New and with a question

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  • Latina
    • May 2008
    • 65

    New and with a question

    Hi everyone, I'm new here in the forum, and I think I might be the only latin american here.
    I just started with snus, after several (and failed) attempts to quit smoking.
    I discovered snus from some friends from Norway living in Buenos Aires, and decided to try buying online from Northener. I’m still waiting.. it might take forever to arrive here, being so far away from everywhere (and specially Sweden!). I hope I don’t have too much trouble with customs, as this country is completely unpredictable.
    I bought 8 tins, all in portions (mostly mini pouches) but I’m thinking about having some loose in case I run out of portions while waiting for the following order to “travel the world and the seven seas” to get here. The thing is that I have never tried loose: do you have any suggestions about which one could be the most appropriate loose to start? Also, how do I do it? (I mean how much and how to press it..).
    Hope you can help me and sorry for my broken english!
  • eli
    • Apr 2008
    • 243

    I would really recommend Goteborgs Prima Fint or Roda lacket Loose, both are very subtle in flavor and the former is really easy to hand bake, although I would also suggest throwing the approximate $2.50 USD to get a prismaster, it's a cheap way to get a good lump of snus without worrying about dirtying one's hands and a lot cheaper than an icetool (although if you're going to continue to use los it's a worthy investment).

    Welcome to the community!


    • Latina
      • May 2008
      • 65

      Thanks Eli! after reading about the prismaster (I did not know what it was) I went to and saw what it was. I read about the icetool in the forum but never about the prismaster. I will get one when I order some loose! I took also note on the advise on the loose snus..


      • RPatrick
        • May 2008
        • 48


        One thing to remember is that snus is much stronger than cigarettes. It is a good idea to start with mini portions and take them out when you start to get too dizzy. After a few days you will adjust to the strength of snus.

        Loose snus can be even stronger than the portions, but you can use your fingers to form a small lump of snus that is the right size for you. Just press the snus together with your fingers until it is firm. Place the snus in your upper lip. You may need to spit the saliva out until you are used to the snus.

        There are flavors made just for women, be sure to try those.

        I hope you can quit smoking, it will change your life.


        • Latina
          • May 2008
          • 65

          Hola texano!! gracias for the good advices! I prefer to try at the beginning with the mini portions, but I wanted to know about the loose because I imagine (maybe it's not like that) that one can last more. So I thought about having one in the freezer just in case I run out of portion snus.
          I just came back from smoking outside and I am getting tired of the distraction of leaving the office everytime I have the nicotine abstinence... working gets complicated! I need to quit smoking!
          saludos y gracias :wink:


          • Scott64a
            • May 2008
            • 27

            Good luck in quitting smoking!

            It's no good for you, ad there are better/more discreet ways to enjoy your stimulants.

            I like pouches, because I don't have to worry about any of those annoying little pieces going between my teeth. Plus, I can hide a pouch easier than los snus.
            I can leave it in for an hour or more, and nobody is the wiser.

            I ride a nice mellow nicotine high all day and don't even want a cigarette.

            Welcome aboard.

            What part of Buenos Aires are you in? I've always wanted to go there or Brasil, but have never really met anyone from there.
            Argentina seems like it has a lot of fun to offer, but are Americans welcome there?


            • eli
              • Apr 2008
              • 243

              I'd think you'd do fine in Argentian as long as your last name isn't "Bush".


              • RPatrick
                • May 2008
                • 48

                It is true that a can of loose will last longer than a can of portions. There is a lot more tobacco in each can of loose. I like to use loose when I am at home. The loose also feels better in my mouth. The portion bags can cause irritation after time and make my mouth feel rough.

                Unfortunately, there are fewer flavors made in loose form. If you are looking for something sweet, try Probe Loose. If sweetness does not matter, eli made good suggestions above. Be careful trying the OFF ROAD flavors because they sound good but the quality is not good.

                Cuidate mucho mi amiga



                • TropicalBob
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 316

                  You're wise to start with mini portions. You work in an office and you certainly don't want to advertise your snus use by grinning at someone while tobacco bits drizzle down your front teeth. You might never need loose. I tried it once. Enough.

                  There's another young woman here, Yummi4tunekookie, who has tried many brands in her attempt to quit smoking. She might offer specific suggestions for you. But I know from trying them them that the Vertigos are tasty, and the Romeo y Julieta Senorita is excellent. I'm fond of the CatchDry Peppermint, as well.

                  Good luck kicking your habit. It's been 10 months since I last smoked a cigarette (yeh, I still want one, but snusing get me through the urges).


                  • Latina
                    • May 2008
                    • 65

                    Originally posted by Scott64a
                    Argentina seems like it has a lot of fun to offer, but are Americans welcome there?
                    You know... not so long ago I read an
                    article about the subject you were bringing, that said:
                    “You might think the U.S. would be most unpopular in places traditionally considered hostile to American policy - Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Russia, Syria, etc. But according to a poll by The Chicago Council on Global Affairs and, Argentina leads the list of countries that distrust the U.S. and its role in world affaire”.

