Jakobsson's - first impressions!

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  • Grim
    • Jun 2008
    • 850

    I think ive found my Main stay snus in the original portions. I was going to wait to try them as i have a can of Onyx,Gotlandssnus Gron,Gotlandsnus Gul,Goteborgs Rape and General Los opened.

    I Couldnt wait so i opened one and was just in love at first taste. I was the right balance of flavor. I wasnt smacked in the face by a salty lemon nor was i suck em down to get flavor out of them.

    Has an excellent palate and nic kick. Definately No. 1 in my book with Goteborgs Rape Los at No. 2


    • mwood72

      I do like this new Jakobbson's Classic. To me it kind of has a nice orangey twang to it and it gives slighlty more of a punch than my regular General in the nic department. I think I'll try a can of the Ice Fruit in my next order also.


      • Mr. Unloadingzone
        • Jun 2008
        • 317

        Originally posted by rustic
        Thanks for the quick review! I just ordered a few of both to try.
        I like the Yellow okay, but it's one of those combinations of flavors that could stand a little improvement in my book. Specifically, your description of the differences sound like what I'm looking for.
        I wish buysnus had instant delivery
        - Jeff
        You guys better be right on the Jakobssons Ice-Fruit. With my discount and the free shipping offer they had last weekat BuySnus.com, I bought a ROLL! :shock:
        Also on faith, I bought a roll of the Philip Morris 1847 but only 1....odd looking can of the Nick and Johnny East. And as usual, Sweden to Texas in 4 business days!

        My current favorites have been General White and Goteborgs Rape, but I'm getting a little bored with them. This switch should certainly wake up my tastebuds!

        I still have an open can of both the Goteborgs and the General, but I think I'm going to try the Ice Fruit tonight anyway. I hope you guys are right..........


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Never fear, I'm /always/ right :^P


          • rustic
            • Sep 2007
            • 54

            Originally posted by Mr. Unloadingzone
            You guys better be right on the Jakobssons Ice-Fruit. With my discount and the free shipping offer they had last weekat BuySnus.com, I bought a ROLL!
            I still have an open can of both the Goteborgs and the General, but I think I'm going to try the Ice Fruit tonight anyway. I hope you guys are right..........
            Oh, I'm right. The Ice Fruit is much, much better than it has any right to be.

            Based on its description, it should be vaguely minty and disgusting, but it's really well balanced in terms of flavor.

            And it's perfect with a glass of iced tea.

            For the record, though, I think it tastes like ass when drinking coffee.

            - Jeff


            • Xobeloot
              • Jan 2008
              • 2542

              Icefruit has become my daily snus to use after brushing my teeth, but before my morning coffee.


              • Subtilo
                • Dec 2006
                • 524

                ... I just brush 'em with Classic. Like the taste better than Colgate.

                Nah, just kidding - I don't use Colgate but Aquafresh ...



                • jamesstew
                  • May 2008
                  • 1440

                  I finally got around to trying the classic and am happy to say that GS hasn't let me down. I agree that it is milder than GS yellow but the maple and rose flavors really shine through. Really well balanced IMO and a little less bitter and salty than Gul, however after an hour or so a little bitterness, albeit very clean an pleasant presents itself. The weird thing it they look almost like white portions, the tobacco is nice and moist but the bag is a little dryer than some. I definitely will be getting more of this, classy tin and graphics also.


                  • Mr. Unloadingzone
                    • Jun 2008
                    • 317

                    I bought a roll of the Ice Fruit strictly on your review and was not disappointed. The mint was not overpowering as I feared and the blueberry (I think) and tobacco taste, while mild, came through after a little while.

                    I don't think I'd rank it in my favorites, but I will certainly go through the whole roll without a problem.

                    Excellent review.....Thanks!


                    • jamesstew
                      • May 2008
                      • 1440

                      I fell asleep with a portion of the original in my lip last night and it actually still tasted good this morning.


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