it. I just had to be willing to suffer for a couple of weeks, while I unlearned one long-entrenched behavior and became habituated to another.


      • TropicalBob
        • Feb 2008
        • 316

        I have to make one request: Dump that damn blinking ad from your signature. Most annoying!


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by TropicalBob
          I have to make one request: Dump that damn blinking ad from your signature. Most annoying!
          AdBlock+ extension, and the FireFox browser are your friends ;^)

          I didn't know there was a banner there until I shut off AdBlock


          • TropicalBob
            • Feb 2008
            • 316

            Thanks for the suggestion. It's still annoying and unnecessary. A very bad precedent for anyone else with a product they'd like to shove down user's throats.


            • extr66
              • May 2008
              • 23

              Originally posted by TropicalBob
              Thanks for the suggestion. It's still annoying and unnecessary. A very bad precedent for anyone else with a product they'd like to shove down user's throats.
              I don't make money from the ad, but it does save people 10% from their snus orders from a really inexpensive site with fast shipping.

              Also, I took the blinking one off just for you.


              • TropicalBob
                • Feb 2008
                • 316

                Thank you. Really.


                • theguitargeek
                  • Mar 2008
                  • 24

                  Little A D D there Bob?? Just kidding!
                  Yes you are welcome to display your ad
                  but believe me we all know about
         and the affiliate program.

                  No worries


                  • Zero
                    • May 2006
                    • 1522

                    Originally posted by TropicalBob
                    Thanks for the suggestion. It's still annoying and unnecessary. A very bad precedent for anyone else with a product they'd like to shove down user's throats.
                    Yes, I agree. We all shop at buysnus and we could all post our affiliate tags here and then it would be an entire forum filled with BuySnus adverts after every post. To counter theguitargeek above, I will say that, in general, I would discourage people posting adverts, especially those which, via referral, are profitable to those who post them. We're a discussion board, not a marketplace.


                    • Zero
                      • May 2006
                      • 1522

                      Originally posted by extr66
                      I don't make money from the ad
                      ...but you get points that contribute towards free snus. Same thing.


                      • theguitargeek
                        • Mar 2008
                        • 24

                        Originally posted by Zero
                        Originally posted by TropicalBob
                        Thanks for the suggestion. It's still annoying and unnecessary. A very bad precedent for anyone else with a product they'd like to shove down user's throats.
                        Yes, I agree. We all shop at buysnus and we could all post our affiliate tags here and then it would be an entire forum filled with BuySnus adverts after every post. To counter theguitargeek above, I will say that, in general, I would discourage people posting adverts, especially those which, via referral, are profitable to those who post them. We're a discussion board, not a marketplace.
                        Agreed there Zero, I was just commenting on our freedom to say what we think here. No encouragement intended. I would also like the forum here to be advert free.


                        • extr66
                          • May 2008
                          • 23

                          I was using it here because I don't have a website, and figured everyone could save money. Oh wells, I was asked to take it down so it's gone. Carry on!


                          • theguitargeek
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 24

                            Zero, Kudos on your mastery of the so called "office Politics" style of putting this advert thing to an end. hehe lol



                            • Zero
                              • May 2006
                              • 1522

                              :lol: I do try to be diplomatic.


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