Thanks Rick! Keep it up I can't wait. I got a smoker friend hooked on Grov Portions that is getting General locally for 4.99 on Haight Street. I can't believe it's not more expensive in SF. Personally haven't bought local unless you consider ordering from Jonathan at ClubSnus. Only two cigar shops listed for General in SF. I'm lazy and cheap so order online so far, but I'd like to see it more locally available. Thanks for all your work man!
Too be honest this is why I try to make most of my purchases with Northerner even though the selection and prices aren't as good as other webstores. I would be that 1 in a million that gets caught and nailed with a huge tax bill. When I order from Northerner, I don't even need to worry about it.
Northerner's selection isn't even that different anymore. No Skruf which I couldn't care less about, but they do have Pioneer which is a HUGE selling point for me.
Northerner's selection isn't even that different anymore. No Skruf which I couldn't care less about, but they do have Pioneer which is a HUGE selling point for me.
YES, I have to agree with you on that one. I would be in heaven though if they added Granit and Gellivare came back. I could suck on Granit portions all day at work and then have a nice big fat prilla of Gellivare when I get home.
Yea I'm hoping Gellivare products come back. That's still one of my favorite snuses. I've kind of burned out on the Granit los. Something about the flavor isn't hitting it anymore.
Screw the government. If they send me a bill, I'll worry about then. If I had to pay wisconsin's outrageous tax on top of Fed tax AND UPS shipping, I wouldn't order online anymore. It's just too expensive. I'll get away with it for as long as I can cause I don't want to have to go back to smokes, or start using dip on a regular basis. I've tried quitting smoking a good 6 times. And those were all very serious attempts, but couldn't break them until I found snus. If the government isn't concerned about my health, then they can go screw themselves.
The PACT act states that the tax must be paid before shipping, by the first person/entity causing importation into the individual state. Most states require this as well, this is where the difficulty lies... and why compliance with every state is a nightmare. Because while most states have very similar statutes regarding delivery sales of tobacco products, they're all a little different. Bottom line is yeah it sucks ass, but eventually there will be not "grey" areas for online sellers to skirt, because states are quickly realizing the potential revenue that can be collected. The Northerner hates having to collect the taxes, but because it's now a law, we do it to protect our online customers. Also, by collecting the taxes, we aren't undercutting your local snus retailer...who buys from us ;-) They don't like that by the way, lol.
Eventually, I want as many brands as possible to be sold in your local store. That's what I'm working to do, and we're making some serious headway, and it's only going to grow faster and faster as the months go by. I remember what it was like to buy snus online and then wait up to 14 days for Swedish post to arrive, it sucked. This is yet another reason, I'm making it available to everyone at their local shops. I know we're not in everyone's towns yet, but keep the leads coming and keep an eye on : for updates. I've not updated the threads here on SnusOn lately, mainly due to my personal time constraints, but the distribution site is up to date.
You are so awesome Rick! Because of you I can now buy locally (and I have another place for you to target, they already have General but until I showed them Jaks, had no idea there were others, I will PM you).
I am sure I speak for everyone that has not already chimed in when I say, Thank You! For furthering our cause and helping save lives!
Yea I'm hoping Gellivare products come back. That's still one of my favorite snuses. I've kind of burned out on the Granit los. Something about the flavor isn't hitting it anymore.
Having drinks with Frank in a few minutes...I'll find out wtf is up with Gellivare ;-)
Okay...apparently a part broke on the can making machine for Gellivare. It's super expensive, and it's not fixed. They're waiting on cans that I think they outsourced, but it will come back. I don't have an exact timeframe though. I am curious many people actually like this snus? LOL...I'm not a fan...just sayin'
Screw the government. If they send me a bill, I'll worry about then. If I had to pay wisconsin's outrageous tax on top of Fed tax AND UPS shipping, I wouldn't order online anymore. It's just too expensive. I'll get away with it for as long as I can cause I don't want to have to go back to smokes, or start using dip on a regular basis. I've tried quitting smoking a good 6 times. And those were all very serious attempts, but couldn't break them until I found snus. If the government isn't concerned about my health, then they can go screw themselves.
right on! we could be long lost brothers :-) If I had not found swedish snus i imagine i would have followed in my dads footsteps and got lung cancer. the gov don't give a rats butt about you or your health. and yes i always pay my taxes. i pay more taxes than i get to spend myself.
right on! we could be long lost brothers :-) If I had not found swedish snus i imagine i would have followed in my dads footsteps and got lung cancer. the gov don't give a rats butt about you or your health. and yes i always pay my taxes. i pay more taxes than i get to spend myself.
One of the funniest parts about this is the US postal service is pretty much broke. I read that they aren't even going to be able to make their payments by the end of the year for their retirement/disability fund thingy (FECA?). Hmm, prolly shouldn't have excluded tobacco from USPS huh? With that ban, and email/social sites being used so much, what's left for the USPS to even make money on? Most products are delivered via UPS or Fed Ex and a lot of people (well, at least me) do bill payments and bank statements paperless.
Can someone please explain this to me. Why after 20 years does she decide to just call up Anita Hill and ask her to apologize for her sworn testimony...