Thanks! He is growing by the second, that's for sure!
As much as you may have heard this, I am going to say it, and it is 100% true......I remember the day my boy was born like it was yesterday...he will be 7 in a few months...It has gone so quickly....but I gotta say, for me, he changed the person I am completely for the better. Once he said " Da-da" "Daddy", sheesh, my heart melted...Having a child is such an amazing gift. I never knew I could love something so much, with that said it is also the most difficult thing I wil ever have to do, but at the same time, it is the most rewarding.
Hey GN, that baby picture angle seems to be a good one! If i send you a picture of Froggy JR., can i get a can of creamy Vanilla mini's? He's pretty darn cute for a little froggy!
The Norse, after being blown off-course on a voyage to Iceland, landed on the shores of Atlantic Canada as early as @ 1000 A.D. With them came many customs and influences, but unfortunately, no Oden's Creamy Wintergreen.
Dear GN, we have been patient, surviving over a century with the bare essentials, do you not agree? Is it possible for those winds to blow our way once again?
The rocky coastline of Nova Scotia awaits. PM sent.
Good article if you have time to read it. I agree with most of it except that I think that conservatives in power use issues like abortion, gay marriage,...