GN vs. Gajane

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  • Roo
    • Jun 2008
    • 3446

    GN vs. Gajane

    Dear brother GN,

    There has been much confusion regarding your relationship with the distributor Gajane, Inc. As you know, GN, my favorite portion snus is Odens Extra Stark Original Portion. My favorite lössnus is Oden Extreme Lös. I understand that one (Extreme), was your vision, and the other (Original Odens), was not. Is this correct? Please bring some clarification to this issue, once and for all, to the members of Snuson. Did you have anything to do with Odens Original ES Lös or Portion? Was it your idea?

    Most important: Did the brothers Vogel make this product?? What has changed in the last year with your snus production? Who represents Gajane??

    We know who represents GN and Odens Extreme. That much is clear. But please, brother GN, shed some light for us on Gajane. For me. I know this is a tired subject for you, but many of us are still confused.

    xoxo, Roo
  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    My name is Gevorg Nalbandyan and i am " el comandante " both in Gajane and GN .
    No you did not understand right both where My vision But in that time the Company WHO We asked did not have that much possibilitys My idea was Strong snus With the good taste and after several trys We accept That Odens Extr Stark Can not answer WHO produce it Gajane represent GUAYS .


    • whalen
      • May 2009
      • 6593

      Very Swenglish! I knew that! But you still have some splainin to do! I will leave it at that...........................!
      wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


      • Nate5700
        • May 2011
        • 58

        I think this got covered pretty well in the other thread. Gajane is the distributor, GN is a subsidiary of Gajane and represents Gajane's first attempt to manufacture their own snus. What the GN factory doesn't produce Gajane subs the manufacture to "a major Scandinavian snus manufacturer", and I think the top suspect at the moment is V2, which GN can't confirm. It also sounds like that most of Gajane's brands will transition to being produced by GN in the future. Right now the best way to tell the difference seems to be the design of the can. Probably also worth pointing out that the words "Made in Sweden" are shown prominently on the GN cans, but I went and looked just now at my can of Oden's Original Los and didn't find a similar mark (which would make sense if it is indeed made by V2). Clear as mud?


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          No No No

          Everyone knows Gajane is an international agent of malice.................. who chased GN into the woods..............terrorized the girls........overtook the factory...............spammed snuson..............and refused to turn the bathroom lights off everytime he was finished.

          Frosted and Whalen bought some leotards and a cape....................flew to Sweden and rescued GN..................but alas.................Gajane strike again.......................when least expected.
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
            • Mar 2011
            • 7035

            Originally posted by Nate5700
            I think this got covered pretty well in the other thread. Gajane is the distributor, GN is a subsidiary of Gajane and represents Gajane's first attempt to manufacture their own snus. What the GN factory doesn't produce Gajane subs the manufacture to "a major Scandinavian snus manufacturer", and I think the top suspect at the moment is V2, which GN can't confirm. It also sounds like that most of Gajane's brands will transition to being produced by GN in the future. Right now the best way to tell the difference seems to be the design of the can. Probably also worth pointing out that the words "Made in Sweden" are shown prominently on the GN cans, but I went and looked just now at my can of Oden's Original Los and didn't find a similar mark (which would make sense if it is indeed made by V2). Clear as mud?
            Nate5700 99,9 % right


            • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
              • Mar 2011
              • 7035

              Originally posted by Snusdog View Post
              No No No

              Everyone knows Gajane is an international agent of malice.................. who chased GN into the woods..............terrorized the girls........overtook the factory...............spammed snuson..............and refused to turn the bathroom lights off everytime he was finished.

              Frosted and Whalen bought some leotards and a cape....................flew to Sweden and rescued GN..................but alas.................Gajane strike again.......................when least expected.
              Gajanes guajanes it is not good snusdog;(


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