                    Actually, according to the poll the leading anti American was Palestina, but as “technically, at least, the Palestinian territories are not yet a country” that was leaving Argentina as the first.
                    I remember I was really surprised when I read that.. I mean, here is really clear the opposition on the U.S involvement in global affaires, but I was surprised about being in the first place. Anyway, beyond all these, and to answer your question, I think Argentineans separate U.S foreign policies from concrete U.S citizens. I never, ever heard any bad attitude towards Americans, and lately -as it became a cheap convenient destination- Buenos Aires is packed of American tourists.
                    So, I think that Eli is right when says “I'd think you'd do fine in Argentina as long as your last name isn't "Bush".
                    Anyway, all that said, I think there’s a difference between the opposition of the foreign policies of the U.S and being “anti-american” as suggested by that article's title.
                    If you ever decide to come, contact me and I'll show you around the city


                    • Scott64a
                      • May 2008
                      • 27

                      Yeah, it's hard to be an American these days, since our major corporations and government puppets have been spending the last 100 years wrenching every bit of profit from the world around us at the cost of our foreign relations.

                      Sadly, when I go abroad, I have a lot of people ask why we let our government do the things it does, or worse, ask "How come you Americans do [this], or [that] to all of these places, people, economies, you name it?

                      We are not really in control of our government, and so I can't claim responsibility for any of my government's actions. Ah, well.

                      People are essentially good wherever one travels and thanks for the offer of hospitality.


                      • Latina
                        • May 2008
                        • 65

                        Originally posted by Scott64a
                        We are not really in control of our government, and so I can't claim responsibility for any of my government's actions. Ah, well.
                        I completely understand what you mean. Here in Argentina we suffered a bloody dictatorship. At that time it was clear to say we could not control a government, which was ruling by direct terror, torture and assassination. But a few years after, we got democracy back and we had an institutional and elected government that was also terrible and destructing. I guess at that time we started to understand that sometimes even through the appearance of institutional elections there is something that we either don’t control or can’t explain. I guess the powers that be learned to control by other means of (less direct) terror.
                        I really hope the current election process in the U.S bring wonderful changes for all of you Americans. I felt touched by that Obama’s speech that was used afterwards for the “yes we can” video… made me remember when I read “Democracy in America” by Alexis de Tocqueville. Whether is Obama Hillary (or whoever it is), I hope thing change for the best for everyone


                        • Dead Rabbit
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 315

                          Originally posted by Scott64a
                          Yeah, it's hard to be an American these days, since our major corporations and government puppets have been spending the last 100 years wrenching every bit of profit from the world around us at the cost of our foreign relations.

                          Sadly, when I go abroad, I have a lot of people ask why we let our government do the things it does, or worse, ask "How come you Americans do [this], or [that] to all of these places, people, economies, you name it?

                          We are not really in control of our government, and so I can't claim responsibility for any of my government's actions. Ah, well.

                          People are essentially good wherever one travels and thanks for the offer of hospitality.
                          the old me would have responded to this....the new me sticks to snus. but damn dude...nope...not going to do it


                          • Slydel
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 421

                            Originally posted by Scott64a
                            Yeah, it's hard to be an American these days, since our major corporations and government puppets have been spending the last 100 years wrenching every bit of profit from the world around us at the cost of our foreign relations.

                            Sadly, when I go abroad, I have a lot of people ask why we let our government do the things it does, or worse, ask "How come you Americans do [this], or [that] to all of these places, people, economies, you name it?

                            We are not really in control of our government, and so I can't claim responsibility for any of my government's actions. Ah, well.
                            I agree with Scott64a. We don't get the best people at election time. It is hard to be an optimist thinking the glass is half full when it is full of crap.

                            On a lighter note, I think Probe Los is a nice start. It is so hard to give recommendations when we don't know yet what you like. So I continue on, another los snus that I have recently tried is LD Red los. It is a lot like a lot of the standard los snuses but has a cranberry/citrus flavor that compliments the tobacco very well. I suppose we will know more once you let us know what you think of the portions you get to try.

                            Take Care


                            • Latina
                              • May 2008
                              • 65

                              THANKS Slydel
                              I’ve only tried mocca mint (I liked it) general mini (I absolutely loved it) and mocca anis (I hated it, but that’s not surprising as I usually don’t like anis).
                              My order from Northener was shipped may 7th. Tomorrow is going to be a week since that, but I guess I’m going to have to wait longer to get the stuff here in BA. I really hope it takes less than a month as I’m traveling in the first days of june!!.
                              Anyway, I’ll be in Montreal for two months so I guess I will order a lot there to accumulate for when I back in Buenos Aires.
                              The only thing I’m worried about is for what I have been reading in the forum, Canadian customs can get tough with the taxing.. but well.. I'm sure is easier than from here! :?


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