Offroad Limited Edition 2008

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  • sagedil
    • Nov 2007
    • 7077

    Offroad Limited Edition 2008

    From Buysnus....

    Following up the success of the Offroad Limited Edition from last year, the new Offroad Limited Edition 2008 is now released! 10 cans in a metal tube, whisky style, same type as last year. Made in a limited number of 2000 tubes (in total) from the producer V2 Tobacco.

    Each tube contains 2 cans each of the following flavors (large portion):

    - Hot Honey
    - Wild Strawberry
    - Brandy Alexander
    - Eucalyptus
    - Orange
  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    I kind a like this concept ... kudos to V2! But with that said, I'm not sure I'm gonna get any. I'm slightly tempted by Hot Honey, Brandy Alexander and Orange. I mean, come on ... Hot Honey ... that simply sounds yummy like hell. :shock:


    • waifl
      • Mar 2008
      • 24

      Does anyone stateside want to go halfsies on a tube of these? I'm almost too interested not to bite, but can't imagine myself chewing threw 10 cans of sweet, artificial portions unless nuclear holocaust breaks out and there's nothing left.


      • Datrowl
        • May 2008
        • 22

        just ordered a roll, 5ish day shipping, reviews forthcoming =o)


        • Steel Blue 91
          • May 2008
          • 163

          I recieved an email from BuySnus as well. From the names, sounds like a desert type snus. After trying the Apple flavor (not a fan), I'm not sure about these. I'll wait for Datrowl's review.


          • PrisMaster
            • May 2007
            • 208

             waifl read your pms, I pmed you about splitting this possibly.
            I am very interested in trying this even though I am not a fan of offroad at all and not a huge portion fan either. Still the flavors are very interesting and I really want the tube for my snus collection.[/code]


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              Originally posted by Steel Blue 91
              I recieved an email from BuySnus as well. From the names, sounds like a desert type snus. After trying the Apple flavor (not a fan), I'm not sure about these. I'll wait for Datrowl's review.
              Unfortunately, waiting on someone elses review does not help much in the snus world. For example: I am currently enjoying a pris of Phantom classic los. I would tell you that it is great, but others will tell you it is awful. I have tried things that I think are awful one day, but totally hit the spot a day, week, month later.


              • Harry
                • Dec 2007
                • 213

                If they could just do something about their pouches. These flavors are intriguing, but I just can't stand their soggy cardboard pouch.

                It takes work to get any flavor out of it.

                Regardless, I'll be trying. Hopefully they have discovered their only significant downfall I've noticed and improved their packaging.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  I'm gonna have to get this set. I really dislike V2's snus, but these flavors are too interesting to pass up. When Jakobssons is released, I'll pick up a roll of that, the Offroad limited, and both kinds of Phantom lös. I really want to like the snus from these guys. I like the fact that they're a small maker, and they take chances with tobacco flavors, maybe too many chances... :^P


                  • spirit72
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 1013

                    [quote="Harry"]If they could just do something about their pouches. These flavors are intriguing, but I just can't stand their soggy cardboard pouch.quote]

                    Ditto. If they put this out in los, I'd go ahead and give it a shot because the flavors really do sound interesting. I tried their coffee vanilla early on, and the flavor sure wasn't bad for the 10 minutes it lasted. After that, I tasted low quality tobacco wrapped in a paper grocery bag.


                    • Datrowl
                      • May 2008
                      • 22

                      OK, tin arrived today, so starting the reviews as we speak... if anyone has specific questions, hit me with em, i'll try and do my best to ansewer em

                      first things first, the tin was in good condition, pretty non impressive metal tube with a good tight snap on metal lid, looks very much to be the same tin as seen for the 07 ones, but painted a bit differently. I opened it, the snus was in a long plastic wrap which went straight into the freezer for a good hour as it was nearing 100 degrees outside and the snus no doubt will be better chilled....

                      time lapse 1 hour, i split the rolls ( there were 2 of each ) and one goes right into the freezer for later, the rest go back into the fridge..... with the exception of my " first try " ..... following will be reviews as i run thru em, i'll try 1 of each for starters to get comments in print for anyone who may actually be waiting on a review prior to purchase

                      Test 1. Orange - same old plastic cans as always, once opened the first thing i notice is the smell of the Orange, not like a ripe orange from the grocer, but very much like an orange " starburst " candy.... almost exactly like it actually... the pouches look to be made of the same material they always use... so much for getting smart on us LOL, one thing i notice, the portions are MUCH moister than i usually get from any Offroad product, not quite to the point of driping, but close....i squeeze the portion to roll it between finger and thumb to " loosen it up " and juice rolls down my thumb ...interesting.... hummm ok pop it in mouth

                      Orange....those not likeing flavored Snus's stay well away.... its ORANGE... bit of salt, has a fair bite, no burn though.... not overly sweet like their peach was.... but still sweeter than most other brands. juice running pretty freely, tighten lip around it for gentle squeeze, alot of juice, but it seems to have drained it a bit....dryer now, i'll assume the excess moisture was due to the heat in transit causeing it to run a bit... even though refridgerated an hour now, spice flavor, no clove or cinnamon just pure " clean " tasting orange mixed with a bit of mellow snus tobacco flavor... gonna have to see if Tropical Bob wants me to send him a few in the post, these may be a fair replacement for his long lost beloved Mocca Manderins ... its a fairly fake orange tast, not at all like fruit, but not at all as bad as orange crush or other orange beverages... only way i could get the idea any clearer is try and imagine Snusing your favorite " lightly " flavored tobacco snus, while chewing a hand full of orange skittles or starburst... overall supriseingly pleasant .... hate to admit it..... i really like these

                      time lapse ....30 minuts in, still pretty damn orange, flavor has faded some, but not to a degree that anyone within 10 feet of me wouldnt immeadiatly start craveing a bag of skittles... i still like em.... has now moved into a spot in my top 10, may make top 5 after an overnight stay in the fridge

                      moveing on....

