Seen a few post here that indicate USA may put the brakes on snus shippment to USA. If there is even the slightest chance of this, would you stockpile snus and deep freeze, and hope it holds up for years? I keep my snus in freezer bags in my deep freeze (0 degrees F).
Is It Time to Hoard Snus???
They're trying to put the brakes on our ability to send tobacco through the US mail. Snus from Sweden is just collateral damage. They're mainly trying to stop minors from ordering cigs online.
The bill has not yet passed the House. If it does, it must still pass the Senate, and then pass the president. A similar bill was introduced twice before by this same congressman and it failed both times.
If this does pass somehow, I will probably not stockpile. I think I would write to Swedish Match and see what they had to say. Maybe I could get a license as a local distributor or something, and then just import enough for my own personal use. Or maybe UPS would still be an option. I am taking a wait-and-see attitude.
****ing do-gooders.
This is more of the same type of socialism that has cut the Achille's tendon off of the US for years.
It's the concept of the greater good looking out for the little guy that pisses me off. "We know what's best for everyone, and since we don't agree, we'll just make you give it up so that we can feel good about ourselves. You'll thank us later."
Whatever happened to the spirit of individualism and non-dependance on Big Brother?
I expect book burnings to follow!
Hell this is all too much to comprehend. Its enough to make a guy burn his bra............Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Yes it is total BS. I don't drink but from what I understand you can buy wine online.
Is this just anti-tobacco elitism or is it big tobacco and brick & mortar retailers working to create a monopoly on tobacco sales? Either way it is a threat to free markets and you cannot have personal freedom without the freedom of markets.
Originally posted by Scott64a****ing do-gooders.
...These people always exist. It's a dark part of the imperfect spiritual nature of humankind. The only thing that changes is who they're ****ing with in order to gain the rush that comes from exerting control. And they always have good reasons- cloaked in altruism or nobility- for doing what they do: Upholding public morality, saving our children, whatever. But it's really about the lust for power. They are the control freaks. That's just the way it is.
But back to the original topic, does anyone have an idea as to how long deep-frozen snus might be stashed? If it comes to that?
Maybe this has to do with this (maybe slightly but still...nothing like a powermad gov't missing taxes):
Cigarette Taxes Are Fueling Organized Crime
It is WELL worth a read. It explains in deatail why the gov't is just plain wrong, was wrong in the past and still cannot learn from its past mistakes. (Hint: they already went through this over-taxation thing in the past and DROPPED it because of unintended consequences of crime, which made them lose more money than taxation brought in in the first place).
What would YOU do when your pack-a-smokes hits $9 and the surrounding states don't make you bend over?
Why of course! You start importing them yourself and make a princely sum! :lol:
Asquar; as far as I know, deep-frozen food (below -18°C/-0.4°F) can be kept for at least a year* so I'd give unopened snus double that.
* that's what EU packaging says AFAIK
I wouldn't worry too much about it, yet. Even if it can't be shipped via US Mail any longer, there would still be UPS, FedEx, etc. It would cost more to ship that way, of course.
And, yes, I'd imagine the prohibitionists(let's call them what they are)figure largely into this. Without even seeing the data, I can tell you that kids in the USA do not need to order cigarettes online. Reason one: You need a debit/credit card most places, and most kids under 18 don't have them. Reason two: No reason to mess with ordering online when all you have to do is find an 18-year old with no scruples to buy them for you. or a clerk willing or dumb enough to risk it---THAT'S how kids get cigarettes in ther US. Hasn't changed much since I was a kid.
No, snus is what they're trying to get at here. No sense in going after Camels and Cope through the mail when it is available to every kid in the nation at every gas station on every corner. Snus IS making inroads here---otherwise, Liggett and Lorillard would not be jumping into the game a full year or so after RJR and PM. Marlboro and Camel must have had at least some success.
And, you can bet your last prilla that Swedish Match and other Swedish manufacturers are watching. If it continues to succeed, they would all be incredibly foolish not to grab market share here.
That, of course, has the prohibitionists scared----specifically because this time the science is NOT on their side, and they know it. They will fight it tooth and nail, ignoring the facts whenever appropriate, spreading whatever disinformation they can, and showing their true colors once and for all.
And then, maybe, this whole War on Tobacco will end.
Hey, a fella can dream, can't he?
Well, I guess if a ban actually succeeded I guess I'd probably meet somebody in Canada that'd receive my shipments, then make a drive across the border every six months(I do live in MN). We can do the same thing for Cuban cigars. It's funny that they'd make my tobacco habit essentially the same as pot smokers right now. Maybe I'd feel more like I'm in the "in" crowd
I tend to actually find it most believable that this is somehow related to increasing RJR and PM tobacco marketshare. They do still have a bit of power on the hill, and the gov't is corrupt as ever right now (and I don't mean only at the highest levels, local gov't is just as bad/worse these days).
Ultimately this'll probably come in front of the Supreme Court (could be decades or merely years) - hopefully they'll make the right decision.
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