Almost done....

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  • BuLLitz
    • Jun 2009
    • 180

    Almost done....

    I have been doing quite well over the past year with snus usage. I have been primarily doing the purified snus (Oomp).
    I have been excersizing too. I lost more than 50lbs from May of 2010 to May of 2011.
    Quitting smoking by doing SNUS has enabled much of my progress because I can BREATHE!

    For my 1 year anniversary of fitness, I had planned a 4-day hike along the highest mountain peaks in the southern half of the continental US (San Gorgonio mountain(s)).

    Just days before my trip (Memorial Day weekend), I ended up in the hospital. Heart Attack. For cryin out loud... I am only in my 40's.

    My right coronary artery was 99% blocked. The doctors are stumped as to how/why that happened since I have done so well over the last year.
    They did the angioplasty and stent to correct my artery.

    As part of my treatment, which is ongoing, they want me to quit ALL forms of nicotine.
    And dammit, I think I should quit.

    I am curerntly doing the 3mg Oomph and am only doing two pouches per day. I manage that by cutting them in half.

    I don't like having to do that because when you are on the go, you cannot carry around 'half' snus. So, I need some help.

    Is there a place that I can purchase mini wrappers? My thought is to re-pack the Oomph's into 3'rds and fill with green tea.
    Is there anyone that sells a 1mg snus? I aint quite ready for nicotine free....
    Anyone know if I can special order Oomph at 1mg?

    Anyone got a better idea?
  • WickedKitchen
    • Nov 2009
    • 2528

    if you're down to a portion a day split into two then the final hurdle is probably mostly mental. I'm wicked sorry to hear about your heart scare. Imagine if your body was in the same shape it was a year ago...might not have had the opportunity to post that. Good for you, man. You saved your life.

    I've heard people make their own portions out of coffee filters. I don't know how you'd hold them together though if you pre-made them. maybe just make them wrapped more than necessary with the filter then unwrapping most of it and tearing it off when you're ready to use it. That would probably work. I applaud you for that effort though.

    there are green tea snus out there and of course nic-free snus. I haven't tried any of that so I can't comment but the non tobacco dips are for the birds.

    with that little amount of purified snus could you not just use it without a wrapper all together? even if you swallowed that amount I don't think it would make a difference.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Congrats on becoming a healthier person and it sucks that you had such a scare.
      Honestly, the best thing I can think of would be to use a empty tea bag, they sell them empty on amazon and stuff. There is a thread on this forum somewhere.

      Good luck man.


      • Premium Parrots
        Super Moderators
        • Feb 2008
        • 9758

        a lot of people use this
        Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

        I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


        • BuLLitz
          • Jun 2009
          • 180

          Originally posted by WickedKitchen
          Imagine if your body was in the same shape it was a year ago...might not have had the opportunity to post that. Good for you, man. You saved your life.
          THAT is EXACTLY what all of my doctors are telling me!


          • Ansel
            • Feb 2011
            • 3696

            I'm very sorry to hear about your heart attack. Loonic snus has low nic snus so you can cut down but it may have ginseng in which may or may not be good for your heart. I would recommend taking an allicin supplement which is basically the stabilised part of the garlic plant that is supposed to be good for your heart, but of course check with your doctor first. Best of luck.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              Thats awesome bro! Your story made me think of this song lol, hope everythings out well for ya!


              • hippiebrian
                • Apr 2011
                • 36

                Glad you're okay! I had a heart attack 2 years ago, at 47 years old, and had a smoke when I left the hospital! I smoked another year before discovering p.v.'s and subsequentally snus. I hope you can give it up, but I'm proof that, if you can't, it may be okay. My last cardiologist appointment was while I was still smoking (very near the end) and he gave me the thumbs up, saying that I was fine and he'd see me in a year.

                A year later, not smoking, I can ride a bicycle 60 plus miles (working towards my first century) and am in better health than I was in my thirties.


                • ABW
                  • May 2011
                  • 793

                  Good job...CA is a sweet place to ride I bet...


