Had to copy and paste the "o" with the little dots above it. My keyboard doesn't have that.
Ordering Loose snus for the first time. I have to note I can't stand the taste of general (maybe it's the bergamot or something) but it tastes to herbal like tea. I really like Ettan wp and op. I really like Probe op. Grov is ok but had a little of that "tea" flavor just a little. Any suggestions or opinions on the following?
1.Ettan los
2.Probe Whiskey los
3.Thunder Long Cut los
4.Thunder Frosted los
5.Offroad Frosted los
The only los I've tried is Pioneer Snuff. It is really good but sometimes I get a really gritty sand/ground rock bits in it. Is this normal?
Is Offroad wintergreen los any better than the portions? It tasted like a cheap cigar left in an empty wintergreen can for a day.
Ordering Loose snus for the first time. I have to note I can't stand the taste of general (maybe it's the bergamot or something) but it tastes to herbal like tea. I really like Ettan wp and op. I really like Probe op. Grov is ok but had a little of that "tea" flavor just a little. Any suggestions or opinions on the following?
1.Ettan los
2.Probe Whiskey los
3.Thunder Long Cut los
4.Thunder Frosted los
5.Offroad Frosted los
The only los I've tried is Pioneer Snuff. It is really good but sometimes I get a really gritty sand/ground rock bits in it. Is this normal?
Is Offroad wintergreen los any better than the portions? It tasted like a cheap cigar left in an empty wintergreen can for a day.