A snusers trip to the land of dip

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  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    A snusers trip to the land of dip

    Okay, it usually goes this way DIP -> SNUS, but thanks to a fellow board member I can now give my impressions going from SNUS -> DIP (not going permanently mind you!).

    I recently received at wide selection of some of the typical and - judging from various places on the web – most popular US brands. I’ve tried most of them by now and here is my ‘judgement’ so far:

    The first one I opened was Skoal Original Fine Cut, and the first impression was a very powerful smell of something that reminded me of some sort of toilet cleaner (!). I must admit that I was kind of put off by it, but I wouldn’t let it stop me … so I took a solid pinch and flung it straight to my bottom lip thinking ‘hey, I’ve seen a couple of vids on youtube – this is how it’s done’. Of course it instantly created a mess worse than any mudslide I’ve ever experienced with snus. It was simply all over my mouth. I spat it out, flushed good and tried again, this time with a more careful (and prolly somewhat goofy looking) approach. It went well! Now, I never use snus in my bottom lip which of course means that it is not nearly as hardened as my upper one, and that became very, very obvious after a couple of minutes. What a burn! Damn, tears almost came to my eyes! Next thing I noticed was the nicotine which struck me like a hammer. Being used to stuff like N&J and Skruf Stark it didn’t tip me over, but there’s no doubt that this stuff is packing some! The taste wasn’t really me and it still isn’t.

    The next one was Copenhagen Snuff. Now, the smell of it struck me as being really nice. Leathery and sort of smoked, almost like some of the rolling tobaccos I used back in the cig-days. I still had some problems with the texture, more specifically it being so damn dry and fluffy compared to snus. But by now I’d already learned to deal with the bottom lip-thing, the mess only began when I tried to move the snuff around. Again the burn was there – maybe even more than with the Skoal – but for some reason it found it more enjoyable with Cope. The taste was/is good, still very dark in the leathery/smoked way, and the nic-hit really awesome! Not for kids, that’s for sure.

    After the Cope I did Grizzly snuff which was in the same neighbourhood both taste/texture/nicotine wise. I’m not sure which one I like the most … maybe the latter. It felt somewhat smoother.

    Next up was Copenhagen Whiskey Blend Long Cut. First of all, the smell was really, really nice and not at all overpowered like I had feared. Compared to Probe snus this actually does smell like whiskey and not some saucy aroma! And second, the texture was much easier to handle due to the coarser cut. I liked this one a lot actually – more than I ever cared for Probe. It’s surprisingly subtle and smooth. Easily my favourite among the ones I’ve tried so far.

    That’s what I’ve tried so far. I’ve got the following tins left, Skoal Cherry Long Cut, Skoal Vanilla Blend Long Cut and Skoal Mint Bandits. When I’ve tasted them I’ll post my impressions in this thread …

    Oh yes, included in this package was also the three types of Camel snus. I’ve tried them all and even though I really like the flavour of Spice my verdict is that it’s waaay too sweet! Yuck! But hey, it’s nice to finally know what you US guys are talking about when you write about them.
    The tins are nice, though … and that’s one thing I’d like to mention: I simply love the metal lids on stuff like Copenhagen and Grizzly! I wish the snus cans where as cool as these … (but let’s see how the Jakobsson’s will turn out).

    I still find snus to be far superior to dip, that’s for sure, but I’m thankful that I’ve had the opportunity to actually compare it to something else than just cigarettes.

    ... BTW, I simply HATE the spitting factor! How annoying is that!?!?
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    I too very much enjoy the Cope and Copenhagen varieties. Did you get a can of the Cope smooth hickory with your mix?

    Once you get comfortable with the stuff, you will find that you really only need to spit for the first 5-10 mins (dependant on brand/flavor)then just enjoy the taste.

    Believe it or not, the Grizzly is actually the cheap stuff. Grizzly Snuff is delightful and only costs about $1.50 a can where I live while the cope flavors/Copenhagen snuff costs near $5 per can.


    • jackdaniels
      • Feb 2008
      • 17

      Copenhagen Whiskey Blend and Kodiak were my daily brands and your review for the Cope was spot on. Getting a Snus'ers take on American Dip is very interesting.

      EDIT: And yes, I don't miss having to carry around a spit cup with me at all times.


      • Xobeloot
        • Jan 2008
        • 2542

        P.S. If you have an icetool, it works quite well for a portion of snuff


        • RPatrick
          • May 2008
          • 48

          Do you notice a different feeling from the american snuff ? When you say the nicotene struck like a hammer, it makes me wonder if maybe the chemical ingredients or toxins from fermentation are what is causing that.

