SNUSON OFF Topic Thread v.1.0 - Keep it fresh and share your story

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  • clint404
    • Jul 2011
    • 317

    2 things tonite:

    First I'm pissed at UPS. I missed my snus delivery today so I went to the depot at 6:30 to pick it upp after work. It left at 5:55am and STILL WAS NOT BACK 13 hours later. Bulls#!7!

    Two, I'm having a hard time choosing a tablet for christmas. I'm leaning towards the viewsonic g tab and flashing cyanogen mod seeing as how its 10", tegra2, and $200


    • Monkey
      Senior Member
      • Mar 2009
      • 3290

      UPS came yesterday and I missed but we have after hours pickup. I did what I was supposed to do but never go5 the call telling me what time to be at the depot. I just went down there and picked up my stuff at 8pm but they couldn't find it. I had to wait 45to minutes because the driver left it on the truck and they had to find it in there. I was pissed. I hate UPS. Twice in a row they couldn't find my package. Last time they put it in a weird place and I had to wait over an hour to get my snus. Not a happy camper.

      I have no idea about the tablet. Back in my day a tablet was something we carved important shit into.


      • Rattlesnake
        • Nov 2010
        • 891

        My bucket has a hole in it.


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          Originally posted by Rattlesnake
          My bucket has a hole in it.
          Well fix it dear Henry.


          • clint404
            • Jul 2011
            • 317

            A little "on topic" but the new general classic blends are GOOD! A the tin is titties too.


            • Monkey
              Senior Member
              • Mar 2009
              • 3290

              Originally posted by clint404
              A little "on topic" but the new general classic blends are GOOD! A the tin is titties too.

              What is the topic of this thread?

              Snus is still off topic in the specific "off topic" the topic of the thread is being "not on topic" where this post is almost topical but don't rub it on your skin unless you like that kind of thing......

     my post on topic? And if I in trouble?

              The chicken.....nature's whoopee cushion?

              It isn't breakfast if you haven't slept.....or is it?

              What does purple taste like?

              What is on topic on this thread?

              I am so confused....


              • clint404
                • Jul 2011
                • 317

                I have access to a cnc machine so look for some 2 and 3 compartment snus cans from me in the near future.

                I promise you they won't cost a dime over $20 if I decide to sell them. No colors, not even polished aluminum, all function no bs. O ring sealed too!


                • Duff338
                  • Sep 2011
                  • 423

                  Stewart's Mint Cookie Crumble Ice Cream

                  Buy it.




                  Monkey I think the color purple tastes like grapes or Whoopie Goldberg.

                  Monkey makes the most amazing snuff cocktails and I would kill a man, or small insect for more of his menthol clove snuff.....yes is that good. Your are to blending/sorting snuff what Hendrix was to rock. Cheers Monkey!

                  I was in the city today looking for a new job ans stopped at a small tobacco shop directly across from Grand Central(Grand Central Terminal 42nd St NYC). They sold General OP, WP, Los, Mint and Wintergreen. It was not in a normal mini general fridge, nothing as big as the ones in Sweden but about 5ft high give or take...I spoke to one of the employee's who informed me it was selling so well that they needed the larger refrigerator as they often quickly sold out. The guy told me they sell 3000 or more cans a month in this an average of 100 cans a day. This number seemed high and could've been B.S. , but for anyone not familiar with this area it is a heavily trafficked area which millions of people come in and out of daily to work, shop and/or visit, so it could very well be truth....what really blew my mind is that the same tobacco shop guys tells me that mostly women are buying it! I was unaware General snus is apparently very big with the Ladies of NYC.

                  It's spectacular to hear General is selling so well at certain locations, I hope this is a growing trend which leads more and more mfg.'s and variety of snus into the states.


                  Time to grab a portion and wait for the snus fairy to arrive,


                  • WickedKitchen
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 2528

                    I have decided that I do not like the star formation. As far as the snus goes, it's probably better since being compacted will minimize the air coming in contact with the snus but brain wants to keep the rest of the snus in the formation much the same as I line up the piece of the label on the lid with that of the rest of the can.


                    • BlueSaint
                      • May 2011
                      • 195

                      Originally posted by WickedKitchen
                      I have decided that I do not like the star formation. As far as the snus goes, it's probably better since being compacted will minimize the air coming in contact with the snus but brain wants to keep the rest of the snus in the formation much the same as I line up the piece of the label on the lid with that of the rest of the can.
                      I like the star formation, looks good and it's easier to count how many there are left


                      • Bigblue1
                        Banned Users
                        • Dec 2008
                        • 3923

                        shouldn't this thread be in pawa section?


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Originally posted by Bigblue1
                          shouldn't this thread be in pawa section?


                          • EricHill78
                            • Jun 2010
                            • 4253

                            I got a haircut today. I feel so fresh and new.


                            • Bigblue1
                              Banned Users
                              • Dec 2008
                              • 3923

                              Originally posted by EricHill78

                              Whatever, I was searching for the general sightings thread and came across it. Didn't think it belonged where it was so I mentioned it. As I've seen done a hundred times before. I really don't give 2 craps if it stays where it does or not......... Just figured I'd point it out to the powers that be....


                              • Monkey
                                Senior Member
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 3290

                                Originally posted by EricHill78
                                I got a haircut today. I feel so fresh and new.
                                I shave my head almost every morning....better than coffee.


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