New and with a question

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  • darkwing
    • Oct 2007
    • 415

    Latina, when you are here in Canada the rule (according to the Northerner website, anyway) is to order no more than 5 tins at a time, that way they can out them in a simple envelope which escapes the customs inspectors. I had 3 orders get caught, and it slows the delivery by a week and doubles the price. However, in the world's most tobacco-phobic country - a country where a pack of cigs costs $9 (on a par with the American $), there is no smoking anywhere indoors or, in many places, 6-9 metres from doorways and not at all on most university campuses or hospital grounds, where it is illegal to smoke in a car with kids, and where tobacco usually cannot even be legally displayed in a shop, I am amazed that I can order snus from Sweden so efficiently and cheaply and nobody really seems to care. Yet...


    • Latina
      • May 2008
      • 65

      Thanks Darkwing! I’ll follow your advice for purchasing snus from there (5 cans at the time!). Two other questions :roll: : is it better to order with UPS or with the Swedish airmail? Both and Northerner work well from Canada or you had a better experience with one or the other?


      • Starcadia
        • May 2008
        • 646

        I've been using airmail from BuySnus because it's VERY fast and I don't have to deal with any customs issues or fees associated with UPS. I highly recommend airmail.


        • Latina
          • May 2008
          • 65

          Gracias Starcadia, that's also good news 'cause UPS is expensive*. I can't wait to get to Canada and order from there.
          Day 9 since the day it was shipped to Buenos Aires and still no snus under my lip :cry: I'm getting really impatient! :x even though I knew it was going to take time

          *I don't know how much UPS charge for 8 cans to europe (or Yurop.. Zero's map dixit) or north america, but to Buenos Aires it was 48 us! :shock:


          • eli
            • Apr 2008
            • 243

            Youch! I tend to get my orders in 5-7 days with the standard shipping from buysnus or Northerner... I placed an order on Monday and expect to receive it tomorrow or Saturday. I do not envy you.


            • Latina
              • May 2008
              • 65

              I RECEIVED MY SNUS TODAY!!!! I posted about online orders snus to Argentina here:
              Ten days was not that bad considering how far from everywhere we are here in BA!

              I now have:

              Mini Portions:
              Göteborgs rapé
              Catch dry eucalyptus
              Catch dry cassis mentol
              Tre Ankare

              Regular Portions:
              Catch Licorice
              Catch Eucalyptus
              General white
              General silver

              All came in a fine presented Try out box with a catalog from Swedish Match

              I'll be giving my impressions soon! I hope this help me stop smoking! I've been smoking for 13 years; I tried to stop and I only succeeded for a couple of months and then went back to it :twisted:


              • eli
                • Apr 2008
                • 243


                Interested in hearing your opinion of the goteborgs rape portions, I'll be opening mine as soon as the last of these Roda Lacket Portions are gone (2 left, damn they're good!).

                I'm not a fan of the "catch" line, but those who like them seem to put them on the tops of their lists.

                I, like you, started with a try-out box (northerner's 20 tin portion box), I liked some and managed to trade away what I didn't like.

                Happy snusing!


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