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SNUSON OFF Topic Thread v.1.0 - Keep it fresh and share your story
I once hid under my girlfriends bed when I was 13 years old as her father walked into the apartment surprising us both. I was a new snuser and had a General portion in my lip. He walks in, sits on the bed, walks around, pays his bills - basically hanging out while I am hiding. So I was not used to swallowing the strong snus saliva so I had a mouth full of saliva for a good 20 minutes, then I swallowed it and it kept on coming more. When he actually left the apartment after around 45 minutes or so, I ran to the balcony and let out the biggest black tar saliva known to man.
As he saw my glorious snus saliva sail across the sky and land infront of his feet, he came back up.
Fortunately I had made my escape to the top floor in the building and spied on him until he left.
Originally posted by clint404LOL!
I've jumped out windows before when my G/Fs mom came home early before.Oh how I miss my youth.
I had a girls father chase me (drunk, quickly sobering) running out of their house holding my shoes in my hands as I am trying to run past the snow laiden parking lot with only socks on. Fun times indeed!
P.S I got away but I could hear him screaming out to me for a solid 10 minutes
P.S.S excellent choice to have General Lös as your favorite. One of my all time favorite snus.
When I was sixteen, I was cutting school and drinking with my girlfriend...Her family was extremely wealthy and lived in a house so big I think her Kitchen was bigger then the house I grew up in...So we go back to her house and continue to drink and do what drunk teens do....Well both of us where in her room in our birthday suit making load animal noises...we both were drunk and not paying attention to anything else, other then our teenage lust in action.....about 5 mins into it her mother busts in the room and say "OMG!!!! YOU'SE ARE SCREWING!!!"...there was no hiding it...caught red handed...and due to my anxiety, youth and being a little drunk.....I burst out laughing uncontrollably...not the best reaction, but at the time I couldn't help it....Thank God it wasn't her father....I think it would've ended much differently
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