                      Test 2, Wild Strawberry - fair strawberry smell, no where near as strong as the orange was, no where near as moist eithor.... must be reacting well to the extra time in the fridge. these are more like the usual product i expect from Offroad.... tast .... first tast, that powerful artificial chemical flavor found in near all offroad snus, then salt.... hints of strawberry but not overpowering, fake strawberry kinda..... not a strong fake strawberry like a starburst or skittles, more like a subdued strawberry found in .. a flavored chocolate perhaps, almost no tast of tobacco... chemical tast gone now, roughly 5 minuts in... mellow strawberry, not tart, more sweetish.... like....odd..... imagine the green top of a not quite ripe strawberry, but instead of bitter and sour, its mellow and sweet .... sorry, thats as close as i can get... its fair in my book ( for an offroad flavored snus ) , but the orange beat it pretty hands down reminds me alot of the 2007 apple.... you maby were expecting a tart green granny smith apple, what you got was fair at best snus that had set open near an apple once.... this is kinda the same...hummm, pretty unimpressed, moveing on

                      test 3, Brandy Alexandra - moist, not as moist as the orange, but more so than the strawberry, smells of coco and tobacco ........ tast... low salt, its there, just not as much as your used to in a snus, sweet... very sweet... tasts like ...... ( remember, these are all pretty damn subject to my own perhaps very different than yours tast buds ) the tast is odd, but good.... my immeadiate thought is of a cold winter morning, a cup of hot coco with marshmellows floating in it.... ( read as a bit of chocolate and a splash of vanillia , sweet ) with a hint of rum, dosent tast to me so much like brandy, its more rumish.... very plesant tast.... ( NOTE: i have NO frikkin idea what a brandy alexandra is ) the tast dosent seem near as fake as i'm used to from Offroad this could be very similiar to the coffee vanillia they had that i didnt get to try, but with chocolate instead of coffee and hints of rum i like this, easily as good as the orange... top 10 material

                      a few minuts into it now, still very little salt, still coco marshmellowey not much if any tobacco tast, i like it alot...

                      Test 4, Eucalyptus - this seems to be a staple flavor for the Snus world, i dont expect offroad to win many people over from the other brands, if you like Eucalyptus, you likely already have a favorite but here goes anyway...

                      tasts like Vicks salve smells.... salty, eucalyptus, mild tobacco flavors, hints of sweetness, of the eucalyptus i've tried ( 3ish brands ) this is on par with actual cool flavor, but looses big in the portion department due to offroads horrid portion bags, very weak on tobacco tast... would be good for an ex smoker of menthal cigerattes who isnt sure they will like Snus and wants to ease into it... pretty non descript and unexciteing ...... rate it 4 on a 10 scale with 10 being high when compared next to other brands like Catch

                      meh....useable, but not great, moveing on.....

                      Test 5, Hot Honey - pop the lid, instant trip down memory lane, back to when i was a much younger man... hard to tell immeadiatly why.... the smell of honey though fragrant and sweet is there, i pop one in... again... i'm taken back thru time almost slammed with sensual images of my youth , the smell and tast are somehow very erotic and sexual to me.... light salt, mild tobacco, sweet musky honey, i let it salavate good and proper, press it lightly, juices running, bit of salt, sweet honey....tasts like.... not honey, but close.....cant place it..... LIGHT GOES ON..... ok work with me here, and i understand 1 in 1000 of you may know what i'm talking about.... there is a line of products made by a company called Kama Sutra, fairly high end sex oils and lotions etc etc, they have a product called " Honey Dust " this smells and tasts EXACTLY like that product... except the salt.... reminds me of the tast of salty sweaty flesh, on a hot summer night, back in my younger days, sweet dust, tang of salt, wow...

                      a keeper just for the mental images it revives in me LOL ....sorry for the umm, sidetrack, i could have gone back and edited it out, but for those who know the product, well, they'll understand... it has a bit of " real " honey tast.... but mostly from the juices once you get 10 to 15 minuts into it...

                      humm.... hard to explain otherwise... its a tasty snus, though IMHO all offroad snus is about as much snus as Wise is...

                      thats all i have for now, i speed tasted these 30 minuts eachish, maby i'll alter my thoughts with prolonged use of a paticular flavor will edit and update any thoughts that change as i get deeper into the cans...

                      any questions?



                      • snusfather
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 227

                        I am VERY interested in the Orange. Does anyone know where I can go to order an individual can of it without buying the whole tube? I am actualy interested in any orange flavored snus, but I have yet to run acrossed any other than this.


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          Nice review Datrowl, thanks for taking the time :^) I've ordered a set of the limited with great reservation. I haven't had a V2 product I've liked yet, but the flavors just sound too interesting to pass up.

                          snusfather... I think V2 runs these sets to try out new flavors to use as a regular product. If many people like the orange you may see it as an individual in the future. Right now you can only get it by buying the whole set. The only other orange I'm aware of is Mocca Mandarin, but they quit making that a few months ago.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            Just like last time. people can go to v2's website and vote for their favorites. Those will most likely stay in production like the coffee vanilla and apple did.


                            • snusfather
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 227

                              Thanx lxskllr. I see your from Maryland, I love Baltimore.


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