UPS and "adverse weather"

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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    UPS and "adverse weather"

    I hate UPS..they are so full of it!! Anytime they screw up they immediately throw the old adverse weather claim on the tracking info. I had my shipment that was supposed to be here friday and now It won't be here till Monday because they say they could not move it due to adverse weather in Louisville Ky on wed/thur..

    They are so full of shit.. They do know that we can look up the weather on weather underground right? On those days weather underground reported a few drops of rain and max 15 mile/hr wind.. Give me a break..

    I wonder how many packages they do this to? If they can't meet the time commitment for the package they know that the shipping cost can be refunded so they just throw up the "adverse weather" claim so they have an out.. Some good law firm should file a class action against them for blatantly lying about this kind of crap.

    Pisses me off.. Anyone else out west have anything coming in from Sweden that was delayed because of this crap of an excuse?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    USPS doesn't make excuses. If it weren't for the criminals in DC, we'd still be able to use them :^S


    • ABW
      • May 2011
      • 793

      I hear ya.. You know, on average it takes only two days to mail a first-class package USPS from Phoenix to Indy and Houston..(using my latest 2 trades as example) and it cost me 2 bucks and change for a shipment with 4 cans to Russki in Indy and Tim in Houston.. Both were there in 2 days flat for a couple bucks...


      • Speedoape
        • Nov 2010
        • 311

        Ups had my order out for delivery in N.C. Wednesday. The problem with that? I live in Houston Texas....


        • ABW
          • May 2011
          • 793

          Man... That's sucks.. Hate them...


          • Speedoape
            • Nov 2010
            • 311

            Got it at work at 4:45 friday. I leave at 5 so made it in time for the weekend at least. So there's that...


            • snusgetter
              • May 2010
              • 10903

              Originally posted by Speedoape
              Ups had my order out for delivery in N.C. Wednesday. The problem with that? I live in Houston Texas....
              I'll bet it's a GPS glitch from those cosmic rays heading our way!


              • Speedoape
                • Nov 2010
                • 311

                When they took the box off the truck it was crazy hot! I ordered purified so not to concerned but if it was any other the heat would worry me. No sterks or anything until fall I guess!


                • sirloot
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 2607

                  Idk my order from sweden got to Kentucky this am so I'm not expecting it till monday


                  • c.nash
                    Banned Users
                    • May 2010
                    • 3511

                    I've only had the adverse weather thing once.. But it was when they were dealing with tornados... so it was a legitimate case.. lol


                    • ABW
                      • May 2011
                      • 793

                      Originally posted by Speedoape
                      When they took the box off the truck it was crazy hot! I ordered purified so not to concerned but if it was any other the heat would worry me. No sterks or anything until fall I guess!

                      I am so glad to hear you say that... I feel the same way!! I plan my shipments from Sweden when I KNOW they will be here in no more than three days the UPS Standard is 2.. When you do it that way most of the time the shipment is moving in the underbelly of a plane so it never has a chance to sit in the heat. Here in the AZ summers I feel this is critical for Snus Quality.

                      I know some people will say(including where I purchased it) that's it fine to sit out for a few days but I have had this happen before and the snus goes downhill every time. Baking at 130+ waiting in truck for Monday delivery(which I wont be here) will hurt it for sure..

                      I hate to cry about it but when I pay for something to be here in 2 days I feel that I am entitled to that. Even though it's not the companies fault(won't mention names) their response was a little less than what I like to see.. I mean...they could have offered me free shipping on the next go around.. I know it was not their fault but in places that I have worked(before my new career) it did not matter if it was our fault or not..if our customer did not receive something when we said it would be there we took care of them.. Oh well...


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        I always used to make a point of only ordering snus in cool weather. I'd only break that rule if there was a new snus I was dying to try. Otherwise, I kept an October-May ordering schedule.


                        • sirloot
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 2607

                          Idk I don't think a few days in warm waether is gunna effect it too much hell I've left a tin in a hot car over the weekend and its been ok


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by sirloot
                            Idk my order from sweden got to Kentucky this am so I'm not expecting it till monday
                            I did an order today, hopefully will show up soon, paid express. I picked up a roll of Green Harvest General.


                            • sirloot
                              Senior Member
                              • Mar 2011
                              • 2607

                              Originally posted by chadizzy1
                              I did an order today, hopefully will show up soon, paid express. I picked up a roll of Green Harvest General.
                              Oh snap you mean imma try General Green before Professor Snubie !


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