New member, Heyooo!

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  • Gameness
    • Dec 2011
    • 72

    New member, Heyooo!

    New swedish user here. Been using snus since I was 13 years old and I am now 25.

    I never used it to get off smoking or anything else, I use snus as my own form of reward after a rough training session on the mats.

    I only use loose snus these days but I used to be a portion man. Tried everything that is out there, learned what I liked and what I didn't like.

    Favorite brands and type in no particular order;

    General loose
    Grov loose
    Ettan loose

    For portions (when I absolutely must use them) there is nothing better IMO than General Long and Ettan regular portions.

    I have a couple of cans of Gotlands Julesnus (christmas snus) that i am going to try out in a couple of days. And I was sent two cans of Göteborgs Prima Fint as well so I have to try it out to see how 'prima fint' it actually is.

    Looking forward to exchange some snus expertise and tell you a funny snus story or two!
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Welcome to SnusOn!

    I'm surprised your teeth haven't fallen out, and you haven't started smoking. That's what happens to Americans. Well, that's what they tell us anyway :^D


    • Gameness
      • Dec 2011
      • 72

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Welcome to SnusOn!

      I'm surprised your teeth haven't fallen out, and you haven't started smoking. That's what happens to Americans. Well, that's what they tell us anyway :^D

      Thank you!

      I think if you stick to swedish snus and brush your teeth regularly you will be fine.

      I remember the first time I experienced snus back in 1990 when I was 4 years old. My family had recently moved to Sweden from Iran and we were living in a small swedish village for a year and a half before we moved to the city. We had a neighbour there named Janne, a old hard working swedish man with a chiseled face who lived in a cottage near us.

      Some of my earliest memories involve me and Janne out on a fishing boat while he taught me about swedish culture and more importantly, how to catch "gädda" (northern pike). Janne loved snus, he was a devout General loose user. One day while at his house with my family, I asked him what it was and he told me how to make a prilla and insert it under my lip. I obviously made a mess of the whole thing, got dizzy and almost puked while everyone laughed.

      Good memories!


      • Jimbob11
        • Oct 2011
        • 137

        Originally posted by Gameness
        Favorite brands and type in no particular order;

        General loose
        Grov loose
        Ettan loose

        I placed an order a few days ago for 5 cans of each of those. Considering that my favorite portion so far has been Ettan, I now feel really good about this order. It takes a lot of trial and error to find your favorites. Thanks for sharing and giving me hope!


        • Gameness
          • Dec 2011
          • 72

          Originally posted by Jimbob11

          I placed an order a few days ago for 5 cans of each of those. Considering that my favorite portion so far has been Ettan, I now feel really good about this order. It takes a lot of trial and error to find your favorites. Thanks for sharing and giving me hope!

          Rest assured that you have ordered the three best kinds of snus in the world! They are quite different on the other hand. Grov lös is a great, great snus, especially if you like the straight tobacco taste with no extras. Perfect with coffee. Easy to bake into a prilla. Unfortunately due to the coarse grind it doesn't stay together as well as some other varieties. Ettan Lös is for the true snus connessaeur, it's nearly perfect and has been made the same way for 200 years. Downside is that after a few cans you can get tired of the salty tobacco taste. General Lös is in my opinion, the best snus in the world. It's a taste that is very hard to grow tired of, stays together like concrete and tastes great even after long use.


          • Duff338
            • Sep 2011
            • 423

            Welcome to the forum!


            • Ansel
              • Feb 2011
              • 3696

              Nice to read you bro. Welcome to the forum.


              • Jimbob11
                • Oct 2011
                • 137

                Originally posted by Gameness
                Rest assured that you have ordered the three best kinds of snus in the world! They are quite different on the other hand. Grov lös is a great, great snus, especially if you like the straight tobacco taste with no extras. Perfect with coffee. Easy to bake into a prilla. Unfortunately due to the coarse grind it doesn't stay together as well as some other varieties. Ettan Lös is for the true snus connessaeur, it's nearly perfect and has been made the same way for 200 years. Downside is that after a few cans you can get tired of the salty tobacco taste. General Lös is in my opinion, the best snus in the world. It's a taste that is very hard to grow tired of, stays together like concrete and tastes great even after long use.
                Yeah, I have a feeling the General might end up being my favorite. I had a can of the extra sterk and I went through it in a few days. Loved it. But, then again, I haven't tried Ettan or Grov los yet. Or regular General, for that matter. So we shall see. I can't wait to put them to the test!


                • Snusdog
                  • Jun 2008
                  • 6752

                  Welcome to the forum mate.....glad to have you with us

                  How far are you from the Gotlands factory?
                  When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


                  • Gameness
                    • Dec 2011
                    • 72

                    Originally posted by Snusdog
                    Welcome to the forum mate.....glad to have you with us

                    How far are you from the Gotlands factory?
                    Thanks everybody for the warm welcome!

                    I am pretty close to the island of Gotland, it's a ferry away. Beautiful place in the summer!


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