          One thing I noticed immediately about snus was that I did not feel knocked out by it. More than anything, this is what won me over.


          • jackdaniels
            • Feb 2008
            • 17

            I tried my Icetool on the Kodiak and it took more effort than it was worth.


            • Asquar
              • Mar 2008
              • 256

              I've only used American dip a few times, when trying (then unsuccessfully) to quit smoking, so I never got used to it. But yeah, the Copenhagen Long Cut was by far the best IMHO. Great flavor...

              ... but it doesn't even begin to compare with Swedish snus.


              • Xobeloot
                • Jan 2008
                • 2542

                Originally posted by jackdaniels
                I tried my Icetool on the Kodiak and it took more effort than it was worth.
                Was it fine cut Kodiak? I only use my icetool if im using a fine cut snuff. It can be done with a long cut, but it takes more effort than it is worth.


                • Subtilo
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 524

                  Originally posted by Xobeloot
                  I too very much enjoy the Cope and Copenhagen varieties. Did you get a can of the Cope smooth hickory with your mix?

                  Once you get comfortable with the stuff, you will find that you really only need to spit for the first 5-10 mins (dependant on brand/flavor)then just enjoy the taste.

                  Believe it or not, the Grizzly is actually the cheap stuff. Grizzly Snuff is delightful and only costs about $1.50 a can where I live while the cope flavors/Copenhagen snuff costs near $5 per can.
                  No, didn't get the Smooth Hickery. What's it like?

                  Yes, you're right ... it's mostly in the beginning that one feel the need to spit. Also, I've packed a few prillas of it with my Icetool and upperdecked it like snus and then, suprise, surprise, I suddenly didn't have to spit at all!

                  Yeah, I know Grizzly is the cheaper one (welfare-bear, right? :lol. I've actually read somewhere that it is the barrel-leftovers from the Kodiak production (at least I think it was Kodiak). Funny, didn't feel cheap to me at all.


                  • Subtilo
                    • Dec 2006
                    • 524

                    Originally posted by RPatrick
                    Do you notice a different feeling from the american snuff ? When you say the nicotene struck like a hammer, it makes me wonder if maybe the chemical ingredients or toxins from fermentation are what is causing that.

                    One thing I noticed immediately about snus was that I did not feel knocked out by it. More than anything, this is what won me over.
                    Well, when it comes down to it maybe the dip doesn't actually hit me harder than snus does. I just feel that it hits me faster ... like it wants to deliver it all in a matter of minutes while snus spreads it out over more time. Maybe it has something to do with the chemical components. Maybe it's just me :wink:

                    I don't think the actual nicotine contents are that much different in the end.


                    • Xobeloot
                      • Jan 2008
                      • 2542

                      The smooth hickory has the same dark/leathery taste to it, but it supposidly was mellowed in hickory barrels. The tobacco itself takes on a nice hickory undertone. It isnt as bold as the cope snuff, nor does it require as much spitting (from my experience).

                      The main thing I seem to notice in Dip vs Snus is the PH. Dip seems to be quite acidic. I can use snus all day, every day with no tooth sensitivity. After just one dip, if I rinse my mouth with cold water I can feel it in my teeth.


                      • Subtilo
                        • Dec 2006
                        • 524

                        ^ sounds nice, because even though I like the 'original' taste of Copenhagen, it can get a bit too sharp ... well, at least that's my experience with the one tin of Cope snuff I've done :wink:

                        What about the Cope Black? Did you try that one - what's was it like? As far as I can see a lot of people miss it very much ...

                        Yeah, I think you're right about PH ... that would also explain why I feel the nicotine in dip to more powerful (as in hammer striking :lol: ).


                        • Xobeloot
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2542

                          I never had any cope black. I too have heard that it was great.


                          • aika
                            • Mar 2008
                            • 133

                            Yeah bro, Skoal definataly has an odor akin to Mop n Glow. I am having to deal with dip until my next order of snus comes in.. should be a week or so.. will bite the bullet and try the Cope Black for you guys and will report on it.

                            Hell, it can't be any worse than Skoal.. which I am still stuck with half a can to go :x


                            • Subtilo
                              • Dec 2006
                              • 524

                              Originally posted by aika
                              will bite the bullet and try the Cope Black for you guys and will report on it.
                              I believe that they've stopped the production of this one. I think it was just before the release of Whiskey Blend and Smooth Hickory ...

                              I could be wrong(?)


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