Snus awareness? And expansion?

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  • HachibanRamen
    • Jan 2012
    • 18

    Snus awareness? And expansion?

    How aware is the general population of snus?

    I only found out of it because of a couple Swedish friends I made while studying abroad. Most of them used snus and i tried some and enjoyed it but didn't start using it regularly until I came back to the US and my dipping ways were not tolerated :P

    Most of my friends have no idea what it even is...some have an idea but are not entirely sure haha

    Are there any advertisements for snus because in my nearly 20 years of life I have never seen an snus ad. I think this is a 10x better product then cigarettes, dip, etc. I feel like it doesn't make my mouth feel nasty, give me bad breath, do anything to my teeth, don't feel any adverse health effects, and it's easy enough to use without people knowing.

    Any chance if it takes off in popularity, Swedish snus would be more available in American stores like circle k etc?
  • thegameisover2k2
    • Jan 2011
    • 92

    I doubt it. It wont prolly become too popular because most people look at it like its dip here or worse than dip.


    • Kaplan
      • May 2011
      • 203

      Clearly the general population is not very aware of snus. At best the name sticks in their head from seeing it at gas stations in connection with Marlboro and Camel products. Until a friend explained everything to me, I was thinking snus must just be some fancy name for dip. But still Ettan and General are making some headway into the States, and more people are hearing about it. Snus has a lot of things going for it. Users love it. It's safe, it's convenient, and with smoking becoming harder to do anywhere in public and becoming more expensive everyday, people are going to seek alternatives.

      Snus can catch on, but it won't happen overnight.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Government interference in the free market is the biggest obstacle to expansion. Remove government interference, and everyone will know of snus within 5 years.


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