Jakobsson's - first impressions!

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  • Xobeloot
    • Jan 2008
    • 2542

    I have moved along to the Classic. I will echo what has already been said in that this tastes very much like the gul. The maple is definately one of the bolder charictoristics which gives this snus a very nice overall taste. I can definately see myself ordering some more of this. Maybe not in roll quantity due to the whole portion factor, but I will keep a tin on hand to scratch my gotlands itch.


    • Xobeloot
      • Jan 2008
      • 2542

      i TOOK THE iCEFRUIT TO WORK WITH ME TODAY ON A MISSION TO FIND THE ULTIMATE DESCRIPTION FOR HOW IT TASTES. (and then i realized that I have been owned by capslock yet again).

      The Icefruit can best be described as chewing a piece of Wrigleys Juicy Fruit gum right after brushing your teeth... Just not as sweet.


      • Harry
        • Dec 2007
        • 213

        I tasted Juicy Fruit as well right off the bat. It's a bit candy-y.

        Nice touch with the toothpaste.

        I know it's probably sacrilege to mention NJ East with this stuff, but to me, these manufacturers have put together two quality sweeter flavored snuses.

        I love them both.

        I wish the portions from Gotlands were a bit more saturated to begin with. If so, there would be nothing that could stop them.


        • Zeno
          • Apr 2008
          • 79

          Originally posted by Xobeloot
          The Icefruit can best be described as chewing a piece of Wrigleys Juicy Fruit gum right after brushing your teeth... Just not as sweet.
          This exactly hits the point! I've received mine today and I had exactly the same association. I loved it instantly. Noticeable flavour but not artificial, very harmonic. Even gives you a fresh breath. Feels cool on the gums, refreshing for hot days. A little bit candylike but not sweet. This will not become my allday snus but one everyday...


          • eli
            • Apr 2008
            • 243

            I've got both Joakbson's SNUS in the freezer right now, waiting till i finish out this can of Retro portion to open the first one (probably the IceFruit). I have 4 rolls in the Freezer and about 10+ odd cans... promised my wife i'd not be ordering any more till that number comes down a notch...


            • sagedil
              • Nov 2007
              • 7077

              LOL, thank God my wife left. I too was determined not to order any more until I had chewed down my stash a bit. But after reading all of these reviews and the ones about PM as well, I just couldn't wait. Besides, with Buysnus free shipping, I just HAD to :lol:


              • snusfather
                • Jun 2008
                • 227

                Originally posted by sagedil
                LOL, thank God my wife left. I too was determined not to order any more until I had chewed down my stash a bit. But after reading all of these reviews and the ones about PM as well, I just couldn't wait. Besides, with Buysnus free shipping, I just HAD to :lol:
                Thanks for the tip on the free shipping! I had been waiting to order the Jacobson's (both) and the 1847 until I needed enouf snus to make the shipping worth it. OUTSTANDING!


                • Kerprodo
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 138

                  Same here - free shipping seals it for me ordering a sample of the new Gotlands, although I'm sure a couple other tins will jump in the cart, needed or not. Somehow get worried now if I don't have 15-20 minimum cans to choose from.


                  • phish
                    • Jan 2007
                    • 265

                    I just tried my first ice-fruit portion. I was a little dubious because of the name and of the smell! They smell exactly like bubble gum flavoured sweets (how did bubble gum become an flavour?) somewhat akin to these http://www.handycandy.co.uk/bubblegu...ons-p-520.html

                    The taste, on the other-hand, is great. Really subtle hints of mint and mystery fruit. I'm not a fan of mint or fruit snus but these are excellent. I'll definitely order a few more tins. Speaking of which the tins are really nice

                    Gotlandssnus has done it again Can't wait to give the tobacco ones a try.


                    • mountainman
                      New Member
                      • May 2008
                      • 7

                      I Must Be Missing Something

                      Maybe it's just me. But Gotlands Gul, Montecristo and Jakobsson's Regular just taste bitter to me, even the loose versions. I really tried to appreciate them, especially after Jimbo's glowing reports from the factory. Do I just have plebeian taste in snus or what?


