I LOVE the new Extreme line and am really happy you came out with it.
Very easy to leave a portion in for a long time and the flavor seems to last forever. The 06 is right on the edge of feeling too strong for me - never feel the need to take an Extreme portion out.
Greatly looking forward to new addiitions to the Extreme line.
thanks for explanation you right about "absorbable nicotin " but how do you know what SM and GN has in theyr snus PH ????? Just saying
From reviews I've seen, Oden's Extreme hits slower than 06. This is a good thing, since being hit all at once with that much nicotine would make me vomit!
From reviews I've seen, Oden's Extreme hits slower than 06. This is a good thing, since being hit all at once with that much nicotine would make me vomit!
I had to go through almost a whole can to review 06, the nic hits so fast and it's so strong.
I think that's why this is being marketed so much in Norway.
I'll echo what's been said about Oden's Extreme though, the nic is consistent. I don't feel a strong hit all at once which is why I enjoy it so much, I get to experience the great taste without having my ass kicked!