Anyone snus loose at work?

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  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    Anyone snus loose at work?

    I just got caught at work this morning by my secretary. Had a little dip of Skoal Edge in. She says... 'Is that Copenhagen? Spit out that Copenhagen.... I said, I was just trying to be a Southerner (I live in TN) This lady from Mississippi says, thats not southern, its just ignorant.

    I used pouches and snus the rest of the day... portions... but right now I have in a big handbaked gotesborg rape at home....

    anyone use loose snus at work in an office environment discretely?
  • eli
    • Apr 2008
    • 243

    I snus constantly at work, I work for a software company, the cans are right out on my desk, but no one here really recognizes them, when asked about the lump in my upper lip, I just say it's a "stop smoking aid" and that pretty much ends the conversation, they're much happier with me at my desk more often than always going out to smoke.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      I use loose all day, every day. I deal with customers face to face with my can of snus and icetool in plain sight. I also keep a can of Copenhagen and a 1lb sack of stokers TN Chew on hand for any customer that needs a pinch or a chaw. Then again I work as an industrial salesman/fabricator in Savannah, GA... I dont think this would fly in many other places.


      • eli
        • Apr 2008
        • 243

        I use loose most of the day, as I just enjoy it more, Icetool, Prismaster all openly displayed on my desk (although I only get 1-2 coworkers coming by my desk a day anyhow. Sure the cleaning crew is disgusted by the brown mushy lumps in my trashcan at the end of the day... only portions I use are on the drive in and during my afternoon ping pong game.


        • Starcadia
          • May 2008
          • 646

          I'm not confident enough with loose yet. But I love using portions and feeling like I'm getting away with something at work. I'm happy and I'm getting more work done, whereas people expect me to be an irritable ex-smoker. My only problem is that I can't laugh like I used to without feeling the need to cover up that mysterious brown thing above my teeth.

          Xobeloot - I'll be in Savannah in a few days. Spending next week with a friend on Tybee Island. Can't wait. Road trip!


          • Asquar
            • Mar 2008
            • 256

            Nope. Lös is strictly for home, or for kicking back with close friends. I always use portions when out and about, and mini portions if I'm conscious of the need to leave an impression with the general public.


            • fakieollie
              • Apr 2008
              • 32

              mini portions at work only plz. No one is a touch the wiser. And with the new Mocca +, they satisfy and are seriously incognito.


              • CWC
                • Mar 2008
                • 114

                Actually I use loose at work with no problem, then I don't have a massive wad in my lip just a healthy pinch. Actually, nobody seems to notice I just need to be discrete when discarding it


                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  I have a couple of times but no more. Things generally stay in place but one or two specks will conspire to place themselves prominently between my teeth. The worst is when no one says anything and I discover that for the entire day I've been talking to people like this.


                  • jdubb750
                    • May 2008
                    • 17

                    only got my shipment 3 days ago but i have been using los at work everyday. I am a geologist so im outside quite a bit. I use it in the office aswell but everyone knows about it because they are used to me dipping all the time and having a spit bottle around.

                    If i was in a different environment i would definately have to use portion.


                    • PrisMaster
                      • May 2007
                      • 208

                      I work at a pizza joint at the moment delivering pizzas and deal with customers all the time. I use loose all day at work. Even at our last meeting they mentioned it and said it was fine, but like a week ago someone complained about it and our manager said I had to stop. I will not stop using snus at work no matter what even if I have to quit, but she is quitting soon so it should all be good after that since no one else cares if i do. I can not get through work without snus. period


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        I use lös at work almost exclusively. I work outside, so it isn't a big deal. I'll put in a pris of lös while I'm at the truck, and carry some portions with me in my belt. The portions are quicker to use, and I need to get rid of them somewhere :^P. I never thought I would prefer lös to portions, but that's where I'm at now. I like a wider range of portions than lös, but the lös I like, I really like :^)


                        • SteveInNY
                          New Member
                          • May 2008
                          • 7

                          I use los at work and deal face to face with customers. A well placed and nicely formed prilla will stay put and no one is the wiser. I've never had a spontaneous bout with "mud mouth" and most los snus will stay formed in the upper lip indefinately.


                          • bondzai
                            • Apr 2008
                            • 362

                            Originally posted by SteveInNY
                            I use los at work and deal face to face with customers. A well placed and nicely formed prilla will stay put and no one is the wiser. I've never had a spontaneous bout with "mud mouth" and most los snus will stay formed in the upper lip indefinately.
                            I am curioius, do you use the icetool? or are they hand pressed...


                            • waifl
                              • Mar 2008
                              • 24

                              I snus loose at work. Some tips:

                              1. Grow a mustache.
                              2. Do not handbake.

                              That is all!

