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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by NewYork
    Is that supposed to be funny? Because you don't like Probe Whiskey It's not the "cool" trend to use it? Well guess what, General SUCKS ASS I dont care what anyone says. Probe is a thousand times better than that disgusting crap. I at least taste TOBACCO in Probe, can't say the same about General or even a lot of those other nasty ass "popular" brands. Regardless, that's not what I'm waiting for so if you don't have something half way intelligent to say go be a douche bag on a different thread.


    • chadizzy1
      • May 2009
      • 7432

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Haha last year I actually printed this off and passed it around to my employees when they complained about work load.


      • NewYork
        Banned Users
        • Jul 2011
        • 98

        Wow you guys must be like 12 years old. Or are you those fat guys that live in your moms basement with greasy hair and play video games and hang out in online forums all day? It's all making sense to me now. Put away the computer and maybe try to find a real life girlfriend instead of a "snuson gal" in a tobacco forum online. Seriously that is really pathetic.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by NewYork
          Wow you guys must be like 12 years old. Or are you those fat guys that live in your moms basement with greasy hair and play video games and hang out in online forums all day? It's all making sense to me now. Put away the computer and maybe try to find a real life girlfriend instead of a "snuson gal" in a tobacco forum online. Seriously that is really pathetic.
          You're the one acting like a spoiled child here, and it's not only this thread. You display epic douchebaggery in practically every thread you darken. You expect the world to bend over, and kiss your worthless ass. Guess what buddy? The world doesn't work that way. No one gives a shit if you like Probe, Level, General, or anything else. Also, your command of English is sub par, and I'm honestly amazed you can turn your computer on by yourself. Nobody said anything about your precious Probe in this thread. But then, anybody with the ability to read would have seen that.

          Grow the fsck up. We don't have any use for whiny children here. When you act like a child, you get treated like a child. If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one :^S


          • chadizzy1
            • May 2009
            • 7432

            Originally posted by NewYork
            Wow you guys must be like 12 years old. Or are you those fat guys that live in your moms basement with greasy hair and play video games and hang out in online forums all day? It's all making sense to me now. Put away the computer and maybe try to find a real life girlfriend instead of a "snuson gal" in a tobacco forum online. Seriously that is really pathetic.

            And thanks for the visitor message, the ASCII penis was quite funny!

            NewYork - Today 11:22 AM
            Left you this cause you didnt have one.


            • clint404
              • Jul 2011
              • 317

              General has no dude?

              Grow some balls and try their loose.


              • Mdisch
                • Jul 2011
                • 805

                Originally posted by EricHill78
                NY.. you will most likely get a voice mail.. when you do breathe heavy and keep repeating "probe whiskey"
                This made my day :-)
                I mean I haven't ordered from them, but I might do it anyways
                _______________________________________________________ _

                Also I find this New York guys quite unpleasant.. And that comes from a Dane - and in Denmark the highest amount of gratitude for a nice meal is saying "Oh well.. I guess we had dinner today as well"... And that means it's f*cking delicious.
                Now when I call you unpleasent I am replacing a lot of sentences describing the douchebaggery you clearly possess. I mean, everybody has a flavor(Well, some of us haven't found it yet), and nobody was badmouthing Probe Whiskey, as far as I know it is quite good.
                You sir, should control the hormonal disfunctions you are clearly suffering from because of your extreme abuse of steroids( - I mean you sound like a whimp, so you must fill your body with something so it can contain your major ego).
                This forum is a nice place and we do not appreciate your gigantic (excuse the language) b*tch-fit.
                I have tried to keep the profanity to a minimum and the grammar as good as I could.
                Just to say that you got schooled by a 17 year old boy from Denmark.
                You sir, are a sad excuse for a forum lurker. At least most lurkers have the decency to keep quiet, count to ten and assess the situation before they go rambling.

                Also general is good, and it has plenty of flavour.


                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432

                  Originally posted by Mdisch
                  Just to say that you got schooled by a 17 year old boy from Denmark.
                  Funniest thing I've ever read on SnusOn. Ha!


