Ettan Kardus Now on SALE! Until: November 30th, 2011 !! At snuscentral...

Did I miss something!!!!
I thought Ettan Kardus was not going to be available until Q4 of 2012.... Yet it's for sale and in stock on snuscental and buysnus.... Currently It's November's Monthly special at snuscentral.
Buysnus states that it's a limited release of 100 and they have 30 to offer...
Yet snuscentral mentions nothing about a limited quantity..... Although it is Q4 now for 2011... Guess they started early....
Thought you Ettan Kardus lovers would want to know...

Did I miss something!!!!
I thought Ettan Kardus was not going to be available until Q4 of 2012.... Yet it's for sale and in stock on snuscental and buysnus.... Currently It's November's Monthly special at snuscentral.
Buysnus states that it's a limited release of 100 and they have 30 to offer...
Yet snuscentral mentions nothing about a limited quantity..... Although it is Q4 now for 2011... Guess they started early....
Thought you Ettan Kardus lovers would want to know...