LOTS of snus, only ONE I like

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  • NewYork
    Banned Users
    • Jul 2011
    • 98

    LOTS of snus, only ONE I like

    Hey everyone. First post here. Hoping to get some guidance to at least ONE MORE flavor I will enjoy. I have tried many and only took to ONE lol.

    I have tried:
    General WP-tasted like salty tea to me
    Ettan WP-tasted like salty tobacco
    Grovsnus Portion-tasted like Ettan WP but a little stronger flavor
    Odens OP-tasted like General WP but a little stronger flavor
    General Classic Blend-tasted like General WP
    Offroad Wintergreen Portion-tasted like cigar tobacco with a tiny tiny tiny hint of wintergreen
    General Wintergreen WP-Now this one was pretty decent to me
    Pioneer Los Snus (pioneer snuff)- I will NEVER put any muddy clay like "Los" in my mouth again
    Thunder Frosted Long Portion (12mg)-this stuff was pretty good but would prefer wintergreen
    General Mint-Although decent, tasted too much like toothpaste to me

    Still in the freezer (in a freezer bag with all my opened cans of above tested snuses)
    Lab 01 original portion-figured it would be like all the rest
    Goteborgs Rape 2-Still want to try but low hopes based on the rest i tried

    So Gen wintergreen, PROBE WHISKEY (favorite), and Thunder Frosted (wish it came in 8mg nic) are the ones I can see myself sticking with. Hmmm....payed a lot of money to find out what SOMEBODY COULD HAVE TOLD ME! lol my own fault though.

    Based on that, can someone please help me find a snus I might like? I love the smokey flavor, semi sweetness of Probe Whiskey. HATED General WP, and in an emergency would use ettan wp.

  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to SnusOn!

    You could try Jakobsson's wintergreen. There isn't anything else like Probe. It's pretty much one of a kind. I'd suggest holding on to the rejects. You might find you like them better with experience.


    • sirloot
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2011
      • 2607

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Welcome to SnusOn!

      You could try Jakobsson's wintergreen. There isn't anything else like Probe. It's pretty much one of a kind. I'd suggest holding on to the rejects. You might find you like them better with experience.
      this .. first time i tried Ettan op i was like whats all the fuss about this is super bland .. few portions later and its in my top 10 .. it takes some time getting into the subtle flavors


      • ABW
        • May 2011
        • 793

        I don't see any Skruf in that list....


        • NewYork
          Banned Users
          • Jul 2011
          • 98

          I hear you guys but I think the problem is the subtle flavor thing. Even if they shine through a little which they have, I need something with more flavor kind of like American Dip. Even though I didn't dip....I love the smell and flavor of Copenhagen and others too. Is Probe the only snus considered an outcast? or are there others? I would love to try the Jakobssons Wintergreen but they only make it in 14mg nic and up. I would probly get sick off that lol. The Thunder wintergreen would probly be good but thats only in strong nic levels too (rolling eyes now) lol. Thank you for your time.


          • NewYork
            Banned Users
            • Jul 2011
            • 98

            Originally posted by ABW
            I don't see any Skruf in that list....
            Tried to order some but they were out of stock lol


            • ABW
              • May 2011
              • 793

              Wellll.. You need to try again...lol...


              • sirloot
                Senior Member
                • Mar 2011
                • 2607

                Dont let the Jakobssons strong portions scare you off .. even if it says 14mg it seems more like 9-12mg to me


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Real snus is pretty subtle in flavor. There's some brands that cater to the American market that are strongly flavored, but as a rule Swedish snus is mellow. If you like licorice, you could try Odens, or Offroad licorice. They're strongly flavored.


                  • granola
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 55

                    Originally posted by NewYork
                    So Gen wintergreen, PROBE WHISKEY (favorite), and Thunder Frosted (wish it came in 8mg nic) are the ones I can see myself sticking with.
                    You might try the Thunder Frosted Mini + portions -- they are 8mg.

                    EDIT: I have some Probe Whiskey coming in the mail right now, I'm looking forward to trying it. Can't see it being an all-the-time snus though.


                    • NewYork
                      Banned Users
                      • Jul 2011
                      • 98

                      Originally posted by granola
                      You might try the Thunder Frosted Mini + portions -- they are 8mg.

                      EDIT: I have some Probe Whiskey coming in the mail right now, I'm looking forward to trying it. Can't see it being an all-the-time snus though.
                      Cool thanx. I'll order the mini's next time. Hope you like Probe Whiskey as much as I do. It's my all day Snus! Just wish they had more flavors....like Probenhagen or something lol.

                      EDIT: Just tried the first General wintergreen after about a week of not having it and it gave me a kind of sick feeling from the flavor alone. Guess I don't like that one either but it was the first I tried.


                      • Darwin
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 1372

                        New York do not, repeat do not throw anything away. Just revisit in a few weeks/months as your experience of the tastes of real snus matures. The real Swedish deal does not usually beat you over the head with flavor violence and its subtleties take time to appreciate. Possibly some considerable time depending on the individual. Endeavor to persevere and you will be rewarded. One of the brands you did not like at all is extremely likely to have a place in your permanent rotation in due course.


                        • AtreyuKun
                          • Aug 2009
                          • 1223

                          Welcome. The best advice I can give man, is wait awhile. If you keep at it, I can assure you that your tastes will change.
                          When I first started, I was all about strong flavors. Now, I crave tobacco and that oh so lovely smokey flavor. I use most flavored stuff the like N&J Crushed Ice for example after a meal when I need to cleanse my pallet so to speak. That GR2 you have there is really great stuff when used in moderation.


                          • NewYork
                            Banned Users
                            • Jul 2011
                            • 98

                            Well I have them in the freezer. But they have been opened. Will they taste bad or dry out or anything? How long can I keep them in there after being opened before I should throw em out???


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              You should never throw them out. They'll keep for a long time. If they dry out a little, add a bit of water.


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