New Snuser

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  • kinesthetic
    • May 2008
    • 22

    I just got back from a 4 day 25 mile backpacking trip in the mountains. I never felt really winded untill the final big climb out of a gorge today. It's only been about 3 weeks since my Last cigarette but before I quit I would have been huffing for air after the first hill. At first it was a bit uncomfortable going into the wilderness with no smokes as smoking was always something I enjoyed doing while taking a break on the trail. I have had an unopened pack of cigarettes (though its a brand I can't stand) in my room for the last 3 weeks. It was there "just in case" but I left it at home. Well after the first day I never though of smoking and was enjoying hikiing, snusing, and breathing too much too miss it. Something about Gotlands Grey and mountain air... a rank burning cigarette is the last thing on your mind.


    • Snusophile
      • May 2008
      • 531

      Well here is an update on my situation. I received my order on Thursday, exactly 4 days from shipping! I am impressed! I have to say, I absolutely LOVE my snus now. It tastes amazing, and I'm noticing different flavor notes every time I use it. The Roda Lacket has a great fruitiness, and I totally love the bergamot in the Skruf Original. Even the Wise has an interesting pick-me-up flavor to it. So, anyway, I've just placed my second order with Northerner today. Here's what I chose:

      1 can Gotlands Green
      1 can General Mini
      1 can of Rape No. 2

      The flavor descriptions for Rape No. 2 were too cool to pass up. Forest flavors? I'm in! And btw, I can't wait till November to get my hands on Gotlands Julsnus. It's every flavor I could want

      As for cigarettes, I haven't missed them yet!


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        I just love reading the reactions of new users. Especially folks making the transition from cigarrettes. We have ALL been there.

        Snusophile, isn't it amazing that moment you realize, hey, I really don't even feel like a ciggarrette anymore. I remeber when I first made the transition 14 months ago, I really didn't believe that snus could cover ALL of it. I smoked a bit over that 1st month, then just didn't anymore, except for an occasional "special" ciggartette with a friend.

        Some good choices you made, all good. And there is a world of snus out there just waiting for you to try. 14 months later, I still do a happy dance when my package of snus arrives, and I rip it open like it's Christmas. Soon, you will be like some of us and have 50, 100, or more tins sitting in your freezer.


        • reshumate
          • May 2008
          • 94

          Ugh, wish I lived in a major city. Living in a suburb seems to add a day or two. Still waiting on my first shipment. Shipped from buysnus last Tuesday. Hoping for tomorrow.


          • sagedil
            • Nov 2007
            • 7077

            Should be there by then. Remember that this is a holiday weekend, so everything slows up a bit. 90% of my shipments...if shipped out Monday, gets here Friday


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