First Lös Order!

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  • NewYork
    Banned Users
    • Jul 2011
    • 98

    First Lös Order!

    Had to copy and paste the "o" with the little dots above it. My keyboard doesn't have that.

    Ordering Loose snus for the first time. I have to note I can't stand the taste of general (maybe it's the bergamot or something) but it tastes to herbal like tea. I really like Ettan wp and op. I really like Probe op. Grov is ok but had a little of that "tea" flavor just a little. Any suggestions or opinions on the following?

    1.Ettan los
    2.Probe Whiskey los
    3.Thunder Long Cut los
    4.Thunder Frosted los
    5.Offroad Frosted los

    The only los I've tried is Pioneer Snuff. It is really good but sometimes I get a really gritty sand/ground rock bits in it. Is this normal?

    Is Offroad wintergreen los any better than the portions? It tasted like a cheap cigar left in an empty wintergreen can for a day.
  • clint404
    • Jul 2011
    • 317

    Never thought I would like loose as much as I do.

    General loose ftw!


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Lös is the way.
      There are a lot of great lössnuses.


      • chadizzy1
        • May 2009
        • 7432

        Originally posted by NewYork
        I have to note I can't stand the taste of general (maybe it's the bergamot or something) but it tastes to herbal like tea.
        The only los I've tried is Pioneer Snuff. It is really good but sometimes I get a really gritty sand/ground rock bits in it. Is this normal?
        I would strongly urge you to try Prima Fint. It's underrated and hardly ever gets any mention, but it is the only los that I use on a regular basis.
        It's the easiest to work with, and has a very simple, pure flavor of tobacco and is slightly sweet with a nice little salt balance to it. I love the stuff. Strongly urge you to try it.


        • Ansel
          • Feb 2011
          • 3696

          Skruf Stark Los! ;-)


          • clint404
            • Jul 2011
            • 317

            How's thunder frosted loose?

            Loved the portions but I want to try the Loooooooose.


            • Snusdog
              • Jun 2008
              • 6752

              There are not 1000s of los types out there.

              This makes trying them all a relatively easy task.

              I would give them all a try least once

              Throw an odd can in here or there with the standards.

              As far as Pioneer being gritty.....................I can't say that I have noticed it.....................Gellivare and Landstroms are gritty and utterly divine when you can get them.

     far as the grit is not the norm for los ....................but it also is not a sign of things gone wrong.
              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                Originally posted by NewYork
                The only los I've tried is Pioneer Snuff. It is really good but sometimes I get a really gritty sand/ground rock bits in it. Is this normal?
                Could it have been grains of salt?


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Originally posted by Ansel
                  Could it have been grains of salt?
                  Maybe..............(but then again.............I've never had any grit with Pioneer) ...........but with Landstrom and Gellivare I can say for certain, it is not is just part of the Tobacco and processing they use.

                  That said, L and G are small batch old school snus...............grit and all they are superb
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • NewYork
                    Banned Users
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 98

                    Well it's more like here and there is an occasional sand like grit as if I just happened to get a can that a little sand or something got in. Guess it's possible, but it tastes really good and aside from the occasional unidentified grindyness, its a really soft smooth tobacco. Picture eating a sandwich at the beach and one of the bites had a tiny sand in it noticable when your back teeth met.

                    I will throw a can of Prima Fint on there. Sounds good.


                    • GoVegan
                      • Oct 2009
                      • 5603

                      I have been using Pioneer for a while now and have not got any grit feeling from it. You probably just got a bad can.


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Originally posted by GoVegan
                        I have been using Pioneer for a while now and have not got any grit feeling from it. You probably just got a bad can.
                        Oh he's just tryin to get his money back!

                        LoL I keed!


                        • heders
                          • Jan 2011
                          • 2227

                          You should definitely try Grovsnus Lös. It's the best loose snus in my opinion. No BS, just straight up, strong tobacco flavor. Ettan is great as well.


                          • deadohsky
                            • Nov 2009
                            • 625

                            Originally posted by EricHill78
                            Oh he's just tryin to get his money back!

                            LoL I keed!
                            I don't know if it's your avatar combined with your name, but you sometimes remind me of Cartman. Always stirring sh*t up lol.

                            Los is far better than portions. Mouth feel is better, better flavor, custom size 'doses', etc. Out of your list i've actually only tried the thunder frosted. It's the only flavored snus i actually enjoy. I'd recommend trying some Grov, or the old stand by, Roda for easy initiation into los. Gotlands Gul is the best, but it's not available anymore.


                            • spirit72
                              • Apr 2008
                              • 1013

                              Originally posted by NewYork
                              Had to copy and paste the "o" with the little dots above it. My keyboard doesn't have that.

                              Ordering Loose snus for the first time. I have to note I can't stand the taste of general (maybe it's the bergamot or something) but it tastes to herbal like tea. I really like Ettan wp and op. I really like Probe op. Grov is ok but had a little of that "tea" flavor just a little. Any suggestions or opinions on the following?

                              1.Ettan los
                              2.Probe Whiskey los
                              3.Thunder Long Cut los
                              4.Thunder Frosted los
                              5.Offroad Frosted los

                              The only los I've tried is Pioneer Snuff. It is really good but sometimes I get a really gritty sand/ground rock bits in it. Is this normal?

                              Is Offroad wintergreen los any better than the portions? It tasted like a cheap cigar left in an empty wintergreen can for a day.
                              Good first order! Ditto what others have said about Prima Fint.

                              If you're accustomed to portions, lössnus will be a very different experience at first. Give it some time to grow on you.

                              You did throw a Prismaster in there, right? Handbaking has a bit of a learning curve to it.

