Originally posted by NewYork
Welcome to the forum NY....................... glad to have you with us!
Somewhere in the thread you wrote that if one does not like Vodka they are never going to like Vodka regardless if it is high dollar or not.................However, it may take a person years to pick up the nuances of a fine French wine or enjoy the subtleties of a well crafted single malt. Also when you were a kid you loved sugar filled syrup drinks and hated eating salads.................now the opposite is probably the case.
The point is your tastes will change...........in less than a month you will not notice the salt and will begin to notice the tobacco and other flavorings..............I say this because in all my years on this forum I have read literally hundreds of "it's too salty posts"...............I only remember one case where the person's taste did not acclimate................the point is you are not unusual in your first response to snus..........many many others have thought the exact same thing as you.............give it time...............you have already bought the snus...........so there is nothing to lose in playing it out........... as others have said .............don't throw anything away..................freeze and revisit
In the meantime, give Knox, Old Viking Ginger and Lime, And Jakobsson Classic a try. Don't let the Ginger and Lime throw you...........this has a very nice and unique flavor.
Find a couple that you like..............let them be your main stay.................then every couple of weeks go back and revisit one you have stashed in the Freezer.
Anyway keep us posted on how it is going and what else you find that you like.