Make no mistake about it... if it was not for snus, I'd still be smoking. Recently however, I had the opportunity to try an e-cigarette as a prop for a master of ceremonies gig that I did. I did some research and purchased one that did not have nicotine, was cinnamon (fireball) flavored with a 100% vegetable glycerin base and produced tons of vapor. The experience was remarkable! It was like smoking an atomic fireball jawbreaker.
The experience was so pleasant, shortly thereafter, I purchased several other non-nicotine flavors. Butter rum, cotton candy, peaches and cream... They were all fantastic. Then, like a fool, I purchased some nicotine flavored (16 Mg) eJuice. GAGGGGGG! Man, was that ever a mistake. Doing the e-cig's without nic is like eating sweets. When nic is added, it changes the flavor and makes the vapor harsh.
I'm still using the e-cig's w/o nic and enjoying the numerous flavors available; however, I still use snus for my nic fix. IMO, I can't see how e-cig's alone can get people off the cigarette habit. Before I discovered snus, I tried EVERYTHING out there to kick the habit... gum, patches... none of it worked. Only snus was able to turn the trick. Has anyone else had a similar experience and are you using e-cig's for the flavor and snus for the nic?
The experience was so pleasant, shortly thereafter, I purchased several other non-nicotine flavors. Butter rum, cotton candy, peaches and cream... They were all fantastic. Then, like a fool, I purchased some nicotine flavored (16 Mg) eJuice. GAGGGGGG! Man, was that ever a mistake. Doing the e-cig's without nic is like eating sweets. When nic is added, it changes the flavor and makes the vapor harsh.
I'm still using the e-cig's w/o nic and enjoying the numerous flavors available; however, I still use snus for my nic fix. IMO, I can't see how e-cig's alone can get people off the cigarette habit. Before I discovered snus, I tried EVERYTHING out there to kick the habit... gum, patches... none of it worked. Only snus was able to turn the trick. Has anyone else had a similar experience and are you using e-cig's for the flavor and snus for the nic?