Evolution of a snuser

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  • DanielO
    • Nov 2011
    • 66

    Evolution of a snuser

    I thought I'd post a bit about my evolution as a snuser, and ask how you've evolved.

    I started with portions, but quickly graduated to loose. I used an icetool for a while, and then learned to hand bake. As my prillas got smaller and smaller I stopped hand baking and got to the "pinch it a few times and stick it in" school of thought. Now, instead of baking a big ol pris and snusing for two hours, I pinch a small one that lasts for 30 or 45 minutes and change it more often. I find I get the most nicotine this way. I should note that I use nasal snuff in conjunction with snus, and I use sterks as often as 8mg snus.

    How has your journey gone?
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Started with portions. 2 months later I got a tin of Ettan lös, but was underwhelmed. Another month after that I got Landströms, and fell in love. Bought an IceTool ~10 days after that cause Landströms is a real PITA to use without tools. Picked up a couple more tins of lös over the next couple months, and realized the lös tastes different from the portions. Bought everything in lös form, and ~8 months after my first snus I was using almost 100% lös, and an IceTool virtually 100% of the time. Fast forward to today, and little has changed. I handbake V2, and Pioneer, but use the IceTool most of the time. Waiting for Gellivare/Landströms to come back, and some more Gotland snus would be nice... :^/


    • -Tom-
      • Sep 2011
      • 15

      Started with portions and still using portions. Have tried lös, but it's just to much hassle for me, not just making the pris, but also that it dries out so quick and you have to moisten it again. Yeah, I'm lazy...

      At first I wanted to try as much different brands and flavors as I could find, but I don't care for that anymore. Just using the same 3 snusses (Grov, granit white and granit special) all the time.


      • Renico
        • May 2011
        • 237

        Started with portions, still portions, and only portions, i love. More easy to use and a wider range of brands.

        Im still on my journey to find the right snus. I got some I like more than others and some I hate more than others. I dont think ill ever settle down at some snus because sometime im craving straight tobacco and sometimes im craving mint or any other flavour.

        Mostly using 8mg but I tend to crave a bit more nicotine evvery now and then so im mixing what to use.

        Im using 1 can at a time. Its really hard when you got a stash with many different flavours waiting but I have chosen to do it this way.


        • Froofather
          • Apr 2011
          • 198

          I started with portions. Then a couple months later got an icetool and a few cans of Los. 2 Ettan. 1 Extreme. 1 Kronan. 1 G. Rape #1. Started with G.Rape because I like the portions. It was ok. Tried the Ettan and liked it. But never could get a prilla to hold together. Finished both of those cans and opened the Extreme. I tried handbaking it. Didnt work to good. Then I started loose handbaking and putting in bottom lip. Great nic hit! But only lasted about 10 min before it was every where. Like a oreo blew up in my mouth. I actually let most of that can dry out. Really wish I had just put it back in the freezer.

          Went 3 months using just portions. I recently grabbed my other can of Ettan Los. First was a bottom lipper. Stayed together for 30 mins. Then got my icetool out. I realised something. When I use the icetool to place the prilla it doesnt go in the right place. So the next one I used the icetool but ejected the prilla into my hand. Then placed it using my fingers. Worked alot better. Lasted for about an hr. Since then been using Los almost exclusively at night.

          White Portions are still my work go tos. Original portions for day use. usually when Im hanging out with ppl. Los for when Im at home.


          • WolfenJack
            • Nov 2011
            • 140

            I'm a freakin whack job so far. My taste is all over the map. I have only used portions so far. I want to try los but am afraid I'll like it too much. It seems messier and I know my lady won't like it, so for now I'm sticking to portions. I love sterks as they seem to be so much more flavorful and the flavor lasts a lot longer. I find, however if I use sterks all day I get burned out. BY burned out I mean I get really tired and my gums get sore. So, I alternate between sterks and regulars. I do not prefer white portions, with the exception of Roda Lacket and if it came in a regular portion I would buy that instead. Favorites so far are: Jak's Stong Mint, Jak's Classic Strong, and Nick & Johnny Original Portion. For regs my favorites so far are: Roda Lacket and Ettan. The way my taste keeps changing, this could be different in a month. I think Jak's Strong Mint will always be in my rotation somewhere, I just like it that much. I have a bad habit of opening cans as soon as my order comes in. So I havea lot of open cans at any given time.


            • CoderGuy
              • Jul 2009
              • 2679

              Originally posted by -Tom-
              Started with portions and still using portions. Have tried lös, but it's just to much hassle for me, not just making the pris, but also that it dries out so quick and you have to moisten it again. Yeah, I'm lazy...

