Loose vs. Portions

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  • SteveInNY
    New Member
    • May 2008
    • 7

    Loose vs. Portions

    In the short time I have been using Snus & sampling different brands I have noticed that the most intense "flavored" snus are the portion variety ie: Catch Peppermint, Wise, General Wintergreen et al.
    The loose flavored snus such as Goteborg Rape, Probe and Roda to name a few are more subtle in their use of flavoring. I am seeing this the right way & portions more "flavored" than loose "flavored" snus?
  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    I think this is true. It may be because the lös is marketed more for the "hard core" tobacco users, and portions are geared toward more casual users, or people who are looking for a nicotine alternative to smoking, and may prefer flavors along the lines of those found in breath mints, lozenges or chewing gum...

    ... but I'm just speculating. I don't really know. I like both; loose at home, and portions when out and about.


    • SteveInNY
      New Member
      • May 2008
      • 7

      Great observation. Whatever the reason I like loose and portions as well. The convenience of pouches is great when I'm at work. Next I'm waiting to open a few cans to compare a few brands loose vs portions such as Probe, Got. Rape, and Roda to name a few. It should be interesting. Steve


      • RPatrick
        • May 2008
        • 48

        I've noticed this too. I think it is also true for the same brand's los vs portions. I have tried General and Probe, both in los and portion form, and in both cases the portions were more strongly flavored than the los.

        My theory is that if they would take the same formula used for the los and put it in portion bags, the end product would have a weaker taste due to the filtering or interference effects of the pouches. To compensate for this, the formula for making portion tobacco had to be strengthened.


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