Bit of a germaphobe... do i need to worry about germs when making a prilla?

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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    Originally posted by cj
    i have drop lots of prillas of snus on the floor i just pull the hair and dust off it and pop it in its all good
    Dude.. That's just


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      Originally posted by ABW
      Frosted.. That's just way too broad of a statement and fundamentally not true.. There are all kinds of bad bugs out there and getting ill is not "good" for everyone. If you have a weakened immune system or are elderly it might very well kill your ass... I am familiar with the chicken pox parties and I tend to agree with that because it's much better to get it as a child then later on.

      I can't even begin to debate the statement that the only bad bug out there is Norovirus. In AZ alone we have MRSA, Hontovirus, Valley Fever, 4 Different strains of E coli(one of which will hurt you bad), psedomonas, TB, on and on to the break of dawn...

      Trust me on this... You don't want to have a sore on your lip when you put in a big pris of Skruf that has vancomycin resistant MRSA on it....
      Really Bro, No one is saying don't wash your hands and that all germs are good. I think the concensus is that there wouldn't be this super bugs if we didn't try to kill all the little bugs. that is proven. I don't think any of us are slovenly and don't wash up after we poo. That is not the point being made. Anyway how did the MRSA get resistant to that Vancomycin.....


      • ABW
        • May 2011
        • 793

        Originally posted by Bigblue1
        Really Bro, No one is saying don't wash your hands and that all germs are good. I think the concensus is that there wouldn't be this super bugs if we didn't try to kill all the little bugs. that is proven. I don't think any of us are slovenly and don't wash up after we poo. That is not the point being made. Anyway how did the MRSA get resistant to that Vancomycin.....
        Hey bud.. Ansel question was did he need to worry about germs and handbaking a pris while out and about.. Somewhere in the conversation which has been a good one we started chatting about bugs and what not.. No biggie...

        MRSA like all bugs goes thru what's called an antigenic shift after being exposed to things after awhile and in a lot of states there is now one call the superbug.. It's Vancomycin Resistant MRSA.. It's not good... I will leave you now with some wonderful pics from our sponsors(Clorox and Purell)

        MRSA on the lip...


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          And somehow I made it 25 years in the construction industry, rolling cigarettes, handling snus, and eating lunch, while covered in filth. Form oil, nasty rusty who knows what from the bottom of sewer covers, animal shit, mold, mildew, and just about anything else you could expect to find in the world. My big downfall? Nasty cases of bronchitis from smoking cigarettes....


          • Mawdryn
            • Mar 2011
            • 353

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            And somehow I made it 25 years in the construction industry, rolling cigarettes, handling snus, and eating lunch, while covered in filth. Form oil, nasty rusty who knows what from the bottom of sewer covers, animal shit, mold, mildew, and just about anything else you could expect to find in the world. My big downfall? Nasty cases of bronchitis from smoking cigarettes....
            Yep...I wouldn't want to guess the germs that have gotten into my body in my time handling people's mail...not to mention the time before, working in a fire dept., hotels, stores, etc. I just don't worry about it all that much.

            Seems to me that the people who worry about germs (always washing their hands, disinfecting everything, etc) are always the sickest...


            • Bigblue1
              Banned Users
              • Dec 2008
              • 3923

              ABW you showing the worst case scenario that happens most likely and I'm guessing here 1% of the population is akin to the anti-tobacco crowd showing pics of mouth cancer. Just saying....... I will continue to revel in good germs and not get sick ever..... it works for me.......


              • ABW
                • May 2011
                • 793

                Originally posted by Mawdryn
                Yep...I wouldn't want to guess the germs that have gotten into my body in my time handling people's mail...not to mention the time before, working in a fire dept., hotels, stores, etc. I just don't worry about it all that much.

                Seems to me that the people who worry about germs (always washing their hands, disinfecting everything, etc) are always the sickest...
                In the hospital I see the exact opposite... It's always the obese, meth heads, acoholcs, that are always sick... the one thing they have in common is they are usually very unsanitary...


                • ABW
                  • May 2011
                  • 793

                  Originally posted by Bigblue1
                  ABW you showing the worst case scenario that happens most likely and I'm guessing here 1% of the population is akin to the anti-tobacco crowd showing pics of mouth cancer. Just saying....... I will continue to revel in good germs and not get sick ever..... it works for me.......

                  Jezzz..bigblue... Good for you....


                  • Mawdryn
                    • Mar 2011
                    • 353

                    Originally posted by ABW
                    In the hospital I see the exact opposite... It's always the obese, meth heads, acoholcs, that are always sick... the one thing they have in common is they are OBESE, METH HEADS, and ALCOHOLICS...
                    ABW...there...fixed, that for ya!


                    • ABW
                      • May 2011
                      • 793

                      Originally posted by Mawdryn
                      ABW...there...fixed, that for ya!


                      My only point in the whole debate is that being sanitary is not a bad thing.. I can't even believe I am debating this... To each their own.. I'm out....

                      @ Ansel.... the key to a long life is moderation and sanitation... Keep washing those hands!!!


                      • heders
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 2227

                        When I was in Thailand this christmas I only had loose snus left the last couple of days. We drove a car across half the country, visiting toilets out on the country sides which had no soap, visited 7-elevens, handled money etc. It wasn't fun to bake prillas using those germ ridden hands after all that... luckily I had a pretty serious cold already so I did not care... and of course it was just during the traveling days until we got to a hotel later in the evening. But still! I prefer clean hands when handling stuff that's going in my mouth (NO DIRTY JOKES HERE OKAY ).

                        Before I carried a bottle of alcohol hand disinfectant at all times. But I got more sick by that time than when I did not do it. I think that washing your hands regularly, not poking your nose and not touching your face too often is the best thing you can do to prevent getting sick (and off course, sleep well, stress less, eat right, work out etc.).


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          +1 on the dude who takes a dump and doesnt wash their hands.

                          My germaphobia extends to this, using my shirt on handles for doors in public areas, and washing my hands before touching my mouth or face. Call me nuts but I dont want fecal matter in my mouth. On principle alone. Plus the fact I have ulcerative colitis/chron's my immune system is wacked. Oh another thing I do is clean the toilet seat with say a papertowell with sanatizer or a clorox wipe. I just feel better doing those things.


                          • Ansel
                            • Feb 2011
                            • 3696

                            Hey thanks all of you - well basically i am putting stuff in storage and looking to get out to Asia for a bit. Mainly because of this but also due to maybe not being able to use a fridge so often i may switch to smoking my pipe when out there. I think it would do my gums some good. And it beats relying on getting snus shipped to me.


                            • ABW
                              • May 2011
                              • 793

                              Originally posted by Ansel
                              Hey thanks all of you - well basically i am putting stuff in storage and looking to get out to Asia for a bit. Mainly because of this but also due to maybe not being able to use a fridge so often i may switch to smoking my pipe when out there. I think it would do my gums some good. And it beats relying on getting snus shipped to me.
                              Hey man I'm jealous.. Sounds like a good time.. Take a bunch of northerners with ya and have fun!!


                              • Ansel
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 3696

                                Yeah i will definitely take some Northerners and some nasal snuff... thanks!


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