New swedish user here. Been using snus since I was 13 years old and I am now 25.
I never used it to get off smoking or anything else, I use snus as my own form of reward after a rough training session on the mats.
I only use loose snus these days but I used to be a portion man. Tried everything that is out there, learned what I liked and what I didn't like.
Favorite brands and type in no particular order;
General loose
Grov loose
Ettan loose
For portions (when I absolutely must use them) there is nothing better IMO than General Long and Ettan regular portions.
I have a couple of cans of Gotlands Julesnus (christmas snus) that i am going to try out in a couple of days. And I was sent two cans of Göteborgs Prima Fint as well so I have to try it out to see how 'prima fint' it actually is.
Looking forward to exchange some snus expertise and tell you a funny snus story or two!
I never used it to get off smoking or anything else, I use snus as my own form of reward after a rough training session on the mats.
I only use loose snus these days but I used to be a portion man. Tried everything that is out there, learned what I liked and what I didn't like.
Favorite brands and type in no particular order;
General loose
Grov loose
Ettan loose
For portions (when I absolutely must use them) there is nothing better IMO than General Long and Ettan regular portions.
I have a couple of cans of Gotlands Julesnus (christmas snus) that i am going to try out in a couple of days. And I was sent two cans of Göteborgs Prima Fint as well so I have to try it out to see how 'prima fint' it actually is.
Looking forward to exchange some snus expertise and tell you a funny snus story or two!