              At first I wanted to try as much different brands and flavors as I could find, but I don't care for that anymore. Just using the same 3 snusses (Grov, granit white and granit special) all the time.

              ^^^THIS except my 3 snuses are General WP, Jakobbson's Strong Classic, and Jakobbson's Strong Wintergreen.


              • AtreyuKun
                • Aug 2009
                • 1223

                Started with portions and pretty still do. Only the very occasional los. I enjoyed Bla and Ettan. Just not my thing.


                • Mr. Snuffleupagus
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 2781

                  Started on mini portions and it didn't work out. Started smoking again. Got some strong portions and kicked the smokes. Tried loose and traded most of my portions for loose. Got a bunch of Icetools but don't use them anymore. Like to use about 8 different kinds of snus a day. Liking a variety helps not burn out on a particular one and makes it less sad when something gets discontinued/unavailable.


                  • justintempler
                    • Nov 2008
                    • 3090

                    I started with portions and slowly switched to loose. At the beginning I played around with a cutoff syringe and opted to concentrate on hand baking. I hand bake with between my finger tips, not in the palm of my hand. My prillas resemble the product of an Icetool but done by hand. The easiest way to describe them is a mini tootsie roll. My prillas last me anywhere from an hour to an hour and a half.

                    I don't think the farmer's pinch method would work for my style of snus use. I prefer a tighter prilla that lasts a long time. I'm almost 100% loose now and raid my stash of Swedish Camel for the occasional portion that I keep in the fridge.


                    • Roo
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 3446

                      Kicked it all off with an Ettan portion from a Northerner try out box. The box was all portions, after it was gone ordered some more portions. I remember when I first ordered Nick and Johnny Strong, back when that was one of the strongest snus one could order, I opened the can and thought it smelled like the nicotine patches my girl was using at the time. I haven't had N&J in ages but I'm sure these days, after a couple years of being an Odens junkie, I would find them to be pretty weak. It didn't take long to order one can of Grov lös, and I was so anxious to try it when I received it at work, I just "baked" a big old mess of it and tossed it in. Thankfully, no one came to talk to me for the ensuing 30 minutes. That shit was a mess. I probably used 70% portions 30% lös for the next 15 months.

                      Then I started smoking again, but I only smoked fancy $10 menthols, which I Never smoked before. Davidoff was my favorite brand, from the tobacco shop a block away from work. I also stopped posting much here, go figure. After maybe 9 to 12 months of that, with plenty of my old standby Parliament Lights thrown in, I picked up the snus again. I never completely dropped it; I brought some on overseas trips for planes and long van rides... that sort of thing. Anyway these days I find myself using less and less lös... I've always had to brush afterward, maybe not every time but usually, and as LX would say, I just can't arse myself to do that all the time. I miss lös... I think I'll have some now. It's been several weeks since I even threw one in. I'm gonna go be a man right now. A loose man.


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        I started with portions.. now I'm a big los fan, portions at work los at home for the most part. I'm like you, I use snuff same time as snus. Right when I put in a snus I take a pinch. It's like when the snuff wears off the snus starts doing its thing. Good times. I also base my life on the teachings of Charles in Charge.


                        • Monkey
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 3290

                          Theit first snus I usedl was a free sample from Camel (American) I googled that shit, found a shop that sold General and started out on General OP bought locally. I signed up here and tried some los. I had tried to quit smoking so many times it was a joke. I did it for a few weeks and kinda just started buying dip. It was cheaper to buy here and I was not too keen on ordering online. A few months went by dipping with the occasional smoke when I found a tin of General los in the back of my freezer. I used the whole thing and started buying General locally and actually became an active member here. After a month or so I got sick of General and said "Might as well stop ****ing around and get it online". I ordered one of every los available at the time, fell in love with Gotlandssnus gul and Taboca and amassed an apocalypse stash before PACT. THEN THEY WERE BOTH DISCONTINUED YOU MOTHER****ING COCKSUCKERS! I went to snuff, as I had been delving into it and could not really find a replacement snus for the two of them. I ordered a large amount of los to do my taste test again, snused some Phantom for a bit and now I snuff A LOT.

                          I have some thunder coola from the mystery Northerner rolls and I like that and I have a bunch of different Skruf portions coming my way plus a whole roll of Skruf Stark los. I have an undisclosed amount of Gul in the freezer but ran out of Taboca los.

                          I am still a los man....but without a go to brand I will use anything....and use way more snuff but with the less hot weather recently and more indoor actibvities going on snus has been more popular with me here.

                          True story.


                          • Roo
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 3446

                            Mike's drunk!


                            • Snusdog
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 6752

                              Originally posted by Roo
                              Mike's drunk!

                              When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


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