A roll? You're a braver man than I, I just ordered a single can.
There's a reason people have tended to like every single metal can snus so far:
1) Diplomat
2) Lucky Strike
3) Some brand I'm forgetting
It's because it's in a metal can. The metal in the can contains tiny nanites that manipulate your tastebuds into liking it. It seems. So I *know* I'll end up liking it. Especially with a can this nice looking. It will have higher quality tastebud manipulating nanites. My logic is flawless.
Yeah, I'll admit I like metal tims, it's why I ordered the one can (and hey it may be good)..
I've still got a roll of montechristo los in my freezer, but that's because I actually like the snus.. (ordered it half-way through the single can I'd ordered earlier).
PM did a test market of Marlboro Dipping tobacco some time ago (may still be going on). The tin was black metal with an embossed lid. I am guessing that this is the same tin slightly modified. I dont know if the press buttom opens the entire lid or if it is a portion disposal area. Either which way, it will be a nice tin to carry.
Marking the year that Philip opened his first cigar shop in London, his latter-day corporation attempts to steal some of the prestige of true classics by gauchely miming Ettan's 1822. Tsk, tsk...
Marking the year that Philip opened his first cigar shop in London, his latter-day corporation attempts to steal some of the prestige of true classics by gauchely miming Ettan's 1822. Tsk, tsk...
Well now I feel bad for think the tin is cool lookin.
Marking the year that Philip opened his first cigar shop in London, his latter-day corporation attempts to steal some of the prestige of true classics by gauchely miming Ettan's 1822. Tsk, tsk...
Well now I feel bad for think the tin is cool lookin.
:lol: Don't get me wrong, it is cool looking - no doubt. It's like women, though, they can look hot but be completely psycho at the same time. Hell, it may even be really good snus, who knows? Just seems a bit cheeky to me how PM really lays it on thick - I guess I'm more musing than anything.
Marking the year that Philip opened his first cigar shop in London, his latter-day corporation attempts to steal some of the prestige of true classics by gauchely miming Ettan's 1822. Tsk, tsk...
Well now I feel bad for think the tin is cool lookin.
:lol: Don't get me wrong, it is cool looking - no doubt. It's like women, though, they can look hot but be completely psycho at the same time. Hell, it may even be really good snus, who knows? Just seems a bit cheeky to me how PM really lays it on thick - I guess I'm more musing than anything.
Fair enough. I am just a sucker for cool packaging I guess.
PM openly states their business model in all emerging markets is to copy the most popular product and improve on it by using their expertise. I expect this will be a very good snus.
This is why Marlboro taste so different depending on what region you buy them in... Hence Marlboro Lights (US) are completely different to Lights (Euro).