Yesterday morning I read the posts by chadizzy on both Lab Series 05 and 06. His review was spot on although I don't know about the Click part as I never tried it.
Several hours later the brown UPS truck pulled up with a roll of each...
I love both 05 and 06 (thank you Swedish Match!) and Extreme (thanks GN!). 06 and Extreme could be very useful to a heavy smoker giving up cigs for good.
Is anyone else getting the felling that 06 is stronger? They are both great in their own way and I will buy both again for sure. But the nic hit from 06 seems to hit harder.
Several hours later the brown UPS truck pulled up with a roll of each...
I love both 05 and 06 (thank you Swedish Match!) and Extreme (thanks GN!). 06 and Extreme could be very useful to a heavy smoker giving up cigs for good.
Is anyone else getting the felling that 06 is stronger? They are both great in their own way and I will buy both again for sure. But the nic hit from 06 seems to hit harder.