Ettan Kardus Now on SALE!

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  • jagmanss
    • Jul 2010
    • 12213

    Ettan Kardus Now on SALE!

    Ettan Kardus Now on SALE! Until: November 30th, 2011 !! At snuscentral...

    Did I miss something!!!!

    I thought Ettan Kardus was not going to be available until Q4 of 2012.... Yet it's for sale and in stock on snuscental and buysnus.... Currently It's November's Monthly special at snuscentral.

    Buysnus states that it's a limited release of 100 and they have 30 to offer...

    Yet snuscentral mentions nothing about a limited quantity..... Although it is Q4 now for 2011... Guess they started early....

    Thought you Ettan Kardus lovers would want to know...
  • enojy
    • Jul 2010
    • 150

    I noticed that the description says that it's just regular Ettan los, but in a different package. If this is true, why pay so much...? Is this only for the most diehard of Ettan fans?


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      Ettan Kardus is really good. I won it in a contest and passed it around in a loser box pass. I personally wouldn't shell out the cash for it but if you love Ettan los it is worth it. I don't like Ettan enough to buy it but if you do and can afford it buy it.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by enojy
        I noticed that the description says that it's just regular Ettan los, but in a different package. If this is true, why pay so much...? Is this only for the most diehard of Ettan fans?
        It tasted fresher to me. Maybe it was my imagination, I dunno. Based purely on taste, I'd say it isn't worth it. If you count the cool packaging you could put in a display case, maybe it is, depends on what you value.

        I'd like to see more brands(You listening Jimmy?) pack lössnus in these packages; perhaps at a slight discount. It's less wasteful than cans, and it makes a great canvas for artwork. Make the whole back, and perhaps 1 end the stupid warnings, and you get the rest to make some great art.


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