Why can't I taste Los?

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  • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
    • Mar 2011
    • 7035

    Jimkodiak you Do not like loose i think just Becouse you use snus only 7 month , if you Will use snus years Lets say 2-3 then you Will like it more But it is more quastion of taste Some people like Wide hips others not


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      It takes awhile for the flavors to reveal themselves. My first los uses were underwhelming. In fact, I never intended on keeping up with it. Maybe the occasional tin to keep up tradition, but that's it.

      Landstroms was the first los that really grabbed me, and I tried a few others that I liked the portion counterpart of. I then realized that it tastes different than the portions, and almost always better. After using los more and more, I started getting more flavor out of it. I think it took a year of solid use to get all there is out of lossnus. I don't know what changes, but my tastebuds acclimated, and tuned in, and los tastes just as strong as portions to me now.

      Like Mawdryn, if los disappeared, my snus use would plummet. I wouldn't quit; at least not right away, but I'd taper way down, and maybe quit in the future. Either that, or I'd grow my own tobacco, and make my own lossnus. Point is I couldn't go back. I've used portions all day out of convenience, but by the end of the day, I'm ready for a pris of joy. Portions just aren't as comfortable, and the flavor isn't as good.


      • austinreneau
        • May 2011
        • 39

        I exclusively use los and probably always will. I make pretty big pris and don't mind at all when it runs a little. I find that the flavor really kicks in when the pris gets a little moisture and starts breaking up a little. I really don't care if I have little tobacco on my teeth and I swallow quite a bit of the tobacco. I guess its just the preference of each user. I love all things tobacco and it just seems like a more intimate experience when the snus is loose in my mouth rather than wrapped up in a little paper prison. To each their own I guess.


        • Mawdryn
          • Mar 2011
          • 353

          Originally posted by austinreneau
          I make pretty big pris and don't mind at all when it runs a little. I find that the flavor really kicks in when the pris gets a little moisture and starts breaking up a little.
          I think that this is a good point...maybe our OP isn't using ENOUGH loose. If you only use as much loose as you would find in a portion, there really probably wouldn't be that much flavor. I throw big farmer's pinches up there at home, I couldn't even guess how many grams they are...and they taste wonderful. I carry an Icetool for use in public, and generally go with somewhere between 3-4 clicks (still don't know how many grams that is). Nice kick and great taste either way, but the farmer's pinch is far more intense (and dirtier, in a good way)!

          My dad, on the other hand, uses 1-2 clicks from an Icetool exclusively. He really enjoys the flavors, but they come on much slower than mine do. He literally only uses a can and a half of snus A WEEK that way!


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            Remember.. hillbilly pinch = big flavor


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              You say that like it's a bad thing. If you really can't taste los you can buy some cheap brand like Offroad to use.


              • austinreneau
                • May 2011
                • 39

                Originally posted by Darwin
                Skruf, RL, and General have a bergamot flavor base but the likes of Ettan, Grov, and Thunder do not. Shame that los has yet to capture your fancy for it is beloved by many veteran snusers for its subtle complexities. It is very true that a los version of a given brand is usually a very different animal from its portion brethren and must be approached on its own merits so comparisons are difficult if not entirely pointless. For a los flavor wham try some Thunder Frosted--big nic, strong flavor--finest kind los experience.
                I totally agree with this. Try some some thunder frosted, its packed full of mint flavor and has quite a nic kick. If you want a couple of cans to try pm me your addy and I will send you some.


                • austinreneau
                  • May 2011
                  • 39

                  Originally posted by Mawdryn
                  I think that this is a good point...maybe our OP isn't using ENOUGH loose. If you only use as much loose as you would find in a portion, there really probably wouldn't be that much flavor. I throw big farmer's pinches up there at home, I couldn't even guess how many grams they are...and they taste wonderful. I carry an Icetool for use in public, and generally go with somewhere between 3-4 clicks (still don't know how many grams that is). Nice kick and great taste either way, but the farmer's pinch is far more intense (and dirtier, in a good way)!

                  My dad, on the other hand, uses 1-2 clicks from an Icetool exclusively. He really enjoys the flavors, but they come on much slower than mine do. He literally only uses a can and a half of snus A WEEK that way!
                  Yeppers that's only way. Bake a big pris wedge it up under your lip and enjoy. I often grab a drink of water when I first put in the pris just to get the flavor going. I'm with you dirtier is a good thing.


                  • snusjus
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 2674


                    Your solution is only two words away: hillbilly pinch. I exclusively use los in this manner.


                    • austinreneau
                      • May 2011
                      • 39

                      Now that's one manly pinch of baccy if I have ever seen one.


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