Has anyone else tried the Thunder "Xtreme" Coola flavor yet? Is it just me, or when you open the can, do you immediately smell Simple Green cleaner? Fortunately, it does seem to taste better than it smells. I have my first portion in right now, and it definitely has a higher dose of Vitamin N.
Thunder Coola...
Okay, I am going to have to rephrase this...it is Simple Green that smells like Cola, not the other way around, lol. I actually like the Thunder Coola...It's not one of my all-day snus choices, but certainly great first thing in the morning when I need the extra kick! I think I'll have to order more!
Haven't got around to trying it yet, but I do have a roll on the way right now. By everyone's descriptions, it should be right up my alley. I usually avoid, and advise to avoid, buying a roll of something you haven't tried, but I haven't met a Thunder I don't get along with yet. Plus, the exchange here is always an option.
Actually, for a flavored snus its not bad. I can definitely taste cola but it is more like a natural cola. It also has a nice cooling effect to it. So yes, think of a nice cold coke and you will be in the ballpark. I also get cola for the smell. The nic hit is definitely there. One thing I do like about this snus is it does go well with most soft drinks. This is not an all day snus for me and I think I could get tired of it easily but for a nice treat after work or dinner, this stuff really hits the spot. I wouldn't order a roll of it but maybe a can or two.