Originally posted by itchystiches
Philip Morris 1847
Originally posted by itchystichesNot really 'cheeky' ... just good business.
PM openly states their business model in all emerging markets is to copy the most popular product and improve on it by using their expertise. I expect this will be a very good snus.
This is why Marlboro taste so different depending on what region you buy them in... Hence Marlboro Lights (US) are completely different to Lights (Euro).
My 2c.
I agree that it could very well be a great snus, mind you. I'm not one to judge a book by its cover even though I might be one to judge the cover :wink:
Well, these strike the fear of God in me. Metal container? In my left rear Levi pocket? This part of the U.S. is the Lightning Capital of the World. Something like 7 strikes per acre each summer. If you read of someone zapped in the ass in Florida, it could be me trying this attractive new snus in its metal can.
Originally posted by ZofryerOriginally posted by itchystichesNot really 'cheeky' ... just good business.
PM openly states their business model in all emerging markets is to copy the most popular product and improve on it by using their expertise. I expect this will be a very good snus.
My 2c.
Haha... Yes I think that was what you could call a final comeback
Point taken.
I think you're right about the ceilings Zero, although I do know that the testing is not standardized so what is 'one puff' on the US system maybe a bigger 'puff' than what the Euro smoke testers use. I used to smoke Kool's back in the day, and I know they were like 17mg tar which is far higher than any rating you'd find in the EU.
Having said this, I find the EU Marlboro lights to much stronger tasting than the US ones.
Either way, I really hope this PM snus is a good product. The tin looks amazing, although I have to agree with zof that there is a certain cosmic force acting on the tastebuds with regards to the tin :P
I would have to agree with Zeno, although it has been a long time since I had any tobacco products from Germany, what I have had was pretty darn powerful. About 15 years ago, a German guy let me bum a cig off him, I have no idea what the brand was but it knocked me down. I was smoking Pall Malls nonfiltered at the time, the German cig had a filter. Don't know what the heck was in it but I did not bum a second. Then a few years back in Sweden I tried some cheap German cigars, didn't care for those either but I would not say they were week, just nasty. Mind you I love many German things but smoking tobacco is not one of them.
Originally posted by ZenoIf this nicotine limit in europe exists, it does not apply for Germany and Switzerland. There you can get quite strong cig brands way over the limit Zero has mentioned. And still the Marlboros and Camels taste different here than in the US.
Yeah, a cigarette is limited to 1.0mg in Germany since 2004. German politicians are traditionally tobacco-friendly, especially the old ones, who remembered being ruled by a tobacco-hating, psychotic dictator, but nowadays some also-not-democratically-elected pencil-pushers in Brussels have all the power.
Even my last package of "Eckstein", that I smoked two years ago only had 1.0mg of nicotine left. "Eckstein" formerly was a real killer-brand. "Roth-Händle" and "Schwarzer Krauser" are other famous (formerly) strong brands.
I really hope that there never will be a law, that limits the nicotine-content of snus-brands.
Originally posted by chainsnuserYeah, a cigarette is limited to 1.0mg in Germany since 2004.
Even my last package of "Eckstein", that I smoked two years ago only had 1.0mg of nicotine left. "Eckstein" formerly was a real killer-brand. "Roth-Händle" and "Schwarzer Krauser" are other famous (formerly) strong brands.
I've used to smoke "Roth-Händle" "Reval without filter" and "Schwarzer Krauser" before I quit for Snus this year. Probably this law does not apply to Baden (a state in Germany)?