Post your current top 5 favorite snus here

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  • NorwegianInSpain
    • Feb 2013
    • 29

    1. Skruf Strong Original Portion
    2. Skruf Strong Original Portion
    3. Skruf Strong Original Portion
    4. Skruf Strong Original Portion
    5. Skruf Extra Strong Original Portion


    • Tracer
      Banned Users
      • Mar 2013
      • 107

      Wow lots of portion users here! Made the change a few years ago and there's no looking back
      1 Ettan los
      2 General los
      3 Goteborgs rape los
      4 Prima Fint los
      5 Skruf Stark los (only when drunk, as if regular snus isn't strong enough)


      • jkfriday
        New Member
        • Jun 2013
        • 11

        At this exact precise point in time:

        5. Röda Lacket portions (these taste like raspberry jam and are incredible)
        4. Skruf extra strong los (I love the fine grind)
        3. Grov extra strong portions (just a good, solid tobacco taste)
        2. 02 Lab Series (long pouch and long-lasting taste)
        1. Jakobsson's Classic strong portions (an almost bubblegum taste, also very long-lasting)

        I only have 06 Lab Series and Thunder strong los with me today, sadly. The 06 is good but I'm really getting tired of the just tastes cheap and chemically. I'll see the can to the end and won't bother with this again.

        My next order will be two cans of everything listed above, though, I think.


        • OttR
          • Aug 2009
          • 81

          1. Granit Portion
          2. Jakobsson's Classic (and Strong) Portion
          3. Granit Lös
          4. Tre Ankare White Portion
          5. Hmmm.... I use one or two of some other kinds each day, mostly just to get rid of them. So there's not really a 5 at the moment. Those four are what I currently really like.


          • QuincyBaker
            • Aug 2013
            • 39

            1. Grov Stark
            2. Ettan Original Portion
            3. Skruf Stark
            4. General Lös
            5. General Extra Strong/Ekstra Sterk

            These are the 5 I generally carry on me at any given time.


            • AussieSnuser
              • Sep 2013
              • 32

              1.General Los
              2.Roda Lacket Los and Ettan Los (Cannot decide which one takes 2nd place)
              3.Goteborg's Prima Fint Los
              4.Odens Lakrits Los
              5.Odens No.3 Los


              • TFS
                New Member
                • Oct 2013
                • 6

                1. Thunder Frosted Los (my regular snus). I make sure to have a supply of this all the time.
                2. Thunder Original Los
                3. Thunder ultra frosted
                4. Thunder es berry
                5. Offroad original. I know that there are mixed feelings on this one however this was one of my first cans of snus and it did grow on me.


                • trebli
                  • Mar 2010
                  • 797

                  As of now …… in order:

                  General White Portion
                  Oden's Original Extreme Portion
                  Oden's Original Portion
                  General Strong White Portion
                  General Original Portion


                  • spinyeel
                    • Aug 2009
                    • 175

                    Grov Sterk
                    General Extra Sterk white
                    Jak's Dynomite
                    General Extra Sterk Los.


                    • D13
                      New Member
                      • Oct 2013
                      • 6

                      1. Ettan Loose
                      2. General Loose
                      3. Röda Lacket Loose
                      4. Offroad Wintergreen
                      5. Skruf Fresh Slim


                      • Shavasana
                        • Oct 2013
                        • 24

                        I've finally got a constant rotation going now:

                        1. Thunder Frosted Minis (My go-to. Can we please have some more minis with this strength? I have a small mouth and love nic!)
                        2. Jakobsson's Wintergreen (The most delicious. Always pop one first thing in the morning)
                        3. General Wintergreen (When I need something long-lasting)
                        4. Skruf Ekstra Stark (For when I'm drinking or need a quick nic hit. Also, I love the taste. Reminds me of a dark Belgian ale, smooth raisin/date)
                        5. Still waiting to find it. General Onyx, maybe? Just tried it last night. Or maybe Oden's Extreme Cold portion)


                        • John Boy
                          • Nov 2012
                          • 36

                          Boy have my tastes changed the last year or so!

                          I've deleted my previous list, my current top 5 are:

                          1) Oden's Original
                          2) Oden's No. 3 Portion (BRAND NEW ENTRY)
                          3) Skruf Original Portion
                          4) Phantom Classic Portion
                          5) Olde Ving Original

                          Narrowly missing out are Romeo Y Julieta, Lucky Strike, Nord 66 Strong White, and most of GN Tobacco!


                          • SnusnPA
                            • Aug 2013
                            • 106

                            Now that I've gotten some snus off the exchange, and broadened my tastes (Thanks Parrots and SyrSnus!) here's my list:

                            Goteborgs Los- Awesome floral smell, coarser than some of the others in the list, but just a damn fine snus
                            Roda Los- Kinda sweet after taste, nice finer grained snus
                            General OP- Very earthy, and salty, my go to portion
                            Thunder Cool Orange- Shame it's discontinued, reminded me of having a glass of tang, loved it!
                            Jakobbsen's Strong Mint Portion- This one beats General MWP out of the water by miles. Just a good blend of mint flavor and tobacco taste with that nice nicotine punch

                            Honorable Mention- Goteborgs Prima Fint- Fine grained, less floral, more natural tobacco taste.

                            Wall of shame: Thunder Frosted Los... tasted like I was rolling my colgate toothpaste into a pris and sticking it in my upper lip..... step your game up V2!


                            • Mayhart
                              • Feb 2012
                              • 66

                              Hmm, kinda hard to make an 1 to 5 list but i'll do my best ^^

                              1) Jakobsson's Wintergreen/Melon Strong Portion (yep, tied)
                              2) Thunder RAW Frosted Ultra Strong Portion
                              3) General Onyx Portion
                              4) Jakobsson's Dynamite
                              5) Skruf Xtra Strong Portion


                              • lird12
                                • Jan 2014
                                • 28

                                1. Thunder Frosted Los
                                2. Jakobson's Wintergreen
                                3. Ettan Los
                                4. General Los
                                5. Roda Los

