Skruf Stark

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  • Scott64a
    • May 2008
    • 27

    Skruf Stark

    Well, I got home this morning to find my order of Skruf Stark portionsnus arrived yesterday while I was at work!

    I had been getting by with Copenhagen pouches by using them as one would snus. The taste was pure awful, but they supply one with plenty of nicotine.

    Also, I had picked up a tin of Camel original flavor snus, and I have to admit, even though they tasted like Nestea with lemon, and were tiny, they tasted good and worked.

    Now, at long last I have had the real thing. Of course, the tins all went in the fridge, and I opened the first one as soon as I could. I was instantly hit with the smell of tea and bergamot, which I like a lot. I take Earl Grey hot with a little honey, for future reference.

    The portions were moist and fresh, and I found I had to try one right away, so I swished with water, sucked the area above my lip dry and popped one in. How swell.

    The portion fits in there nicely and if one presses it flat, one may conceal it nicely there. I got a nice little burn, and enjoyed that pouch for an hour or more while wife, child and I did a little shopping.
    It's got a bit of a saltiness to it, but the bergamot is a nice touch. This is way better than dipping could ever be!

    One gets a decent nicotine kick from them, too. I bet I can make each tin last two or three days at least.

    Now, at $4.50 per pack for cigarettes, and $4.69 per tin for Copenhagen, these are far better quality than dip and way easier on the gums, and at $4.00 per tin, they seem a bargain for such a good product.

    I can see where R.J. Reynolds found their inspiration for their Original flavor snus, but they had to make it small and sweet to appease a mass market of idiots who like things easy and will settle for a fascimile rather than the true thing.

    The tins Skruf comes in are plastic, and retain a nice seal while offering a place to stow a pack in the top lid. This will come in handy when I get a call and have to remove a fresh pouch while at work.

    Kudos to snus, now it's time to do some more shopping for more so I can anticipate another glorious shipment to try.

  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    Cool! I haven't tried the Stark portions, but the SS los is one of my favorites. If you like strong portions, check out Nick and Johnny. I recently got some N&J West, and they seem to be pretty much like regular N&J, only as a white portion. But the regular N&J is more flavorful IMHO, and I think I prefer it.


    • eli
      • Apr 2008
      • 243

      I've been trying Knox los lately (basically doing a side-by-side with Granit los as which "bargain" los I'd prefer). I like the flavor of the Knox better, but it is really tearing up the inside of my upper lip... this is making me hesitant to try my Skruf Stark Los I've got sitting in the freezer.

      I can handle Knox and Skruf Stark portions just fine though.


      • Scott64a
        • May 2008
        • 27

        I may have to try N&J next order, but I wouldn't mind something a little sweeter. Just a little.

        Maybe Probe Whiskey.

        As for burn, I don't get much of one with the portions of Skruf Stark. The worst is Copenhagen. It leaves a sore spot for days and leaves a leathery patch.

        I may go to Skruf original, because the Stark is STRONG! Not that I mind nicotine, but I have gotten a mild headache from these if I use them all day. I suppose I could just take the portions out sooner, but they taste so good.

        Side note:
        I have a friend at work here who just quit smoking, and she went to dip as I did. I gave her a portion of SS to try, and I hope she likes it.
        You may see her here asking around; she's cool as hell.


        • extr66
          • May 2008
          • 23

          I have a roll of N&J coming, and I love Skruf Stark. I usually double load them.

          You better believe I'm double loading N&J!


          • Scott64a
            • May 2008
            • 27



            • eli
              • Apr 2008
              • 243

              I usually only use a strong portion in the morning to kind of jump-start the nicotine levels, I may have one again after lunch. The rest of the time it's usually los, or just regular portions.


              • extr66
                • May 2008
                • 23

                In the morning I usually double barrel Elixyrs after I have a coffee or two.


                • eli
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 243

                  The "Power" snus? I've got too many bad reviews.. although buysnus did send me a free tin of Elyxr peppermint I'm afraid to open... (not keen on heavily flavored snus to begin with)

                  Eh, I try not to double up, I don't want to get my nic requirement that high. I'd be blowing through a can or more a day, and that'd make my wife very unhappy, she very much likes the fact that my snusing is cheaper than my smoking was.

                  Oh after a few days in the fridge the Knox has mellowed out a bit and no longer seems to harsh.

                  Ordered a roll of N&J the other day, they've got a good nic hit and the flavor can't be beat.


                  • Dead Rabbit
                    • Mar 2008
                    • 315

                    i'm a sicko junkie with three nick and j potions in. i do this alot.


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9759

                      geez are lookin for that FINAL nic kick?

                      Or just trying to live up to your name DEAD Rabbit?

                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • extr66
                        • May 2008
                        • 23

                        I'm to the point where I need at least 2 of strong portions, I guess it comes from smoking/dipping. I leave my portions in for so long that I only need about half a can a day. I don't swallow either, and I constantly tongue/suck the portions so I get some spit. I think this comes from when I used to dip.

                        I haven't tried the peppermint Elixyr yet, but the normal power one is pretty good, tastes like normal tobacco to me.


                        • theguitargeek
                          • Mar 2008
                          • 24

                          Hey mark that in a sticky or something We have a POSITIVE on Elixer Power.
                          Mine hit file 13 quickly


                          • sagedil
                            • Nov 2007
                            • 7077

                            Hey, I already posted a while ago about my love for Elyxr. But tasting like normal tobacco?? LMAO. The stuff tastes like shit, I promise.

                            But, my caffeine addiction is worse than my nicotine addiction. Being able to address both first thing in the morning is a god send to me. So yes, I like Elyxr just fine, but NOT for the taste


                            • eli
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 243

                              I'd just get a coffee maker with a clock on it so the coffee is ready when I get up....

                              N&J or a Skruf Stark portion and coffee is bliss.


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