                  • Darwin
                    • Mar 2010
                    • 1372

                    If one takes away the manifest hazards of smoking tobacco what about nicotine by itself is so deleterious to cardiac health? I'd think there would be a big uptick in virtually all aspects of cardiac heath by switching from smoking to snus. I'm pretty sure the typical smoking related heart attack has very little to do with the actual nicotine content of the burning inhaled tobacco leaf and wildly more to do with the mass quantities of carbon monoxide inhaled and the lengthy list of other chemical villains present. One's post attack condition would have to be extremely poor indeed to be adversely affected by continued us of snus unless perhaps one is chaining sterks on the hour every hour. Artery blockage takes years to occur and the extreme percentage of 99 quoted above surely must mean there were plenty of other causal lifestyle factors other than smoking that contributed.

                    Quitting smoking cold and henceforth using snus only would do little or nothing to clear arterial blockages. At the 99% blockage level it's highly unlikely that any lifestyle change would help all that much and intrusive medical intervention would be a must. A lot of people, doctors included, automatically conflate nicotine usage with smoking hence the proscription on "nicotine". Doctors are just as clueless about the benign aspects of snus usage, or even its existence for that matter, as the general populace and combined with the near automatic assumption that "nicotine" automatically implies smoking means their reaction is predictable if unfortunate. Quitting snus may or may not be a laudable goal in itself but there is little reason to panic about one's nic intake in cardiac cases unless one's intake is really huge. I'm not just blowing, er, smoke about this because that's the story I've gotten from one of the few docs, a cardiologist no less, that is in fact aware of snus and its benign nature. That may just be what is called "confirmation bias" but hey I'll go with it since not one other physician I've spoken to has even heard of the product.


                    • ABW
                      • May 2011
                      • 793

                      Originally posted by BuLLitz
                      I have been doing quite well over the past year with snus usage. I have been primarily doing the purified snus (Oomp).
                      I have been excersizing too. I lost more than 50lbs from May of 2010 to May of 2011.
                      Quitting smoking by doing SNUS has enabled much of my progress because I can BREATHE!

                      For my 1 year anniversary of fitness, I had planned a 4-day hike along the highest mountain peaks in the southern half of the continental US (San Gorgonio mountain(s)).

                      Just days before my trip (Memorial Day weekend), I ended up in the hospital. Heart Attack. For cryin out loud... I am only in my 40's.

                      My right coronary artery was 99% blocked. The doctors are stumped as to how/why that happened since I have done so well over the last year.
                      They did the angioplasty and stent to correct my artery.

                      As part of my treatment, which is ongoing, they want me to quit ALL forms of nicotine.
                      And dammit, I think I should quit.

                      I am curerntly doing the 3mg Oomph and am only doing two pouches per day. I manage that by cutting them in half.

                      I don't like having to do that because when you are on the go, you cannot carry around 'half' snus. So, I need some help.

                      Is there a place that I can purchase mini wrappers? My thought is to re-pack the Oomph's into 3'rds and fill with green tea.
                      Is there anyone that sells a 1mg snus? I aint quite ready for nicotine free....
                      Anyone know if I can special order Oomph at 1mg?

                      Anyone got a better idea?

                      I feel for you and wish you all the best... I love nicotine also but it does have certain effects on the vascular system.. That's it.. No questions about it.. I work in the field and just for kicks check my bp sometimes before and after a snus.. Depending on the nic level.. I always notice a proportional jump in Dystolic pressure so it does tend to "tighten"the veins...

                      As you and all the other "enlightened" people on snsuon know it is much safer than smoking and could have very well saved your life but my advice is to do exactly what your cardiologist says to do... Exactly!! I can assure you that life is more precious than snus..

                      Play it safe and congrats on the lifestyle mod...


                      • whalen
                        • May 2009
                        • 6593

                        Anyone got a better idea?

                        Yes, your small nicotine intake is a minimal risk. I have a Quintuple bypass and have learned to snus with it. Just take it easy and you should have no problems at all.
                        wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!

