Jakobsson's - first impressions!

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  • Subtilo
    • Dec 2006
    • 524

    Jakobsson's - first impressions!

    Finally! This morning I was woken up by the mailman ... and guess what ... he had four cans of Jakobsson's Classic and two of the Ice Fruit for me (plus some other great stuff)! By now I've already tried them both and here is my impressions:

    First I tried the Classic. The can is - as we already know - simply beautiful and it's nice to finally hold it in my hand. The compass decoration is awesome and it's also mirrored on the inside. We've been spoiled with details on this one!

    First impression of the smell ... it reminds me a lot of Gotlands Yellow. It has the same sort of deep and orange-like aroma, and I actually think that a blind-test would turn out to be pretty difficult. Well, in my book the Yellow is one of the best snuses around so I'm not at all disappointed! Jakobsson's Classic simply screams quality.

    Now, moving on to the taste. Again it's in the the neighborhood of the Yellow. The first couple of minutes I actually couldn't tell the difference, but after about five minutes the characteristics of Classic began to show. It doesn't move far away from it's yellow brother - again (to me) it has a certain orange element - but the Classic is a bit more 'earthy' or 'heavy' or 'robust' (if you guys can follow me). Also, the juices are bit more tobacco-like and not quite as 'fruity' or 'herbal' as I find the juices of Yellow to be.

    I really, really like it! And I must admit that it has already moved straight in to my top three. For me this is a keeper and I can see myself ordering roll after roll of this. A pure work of art!

    And the Ice Fruit. As stated by some this doesn't exactly sounds like something that would come out of the factory in Gotland. But after trying it I can assure you that it is indeed a product worthy of the company name.

    The smell. Well, the smell is quite interesting and most certainly not like any other snus I've tried. I was afraid that it would be somewhat extreme, but I was wrong: the notes of both (unknown) fruit and mint is obvious, but it's well balanced and subtle like you'd expect it from this producer. In the hands of many others chances would be that it had turned out utterly disgusting.

    The taste is equally interesting. The mint is clear and makes it feel cool and fresh under the lip. Now, generally I'm not a big fan of minty tobacco, but it's not overpowered at all and is constantly kept down by the sweeter elements of fruit. It's hard to tell which kind of fruit it is, but I wouldn't be surprised if it contained some lingon berries as it sort of reminds me of Göteborgs Rapé No. 2. I'm amazed by the balance between the two quite opposite elements in this snus ... a lot of thoughts has surely been put into the production here. But with that said I don't think this will be a regular one for me. I'll get a can now and then. It's unique and that is both it's force and weakness in my opinion.

    Well, that's it for now. These impressions are only based on one portion of each, I'll probably discover new sides of both as time goes by. I can't wait to hear what you guys think of these new varieties!

    Kudos to Gotlandssnus for making such impressive snuses! Keep up the good work!

    Oh, and this was my lucky day ... I got one of the tiny brochures with a unique date stamp! YIPPEE! Jakobsson's merchandise is coming Subtilos way!
  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    Excellent review!

    I should have a can of each within the next couple days. I look forward to trying it.


    • Gideondark
      • May 2008
      • 33

      Great review!

      I am looking forward to trying them!

      I think that I read on this forum that the fruit in Ice Fruit is blueberry, but I could be wrong.


      • Subtilo
        • Dec 2006
        • 524

        Originally posted by Gideondark
        Great review!

        I am looking forward to trying them!

        I think that I read on this forum that the fruit in Ice Fruit is blueberry, but I could be wrong.

        Blueberry? That's plausible ... I'm sure it's some kind of berries. Maybe our insider, Jimmy, can answer that ...


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          From the e-mail from Buysnus:

          Jakobsson’s from Gotlandssnus

          A new premium snus from the snus producer Gotlandssnus. Many have waited for this new quality premium snus and now it is available. The new snus comes in two flavors, Classic and Ice-Fruit.

          Jakobbson’s Classic has a classic, memorable taste of snus, with an undertone of citrus, rosé and maple.

          Jakobssons Ice-Fruit snus has a soft, fruity taste of mint and some blueberry flavor with a fresh, icy undertone.

          Jakobssons is a premium snus produced from especially chosen raw materials – a mixture of the finest tobacco types collected from all corners of the world. This includes Alida, the tobacco grown on Gotland. The snus, having a highly distinctive smooth character, contains only premium raw materials - for a lasting taste experience.

          Also do NOT miss our small lottery! Inside the top lid of each can there is a small brochure, on 20 of them there is a unique date stamp (on 10 of each flavor). If you have this on your brochure just send us an email with this date and you will win nice gifts from Gotlandssnus with the Jakobsson’s brand.


