hey can someone help me out?

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  • scythespawn
    • Oct 2007
    • 103

    hey can someone help me out?

    ok i bought 10 cans of onyx from northerner and now they are telling me it will take a long time to get it from their suppliers.. onyx are really the only portion i like but i'd still like to try some other portions i guess. i like stronger stuff with a good flavor so i was thinking about getting skruf stark. it's my favorite loose anyway. any suggestions? Thanks.
  • Asquar
    • Mar 2008
    • 256

    If you like General Onyx portions, the original Nick and Johnny Strong may be a better bet for you than the Stark. I just finished my first tin of Skruf Stark portions, and they weren't bad at all, but the flavor was extremely subtle and herbal (rose oil? I don't know.)

    Onyx has a very bright citrus like character, and N&J is much closer to that IMHO. SS is my go-to lös too, and I tried their portions to see whether they have the potential to replace N&J as my regular stark portion. They will not, as I like N&J much better. But as always, there is no accounting for taste.


    • scythespawn
      • Oct 2007
      • 103

      i've had those before. for some reason i'm not a big fan of N&J... it just doesn't taste as good as skruf stark to me.


      • scythespawn
        • Oct 2007
        • 103

        hmm well i just went with 8 cans of skruf stark portions, 1 can of jakobsson's icefruit, and 1 can of jakobsson's classic. i've heard good things about that brand, even though i'm not expecting it to be strong.


        • Xobeloot
          • Jan 2008
          • 2542

          I tend to shy away from the strong or stark labeled stuff these days. The have more nicotine freebased out of them, so they tend to hit stronger/faster making my head spin. I will, however, use two regular portions at once giving me comparable nigotine without the sledgehammer to the head feeling.

          That aside (since it had nothing to do with your original question)... You should enjoy the Skruf. The flavor will be a bit more subdued compared to Onyx, but it is not bad in any way. If I could get a Skruf loose that was not stark, I would order a roll in a heartbeat. I just cant stomach the stark anymore.


          • razor
            • Dec 2007
            • 78

            I don't think the General ONYX Portions are that strong, actually they seem to be have an average nicotine kick. Look for something with citrus in it for the mean time. If you want a more clinical kick in the head and like citrus, try Wise Citrus 6mg. It does not have the traditional snus flavor, but highly addictive. I ran out for a week and I was freeking out for the first 4 days while I was sucking down NJ West. Wise 6mg does give me a head spin, but I'm drawn to it like a moth to a light. I do lots of of other snus portions and los, but every other snus product I use during the course of the day is Wise Original or Citrus 6mg. Someday I may have to go into detox for it. :shock:


            • Kerprodo
              • Apr 2008
              • 138

              Possible that it is absorbed differently somehow for you, but onyx has 11 mg nic per portion, avg snus is 8 mg, and other strongs seem to all be 11-12 mg.


              • scythespawn
                • Oct 2007
                • 103

                man... this sucks. i replied to the email i got and told them what i'd rather have then 10 hours later i find out the email didn't send. so i just went back to customer service and explained and told them what i wanted. it will probably take a couple of days until they reply or get the message. *sigh* longer wait. but yes, about the N&J, i just don't enjoy the taste as much as skruf stark.. skruf was the first brand i tried and it was amazing... soon after, i heard about onyx and decided to check it out and i loved the taste equally and it wasn't completely weak like some other brands(like regular general). i enjoy good taste and nice strength at the same time.. but i'm currently looking for the best tasting brands. i'm slowly trying other stuff. so far i've had: skruf stark loose, general onyx portions(my two favorites), gustavus maxi(boring, weak), general loose(tastes nice, but too weak for me), N&J loose, and N&J portions. My next order will surely have some RL(fruity sounds good) and knox(good price, plus i heard it was very similar to skruf)

                sorry for wall of text...


                • Datrowl
                  • May 2008
                  • 22

                  the closest i could get ya to Onyx without Onyx would be.... General ... i know you said they were weak but offset this with the " wise wine and chef " ? snus..... those are the tastless 6mg nic kickers, when used with a general portion, the tast should be pretty close, and the nic hit should be 2 to 3 mg BETTER than the onyx. the down side, you consume the cans 2 at a time, slightly makeing up the cost difference between regular general and Onyx, but it SHOULD get ya thru a week or two till your onyx ships...

                  get a can or 2 of each and giver hell =o)


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