Bit of a germaphobe... do i need to worry about germs when making a prilla?
Yes i am a bit of germaphobe and although i don't worry when handbaking a prilla in the house as i usually have washed hands... do i need to worry when out and about or especially if on travels?
Im the same way in some respects.. perhaps carry around one of those hand sanatizers? Make sure your hands are dry though before making the pris, id imagine hand sanatizer has a horrible taste lol
Thanks Eric yeah i was thinking to take a hip flask of vodka around and sanitize my hands with that so at least any traces are edible... it's just not always possible to do that though i guess without looking a complete plum. I suppose you still have the same problem with portions when out and about...
Yes i am a bit of germaphobe and although i don't worry when handbaking a prilla in the house as i usually have washed hands... do i need to worry when out and about or especially if on travels?
I know that this sometimes is controversial but this is one thing I can attest to for sure.. Bacteria aren't usually that bad because your normal flora doesn't let them take hold but if that is interrupted or you "bake" in some E coli your going to be hating it..
This is simple stuff.. Wash your hands or use an icetool...
I won't entirely dismiss Ansel's germ paranoia. I do think all the anti-bacterial paranoia has done us more harm than good, especially in creating antibiotic resistant infections to rise. If sick people took simple precautions to prevent spread, we would be better off. That being said, there are people with conditions and medications that make them more susceptible to illness. Some environments are also prone to nasty bacteria.
I don't use lös, but if I have been doing something that I'm not comfortable touching my snus, I'll either wait until I can wash my hands or open the can and grab a portion with my teeth/lips so my hands only touch the outside of the can. I would think the suggestion of an icetool or a prismaster is the lös equivalent of my lip grab.
i'm in the same boat. used to hate when someone would ask for a dip. i'd ask them to wash their hands first, and inevitably get a dirty look.
now, i handbake at home and use a pris tool when out and about. and without the bulging dip lip, nobody asks me to share.
Or just drink it until you don't care about dirty hands? I agree with Lx, germs are good. They prevent allergies and heighten the immune system.
I can assure you that's not entirely true...Some bacteria that normally thrive in your system are complimentary and the old theory of playing in the dirt is good for you is true to some extent.. But the idea of going around today touching stuff like toliet seats, coke machine buttons(I pulled psedomonas of one), chairs etc and then sticking your fingers in your mouth is just a bad idea...
While your body does make antibodies to antigens after it has been exposed that is not "heightening" your immune system. It's activating it and that's not always good thing.. Some of these bacteria find ways to avoid your immune system and hide out causing things like silent inflammation..on and on..
Put simply there are good bacteria and BAD Bacteria and the best way to not pick up the bad(and it is bad) bacteria is to simply wash your hands before you go sticking your fingers in your mouth..
EDIT-- that's not even including the helminths type worms, and viruses you can pick up... Those Nasty worms can get inside your liver and you can never get them out and the crap they secrete slowly damages your liver over time.. Now, I am not saying go be a germ freak but there is no question that washing your hands before sticking them in your mouth is good medicine...
I can't say that I am afraid of germs though I do wash my hands on a regular basis. I work at a pharmacy so I come into contact with them daily which helps keep my immune system strong. Funny thing is I left my drug store job and took a job for a couple of years that I didn't come into contact with much, then got rehired at my old job. That first winter I got about 8 colds, then after that I haven't had one since.
So I would agree with all of you that are saying that certain germs do help a person, however I would NEVER put a portion in without washing my hands first at work. There are a lot of things that I'm sure my hands come into contact with that I would not want in my body, things that I really don't even want to know that I came into contact with. For instance, how many people have you seen leave a bathroom after taking a dump without washing their hands? I see it all the time and it makes me feel sick!!
Your body is continually contracting and fighting disease.
I let my kids play with an infected chicken pox kid today. Their immune system will re-recognise the infection.
Bacteria is good as well. Getting ill is good. Since I've had kids I've had one thing after another but I know that it is making my immune system stronger.
The only bad thing out there is norovirus so handwashing is essential if that's going around. You don't build immunity to that one.
Frosted.. That's just way too broad of a statement and fundamentally not true.. There are all kinds of bad bugs out there and getting ill is not "good" for everyone. If you have a weakened immune system or are elderly it might very well kill your ass... I am familiar with the chicken pox parties and I tend to agree with that because it's much better to get it as a child then later on.
I can't even begin to debate the statement that the only bad bug out there is Norovirus. In AZ alone we have MRSA, Hontovirus, Valley Fever, 4 Different strains of E coli(one of which will hurt you bad), psedomonas, TB, on and on to the break of dawn...
Trust me on this... You don't want to have a sore on your lip when you put in a big pris of Skruf that has vancomycin resistant MRSA on it....
I've been very low on cash lately and have been buying cheap loose cigarette tobacco to roll, as well as some cheap 99 cent cans of dip. A couple weeks...
I am going to Turkey for one week. On the health department website it says to wash your hands if visibly dirty and also if not visibly dirty if handling...