So I posted before about snuscentral having an American warehouse becaue they deliver to me so fast. You guys responded saying they only have a Swedish warehouse. I ordered from them on Friday afternoon of last week. Monday morning at 9:30 am, my snus was waiting for me in work. Is it really possible that SNUS was shipped from Sweden late Friday my time and got to me before 10 a.m. Monday morning? I mean, I guess its possible since it happened, but really? From Sweden?
- do get a tracking number and it does state the shipment originates in sweden.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Sounds like competence to me. Vendor gets it out the door quickly and UPS does their job correctly. Flight time from Stockholm to Chicago is 9 hours and 5 minutes. I don't mean to say the packages go to O'hare International Airport, but they load the product on a truck, it goes to a processing facility then an airport in Sweden, flies to an airport in the USA, then travels by truck via processing facilities to your house over the weekend. Too bad it doesn't always work out that well with everyone else!
Originally posted by BadAxe View PostBut Friday afternoon ordered and received Monday morning? Thats like, not even a day, being that UPS really doesn't work on weekends, except in special, well paid exceptions. lol. I am not complaining though, thats for sure, not after experiencing the complete opposite with Northerner.
All I know is that my orders also arrive in 2-3 business days and go through a helluva a journey. I kept track of my last package and it went through like 5 places! Started in Sweden, went through Germany, then east coast US, midwest and then to me! Pretty amazing how fast my package arrived for how many stops it made. I hope my delivery placed last night for all new Skruf products arrives just as quickly!
Originally posted by russki View PostYou've also got to take into consideration the time zone difference... I believe it approximates to roughly 3 days, which is what I would expect paying that kind of shipping, even if it is international.
You've got it mixed up, if they were behind us that would be impressive...the way it stands, time 'goes backwards' when the package is sent to the US. Either way, for the price I think it is on par with what I would expect, although I am impressed with the speed at which they prepare/ship the packages.
Originally posted by russki View PostYou've got it mixed up, if they were behind us that would be impressive...the way it stands, time 'goes backwards' when the package is sent to the US. Either way, for the price I think it is on par with what I would expect, although I am impressed with the speed at which they prepare/ship the packages.
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