I really didn't like Blue Ocean and Jagarpris for recent entries. There's a lot of snus I don't care for compared to my trusty sand-bys. I'll list some I will never order again: Thunder Blue, any Phantom/Rothbrix, Thunder Coola and Berry, Probe Whiskey, any Offroad, any Wintergreen, any Christmas snus, ICEFRUIT (!!!), Bla, Elyxir... I cannot turn off my underline...wtf. Dinner Time.
Most disgusting Snus you've ever had?
I was talking about the Gotland julesnus (mulled wine, ginger snaps, cinnamon) is the taste description. I absolutely loved it. The other kind that starts with an N doesn't sound too appealing. Not sure which one all of you are talking about but the one i ahd tasted like cinnamon and aged wine. So im assuming you guys are talking about the other one.
Hmm. Odens 69 white portion was ehhh. I wouldnt buy it again. The most disgusting is Marlboro "snus". Disgusting!!!! I dont see why everyone hates the Rothbrix. I have a Rothbrix Brown portion in right now. Its ok. Low drip. Phantom blue always gave me migraines. HOOORRRRBLE migraines. But something about the weird flavor and windexy smell makes me wanna try it again. Lol.
P.S. Atreyu... I love that lil video in your sig. LMAO
Originally posted by Thunder_SnusHave like 28 cans of rothbrix left. Got 3 rolls in that nearly expired deal. 2 of brown 1 of blue.....They're ok but im certianly not going to go through them all before i put in a new order.
Tried the blue before, disgusting! Tastes like windex.
Worst tasting snus I've had though has to be that damn Extreme Coffee Supreme. Tastes like cheap artificial chocolate flavoring... blech.
Originally posted by CzechCzar+1
I like julesnus, but I am a newb on the other hand
Thunder Blue is the worst. Not sure how that ever ended up in my mailbox, but I wish it never had. Tastes almost as though the portions were soaked in actual blue paint.
Originally posted by OregonNativeElixyr energy snus.
Literally one of the worst things that I've ever tasted. If it had any sort of effect on my energy levels, I'd never know because I always removed the portions within a couple of minutes.
Originally posted by rickcharles606Agreed...this has to be the worst I've had as well. On a side note...how the hell are you dude? Haven't seen you around lately, you just kind of dropped off the face of the earth. Did they send you back overseas?
Yeah man, I'm back in China.. again. I'll be heading home in about a month. I owe you a beer (or 10) when I get home! I'm at work now, but I'll send you a PM as soon as possible.