30 mg nicotine????

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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9758

    Dear Mr. GN has an evil plan to kill off the older members of snuson so he can take over the world and have all the ladies for himself. Code name...."Deathbysnus"
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • Renico
      • May 2011
      • 237

      I think 22mg should be the highest nicotine content available.
      I like to use a can of sterks every now and then but the limit is at 22mg.


      • Frosted
        • Mar 2010
        • 5798

        When I first heard about Extreme I thought "no way!!!"
        When I tried it it was incredible - it wasn't as strong as I thought it would be but it's still strong. If the flavour didn't hit the spot I wouldn't use it, so you really hit the spot with the combination of nic and flavour GN.
        However - that's as strong as I'd want. I honestly believe that anything above this and it's getting dangerous. 22mg is fine though because of the slower release.
        So that's a big thumbs down for a 30mg from me.................is there a company going to make this?


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          Hahaha, no... 30 mg is way too much. The nicotine war is really getting ridiculous, and I'm sure someone will release a 30 mg in a near future. Can't imagine someone actually wanting that much of a kick.

          Although. 30 mg is not THAT much when you think about it since only around 20% is absorbed. That is 6 mg of nicotine. But it's still almost 4 times as strong as a regular 8 mg portion.

          However, I would not be interested at all.


          • BlueSaint
            • May 2011
            • 195



            • Jimbob11
              • Oct 2011
              • 137

              I think you could release 50mg, or even higher, and there would be a group of people that would be drawn to it. I say keep it at 22mg and make them double-up if they want more. That way you'd be selling twice as much to the crazy sector.


              • whalen
                • May 2009
                • 6593

                It would kill me GN! I could put it in my ear and probably not survive it! There should be a limit, 30 mg is a serious habit to acquire. some serious nicotine jonesing coming to somebody.
                wiki "Popcorn Sutton" a true COOT!


                • SmokedEuro
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 280

                  Originally posted by whalen
                  It would kill me GN! I could put it in my ear and probably not survive it! There should be a limit, 30 mg is a serious habit to acquire. some serious nicotine jonesing coming to somebody.
                  It would be like heroin withdrawals from snus. Shakes, sweats the whole deal. Imagine you became acclimated to 30 mg nicotine snus. Your flavor choices would be drastically reduced or you will be shoving 4 8mg Ops in your mouth at a time. Or making dip horseshoes with snus. I dont see either as being a positive

                  (If this has offended anyone who has gone through it or anyone close who has, Im sorry, that wasnt my intent. Ive gone through it myself but not for heroin. For me it was Vicodin after an operation. I was on a large amount for several months and then one day the docs said "I dont think you need this anymore. Here is a scrip for Motrin 800mg, I was pretty sure I was going to die for at least week after that.)


                  • rickcharles606
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 2307

                    Another issue that hasn't been discussed yet is FDA regulation of these "super stark" brands of snus. I only say this because I have to deal with the FDA's regulation (interference) on a daily basis. The anti tobacco nazis would have a field day with 30mg portions or los. Nicotine content of tobacco products will be the next area of regulation for the FDA...mark my words ;-)


                    • dpete

                      Hmmm, at first thought I'd at least try it once but Rick's made a pretty good point. Perhaps now is not the time to rock the boat and give the bastards an easy target.


                      • Mordred
                        • Dec 2009
                        • 342

                        If people want it, sure, but I find that the extreme as it is is too strong for me. I find that 16mg is about as high as I can go, and even then, it's not something I do on a regular basis.


                        • Frosted
                          • Mar 2010
                          • 5798

                          Originally posted by Mordred
                          If people want it, sure, but I find that the extreme as it is is too strong for me. I find that 16mg is about as high as I can go, and even then, it's not something I do on a regular basis.
                          But this is where I have contention with this view. A Thunder Frosted 16mg, for me, is stronger than Extreme. Initially anyway.


                          • Mordred
                            • Dec 2009
                            • 342

                            I agree that the nic hits faster with the Thunder than it does with Oden's but over time, I find that the extreme builds up. It's tasty though, I'll give you that.


                            • ABW
                              • May 2011
                              • 793

                              Originally posted by rickcharles606
                              Another issue that hasn't been discussed yet is FDA regulation of these "super stark" brands of snus. I only say this because I have to deal with the FDA's regulation (interference) on a daily basis. The anti tobacco nazis would have a field day with 30mg portions or los. Nicotine content of tobacco products will be the next area of regulation for the FDA...mark my words ;-)

                              +10. That's what I was thinking... I think even the thunders are going to cause waves at FDA.. If I was a snus manufacture and looking to sell in the US I would be trying to lay low and sell a Sterk as a original and regulars as "mild" flavor.. The Anti's are all over marketing of these products and I can tell you that if and when they embrace snus they are going to put a bullseye on nic levels...


                              • Experimental Monkey
                                • Mar 2010
                                • 795

                                I'm sorry but this has got to be the stupidest question I have ever seen on here. The FDA has extended the period of time they have to potentially stop ALL online sales of tobacco. And if it doesn't happen this goaround believe me they will get their way sooner or later.

                                What would we have in the stores to choose from then? The bojank American snuses, General in specialty shops, and hopefully Ettan and the new Classic Blend and Nordic Mint in gas stations if SM's plans work out. All at 8mg or below. And to be honest, 8mg is all a person needs after 6 months to a year of getting off smokes and used to snus.

                                Instead of worrying about nicotine, GN, place your focus on finding flavor profiles that hit with the masses. Because I'm sorry, but most are not blown away by how Extreme tastes. I HATE green pepper taste in snus. It was okay at first but now I'm sitting on over 20 cans of GN snus I can't use because the taste of Extreme makes me sick and 69 and the Olde Vikings taste fake and chemical-ish. One guy on Northerner said it best: Olde Viking reminds me of a urinal cake.

                                I may get flamed for being honest because theres a ton of GN loyalists here. Why? I don't know. Most requests made to this guy have fell on deaf ears while he plans out how addicted he can get Americans to nicotine. Why are we not even offered the new Lakrits 8 mg portions?

