Snus on a plane?

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  • HachibanRamen
    • Jan 2012
    • 18

    Snus on a plane?

    I know TSA is anal (they wouldn't let me take pomade or a tiny bottle on the plane =.=) but I have a question about snus...

    Can you take it on and use it on a plane with you and through security safely?

    I tried calling TSA but couldn't get to anyone =.=

    This is a flight from ABQ to LA to MCO.

    How about international flights? I don't have one until August for my second round in Japan

    Thanks for the help
  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Yah I brought through 7 cans in my pockets one time (I was worried too because I thought they would say "wtf why do you have all this tobacco on you", to which I would promptly reply "Because FLAVAZ bitch!").


    • Thunder_Snus
      • Oct 2011
      • 1316

      threw about 5 cans in my checked luggage no problem. Carry on i dont see a problem. Not like you're going to snus someone to death on the plane. Throw it in the bin and walk through the body scanner/metal detector. International i have no idea.


      • EricHill78
        • Jun 2010
        • 4253

        Snus on a plan?


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          I've never had any trouble at all and I take snus with me every time I fly. Los for the layovers.....portions for the flight
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • HachibanRamen
            • Jan 2012
            • 18

            Okay so I should be fine using it on the plane? :P i have a 3 hour layover in LA =.= hooray for last minute aadvantage flights


            • teeotee
              • Jul 2009
              • 251

              About two years back i flew to England. Took about 4 cans in carry on and packed more in checked luggage, never had a problem. Was great to have snus since i was either flying or in airports for close to 16 hours due to connection times.


              • HachibanRamen
                • Jan 2012
                • 18


                Haha, I remember going Fort Myers > Atlanta > Tokyo > BKK and I had a 7 hour layover in Japan =.= it was so long and I couldn't leave airports. Got lots of Japanese candy though :P BKK > Japan was 6 hours but that was when I got to stay in Japan. Stuck in Japan > DFW... I HATE DALLAS AIRPORT.


                • Thunder_Snus
                  • Oct 2011
                  • 1316

                  Any flight I have been on has a rule that there is no smoking on the plane and that no oral tobacco may be used such as chewing tobacco. I hardly doubt anyone is going to start shouting at you if you put something in your mouth though.


                  • WickedKitchen
                    • Nov 2009
                    • 2528

                    the just don't want you spitting in the cabin. I've never had a problem flying with it and plan to tomorrow in fact. Here in the US there's a lot of ignorance about snus so you might have to convince the agent that it's spit-free but other than that you should be golden.


                    • Kaplan
                      • May 2011
                      • 203

                      Snus on a plane...Wasn't that a really stupid movie?

                      When I flew this past summer, I had an Onyx in the whole time, and it was the most stress free flights in a very long time. I was a little worried about flying to Indonesia, which I may be doing this year or next with my wife, so I'm happy to hear when others have flown to that part of the world with no problems.


                      • Roo
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 3446

                        Some airports I've flown through with snus: Beijing, Xi'an, Beijing, Seattle; Frankfurt, Almaty, Tashkent, Urgench, Tashkent, Almaty, Frankfurt, Seattle; Newark, Paris, Doha, Kuala Lumpur, Tioman, Singapore, Chicago, Seattle. Not a single question asked about my snus! Worry not, brother, and snus on.


                        • Nuusku
                          • Aug 2011
                          • 993

                          I have had it with these mother****ing snuses on this mother****ing plane!


                          • the Duff
                            • Nov 2011
                            • 17

                            I can't believe it took that long! If you didn't, I would have.


                            • UTVol10
                              • Feb 2010
                              • 57

                              I flew just last week on a business trip, and nobody even batted an eye at my snus cans at security. I'm sure you'll have no problem!


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