How much do you load in your Prismaster?

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  • bondzai
    • Apr 2008
    • 362

    How much do you load in your Prismaster?

    I was thinking that snus was weaker than dip. For some reason I was getting almost numb from using a large pinch of longcut. Then I switched to snus again, and thought it was a bit milder than dip. Today I began using loose again and used a smaller portion. But just now used a whole prismaster full of snus.... gotesborg rape. It is a huge pris! It takes up both sides of my top lip! So I am wondering what size prises you all make with your prismaster.... Half Size? Full Size? Quarter Size? I guess its good to be able to make any size you want..... This full size Gotesborg isn't knocking me out yet, but its just getting started. I will be curious about the hit with this size pris.....
  • fakieollie
    • Apr 2008
    • 32

    I quickly went from cigs to Copenhagen to snus. And back to copenhagen and some other American dip while assimilating to snus. I think that dip comes on a little quicker and stronger, but it seems to fade out quickly whereas snus nicotine onset is a bit slower, it goes on an even keel for much longer. Snus is so much better for so many reasons. In my mind anyway. I still can appreciate a nice dip though.


    • Doc Robot
      • Apr 2008
      • 24

      I personally load the entire tool for a pris.

      It can be a little obtrusive if you don't have a regular "sweet spot" in your mouth that you've discovered. (For example, mine is in the little "pouch" that sits just left of center.)

      As for the nicotine, it is the reason why I load up a full PM at a time. I must have a serious dependency on the 'ole nicotine, because I enjoy a lot of snus up there at one time.

      I'm sure it doesn't help much that my favorite snus, hands down, is RL loose. While I love the flavor more than anything I've ever had in the snus family (and I've had most, if not all), it just doesn't seem to deliver nicotine worth a damn. Hence, the giant-ass pris. :wink:

      Now, I find that some snuses hit way harder in the nicotine department than others. Gotland's Anis and Skruf come immediately to mind, not to mention the now gone and much beloved N&J loose.

      The sad part is that I'd love to use portions. Less mess, often tastier than their loose counterparts, more discreet, etc. But, they just don't deliver the nic like I wish they would. YMMV, obviously.


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