                      • phish
                        • Jan 2007
                        • 265

                        Yes, you fail. Just joking, maybe you have a sensitive pallet? As long as you can find a couple of snuses you like then it doesn't really matter


                        • squeezyjohn
                          • Jan 2008
                          • 2497

                          My order came in today!

                          I had ordered a roll of the classic and a couple of the ice-fruit and have tried them this morning.

                          So to add to the reviews - here's my take

                          Jakobssons Classic - tastes to me a bit like a toned down Gotlands Yellow, not quite as fruity and floral, but the same flavours of maple, rose and citrus, but with not much extra tobacco flavour to go with it. I think in future I'll stick with the yellow portions which I adore as I like the strong flavours but I can see how some would easily prefer the subtle Jakobssons.

                          Jakobssons Ice-Fruit - the initial smell of the tin wasn't promising - a bit like a cross between wrigleys juicy fruit chewing gum and blackcurrant lemsip. But the flavour is amazing! It's got about as much flavour as the regular Gotland lines - i.e. quite strong tasting, but the flavours are very organic, not artificial at all. The main taste I got on top of the mild tobacco and salt is mainly blackcurrant with maybe some blackcurrant leaves in there too - and the mint is quite mild so you don't taste it so much as feel the cool menthol on the inside of your lip - but it's only just there. In fact the cool burn of the mint on my lip seems more akin to the way that the nicotine in strong portions such as N&J feels. I will certainly be buying this one by the roll.

                          Both portions are the standard high quality type that you already get with Gotlandssnus, and it is very clear that the snus itself is pure quality.

                          The little labels inside the ashtray lids advertise that both will be available as nicotine free portions too! I don't know what I think about that, but it could be quite interesting alternating between the nic free and standard ones - if only to keep a fresh one in more often without getting a headache!

                          Sometimes wrong and sometimes right .... but ALWAYS certain!!!


                          • rustic
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 54

                            After three days of nothing but Jakobbson's (both classic and ice fruit), I think I'm formed an impression.

                            I love this stuff. Based on the descriptions, I shouldn't but..wow. This is great snus.

                            The classic tastes remarkably like orange sherbet to me at first, with a darker maple flavor coming out after a half hour or so. The ice fruit should be everything I hate about flavored snus, but I absolutely love it. It's perfect with a glass of iced tea, and the mint flavor isn't overdone.

                            The texture is what gets me. The portions are perfect (full, fluffy, and well-made), and it's the first snus I've ever tried that I can enjoy without constantly drinking something.

                            Anyway, I'm very impressed. It's great stuff, and even though it's nothing like Ettan, I think it'll end up being my daily snus.

                            - Jeff


                            • sandstorm
                              • May 2008
                              • 94

                              I got my order of Ice-Fruit last week. The first two portions were fine. Cool taste, then the salt hit. The first few portions were heavily salted. The salt run was so profound I had to spit out the portion after 30 minutes. I moved the tin back to the frig and moved on to my other favorites. After a few days, I decided to try the Ice Fruit again. I folded the portion length wise, this time I did not get the massive salt run like I did days before. I did have a some that were like the first few, but it’s mellowed out. Down to my last three portions and I must admit I like this snus!!! It has moved to my rotation list. I will order more and try out a tin of the original. Hope I don’t get the massive salt run like I did before on the next order!


                              • snusfather
                                • Jun 2008
                                • 227

                                THE ICE FRUIT:
                                I've only tried it once and kept the potion in for an hour. My unfortunate firt impression is that it tasts just like the tooth polishing paste my dentist uses on my regular cleenings. A very unfortunate coincidence. I'll continue to try this one in hopes of overcomming the assosiation by the end of the can.

                                THE CLASSIC:
                                Not bad, not terrific eather. I agree with the folks who said it is like Gotland's yellow only mellower with more citrus. I do prefer it to the yellow; but as citrusy snuses go, I would have to deffer to the Onyx in my case. Perhaps as I finish the can, I will get fonder of it. (My palate is not as refined as many who post on this site).


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