Some lowlights:
"Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada called on the federal government to do more to reduce the appeal of smoking, especially among young people."
"Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada wants all flavoured tobacco products banned, including shisha, because of their appeal to young people."
""There is no safe level of tobacco use," Dr. Euan Swan of the Canadian Dental Association said at the news conference."
"Health Canada will continue to monitor emerging trends of other tobacco products and take action in the future when warranted."
This doesn't bode well for us.
Some lowlights:
"Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada called on the federal government to do more to reduce the appeal of smoking, especially among young people."
"Physicians for a Smoke-Free Canada wants all flavoured tobacco products banned, including shisha, because of their appeal to young people."
""There is no safe level of tobacco use," Dr. Euan Swan of the Canadian Dental Association said at the news conference."
"Health Canada will continue to monitor emerging trends of other tobacco products and take action in the future when warranted."
This doesn't bode well for us.