                  • Mdisch
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 805

                    Originally posted by chadizzy1
                    Funniest thing I've ever read on SnusOn. Ha!
                    Thank you - I try my best :-)


                    • sirloot
                      Senior Member
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 2607

                      Originally posted by NewYork
                      Wow this ****ing company amazes me. I spent like $200 in a month with them and there was a snus out of stock that still let me order it. I didnt get a notice of out of stock untill my order came in the mail. They said it would be shipped as soon as it was back in stock. A couple weeks went by and I sent them another e-mail (since you can't call them) and they told me sorry for the delay it will be sent out. There was another item that US customers shouldnt be able to order which is toque snuff that they didnt tell me I cant order it untill that order arrived and I already payed for it. They said they will not replace it with something else they will refund my $4 or whatever. So meanwhile I write them a email about the original "out of stock" product that I found online was discontinued. I brought that to their attention and they agreed to replace it with one can of something else. So I asked for a different can of snus. They said no problem we will send that right out. 2 days later it said "pending". I have since e-mailed them asking why it is taking a month to send out my can of snus. All they have to do is ship it from PA to NY. They will not reply to my e-mails anymore and this order was from July 25th. It still reads "pending" and has for the past 3 weeks.

                      I have since found that costs only slightly more for shipping, charges no state tax, and delivers FASTER from SWEDEN than this place does from Pennsylvania. It is CHEAPER TOO! I will not be ordering from ever again.
                      Cool story Bro .. whining about it here on the forums is like going outside in yer neighborhood and shouting the same thing .. i might make you feel better but people will be like wtf ? did you email this rant to getsnus? that might help more...


                      • NewYork
                        Banned Users
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 98

                        Originally posted by lxskllr
                        You're the one acting like a spoiled child here, and it's not only this thread. You display epic douchebaggery in practically every thread you darken. You expect the world to bend over, and kiss your worthless ass. Guess what buddy? The world doesn't work that way. No one gives a shit if you like Probe, Level, General, or anything else. Also, your command of English is sub par, and I'm honestly amazed you can turn your computer on by yourself. Nobody said anything about your precious Probe in this thread. But then, anybody with the ability to read would have seen that.

                        Grow the fsck up. We don't have any use for whiny children here. When you act like a child, you get treated like a child. If you want to be treated like an adult, start acting like one :^S
                        Go back in to the dark cave in your moms basement and play dungeons and dragons or world of warcraft or whatever it is you do. Oh wait...this IS what you do. Hang out with your forum family of friends you have never met in real life. hahahaha. you guys crack me up.


                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Originally posted by NewYork
                          Go back in to the dark cave in your moms basement and play dungeons and dragons or world of warcraft or whatever it is you do. Oh wait...this IS what you do. Hang out with your forum family of friends you have never met in real life. hahahaha. you guys crack me up.

                          Dude your a Dick!


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432

                            Originally posted by NewYork
                            Go back in to the dark cave in your moms basement and play dungeons and dragons or world of warcraft or whatever it is you do. Oh wait...this IS what you do. Hang out with your forum family of friends you have never met in real life. hahahaha. you guys crack me up.
                            What's wrong with D&D?


                            • Premium Parrots
                              Super Moderators
                              • Feb 2008
                              • 9759

                              Originally posted by Bigblue1
                              Dude your a Dick!
                              surely he resembles that remark
                              Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                              I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                              • Mdisch
                                • Jul 2011
                                • 805

                                Originally posted by chadizzy1
                                What's wrong with D&D?
                                I ask the same thing.. I mean I don't play it, but it is an imaginative world, and a quite complete one at that.
                                See? There he goes again, dissing what people like and have spent ages on making. Just like those poor people at General who made ages making their snus just so he could complain.
                                Same goes for World of Warcraft.

                                Also calling him male genetalia is a bit rude.
                                I mean calling people something which they have never seen, nor possess is a bit rude. No man (read male) can possess such a rage based on such a small unimportant detail. Clearly he is either a female suffering from PMS or of another realm(just to stay in the D&D spirit)


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