          • Latina
            • May 2008
            • 65

            Wow! thanks for the detailed review Subtilo! I love both green and yellow. So i'll be ordering some jakobssons soon!! It is good to know that they are close to the gotlands gul flavor.
            And lucky boy! you got some of those gotlands stamped brochures!! I'm happy for you.


            • rustic
              • Sep 2007
              • 54

              Thanks for the quick review! I just ordered a few of both to try.

              I like the Yellow okay, but it's one of those combinations of flavors that could stand a little improvement in my book. Specifically, your description of the differences sound like what I'm looking for.

              I wish buysnus had instant delivery

              - Jeff


              • eli
                • Apr 2008
                • 243

                edit: I'm an idiot.


                • Subtilo
                  • Dec 2006
                  • 524

                  Now, Jakobsson's sadly doesn't come in lös ... but from what I can tell from pinching the portions the texture is pretty much the same as Gotlands Yellow portions. One of the coarser snuses.

                  Edit: LOL!


                  • eli
                    • Apr 2008
                    • 243

                    I will however continue to hope for Jakobssons Classic Los.... sounds like it could be a Grov-Killer...


                    • Subtilo
                      • Dec 2006
                      • 524

                      Oh, on a side note: the little brochure (in Swedish!) in the lid says that both the Classic and the Ice Fruit also will be introduced in nicotine-free variants :shock:

                      ... not that I think that anyone in here would be interested in that :lol:


                      • Xobeloot
                        • Jan 2008
                        • 2542

                        Christ man! forgive me for being an asshat on this one... Why in the world would they make a nicotine free variant but no loose. Feed your addicted customers... dont try to ween them off their addiction! I mean seriously... could there possibly be enough people who want nicotine free snus?
                        /end rant


                        • lxskllr
                          • Sep 2007
                          • 13435

                          I just got my Jakobsson's in the mail today, and I've started out with the Ice Fruit because it seemed so weird :^D

                          It generally takes me a few portions or pris' to get a firm opinion of what I think of a snus, but I'll post my introductory impressions here, and update after I try the Classic.

                          Ice Fruit

                          This is an interesting flavor, and I agree with Subtilo. In lesser hands this could have been an abomination. I rather like it. I'm a big fan of mint in tobacco, but not so much fruit. Gotlandssnus makes the only 2 fruit snus' I like. Green, and now Ice Fruit. The fruit in the Ice Fruit is subdued, and very pleasant. It's not cloying, and it doesn't beat your taste buds into submission like many other snus'(ahem... Offroad :^P) The mint is also behind the scenes. It's not so much a full mint taste, as an element of coolness in the background. The flavor doesn't seem to last as long as the classic Gotland snus'(color labels), but so far I'm on 45 minutes, and don't want to get rid of it yet. I'm guessing that it'll be good for 60-85 minutes before it's completely spent. All in all I like it. This will be a regular buy for me, and a nice change of pace from my usual snus'.



                          Again, I have to agree with Subtilo. The classic is very Much like the Gul, but a bit mellower. It has a creamy lusciousness That appears after 10 minutes or so. It's not quite as sharp as the Gul, but it has the same Gotland house flavor. These are a must try. If you like snus, you should like Jakobsson's classic. I'm really digging these, and will be adding these to my daily portion ration.


                          • Xobeloot
                            • Jan 2008
                            • 2542

                            I got my Jobssons today.

                            The first for me to try is the Icefruit. Now, I will be honest here. I do not think I let it cool off long enough after bein in my 100 degree mailbox for god knows how long. I was just too excited to try it. My first impression: Mentholated sock :shock: . I could not taste anything other than the mint and a hint of tobacco. I tried upper lip, lower lip, I even chewed on the portion trying to find some flavor in it. Spit it out. I let it cool off a bit longer and went back for a round two.

                            Round two was a completely different experience. The mint is the first thing that I notice under my lip, followed by a salty but sweet undertone of whatever this fruit is. Buysnus says that is is supposed to be blueberry, but My tastebuds definately do not scream blueberry.

                            The flavors get nicer the longer I have it in. The mint has mellowed and the fruit has leveled out along side. The snus is interesting, and may make it into my occasional order, but I have a feeling that the cans that I ordered will last quite a while.

                            I hope that the classic excites my palette a bit more than the icefruit.


                            • lxskllr
                              • Sep 2007
                              • 13435

                              Originally posted by Xobeloot

                              The flavors get nicer the longer I have it in. The mint has mellowed and the fruit has leveled out along side.
                              I thought so also. I like them better after they've been in awhile. The flavor drops off kind of quick, but it seems to continue on a low level for quite awhile.


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